MADNESS 3 ???,, it "madness to block a not -for profit video ? or to make an event to help kids be self -supporting ...
path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish
and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, who in the name of charity and good
will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his
brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon
thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison
and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name when I lay my vengeance upon
thee. ...who block YOUR ATTENDANCE at something good for the kids at... ???
MaDnEsS 4 that my now 18 year old son, is so "possessed" by his mothers vile obsession with him,and polution of him, that he dare not even open himself up for "the truth" ..and the truth is that he was stolen because I dared to oppose "germoney" and the prejudices of the people living in that imprisoned society- he has never been given a CHANCE to know me , who i was, who i am or who i will worse than FEE-male PMT..

estranged son (Leon) is 18 today he onl;y know what his mother told him about me
(she won her "possesion") be a man, find out who I really am!
??? MADneSS 5 , when CSerS dont respect the Host who offers free accomodation , food hospitality and more.... late changes of plans that disrupt my programme and affect "would be CSers" that wanted to stay with me.. some examples ;
Hey Chris! I think that we misunderstood each other when it comes to hosting us
in Montenegro - I still have the sms where I wrote u that we won't sleep in
Podgorica, but if we will come to the city, I ll let you know so that we can
meet. That's why I am surprised that you said that "hosting was belatedly
cancelled" on my profile. You know that when you travel plans sometimes changed
and you cannot predict everything - we caught a transport to Kotor directly and
since we were in a rush cuz of our plane to Poland again from Belgrade we couldn
t stay in Podgorica.
When it comes to your proposition - I have started
studying in France, so I won't be in Poland that time, anyway I am sure that you
gonna meet a lot of nice people.
Take care,
Fernanda> , Thanks for your fast answer Chris!
I understand you need to know in advance
when I arrive, it seems logical to me... the problem is I have to wait until 4pm
that the bus office information opens to know the bus schedule to pogdorica...
until know I have all kind of confusing information... like there only early
morning buses or exactly the contrary that there are only one evening bus...
that is why I will know once the information office is open. (BUT....)
Fernanda Jardon from Argentina > |
I let you know as soon as I knew myself first and when I
found a proper internet connexion. I ve already apologize to you and I would
like to repeat how much I m sorry not surf your couch... I was looking forward
to meet you after all I read on your profile!
Hope you are not mad with me
and I didnt ruin some other cs plans.
Hope we can meet another
Ella Janatuinen > has written the following reference about you on
I send few couch requests at the same town, cause i
wanted to be sure that
i'll meet some local people to hang out and get a
place to sleep. i think
that almost every people send more than one request
to cities and that's
why sometimes you have to cancel some other one, if you
got more than one
place to be. Well i got two mail from other hosts and they
both promised to
host me. i decided to choose the other one, cause this guy
had few negative
references. I told immediately when i got internet, that i'm
not coming
cause i found another host. (many days before arriving and like
couple days
after sending request) He get mad and blame me to waste his time
and that i
utilized people. I'm glad that i did not went there and i found a
host. If he is only one, who could host you, better idea is to take
hostel then.
Teresa Sexton from Slovakia > |
I'm really sorry, but my travel in Croatia has
turned into such a nightmare. There is no way for me reasonably make it
Montenegro. The only way from here to Dubrovnik is a bus that leaves at 7:30 am
and will get into Dubrovnik too late for me to catch the only bus from Dubrovnik
to Podgorica (11:00). I was told by the ticket agents when I came here that
there are ferries "all the time" from here, but that is not true. I cannot
believe how difficult it has been to get accurate information about traveling
here. I have lost two days days already because people who are supposed to know
the time schedules gave me inaccurate information. I spent one entire night
sitting in a chair (7 hours) in a RV reception office because I was told I could
catch an 11:30pm bus from Plitvice to Split and that bus never came! Now this
will make three days lost and there is no way for me to come to Montenegro-for
one day now--and then try to make it to Belgrade where I have to be on the 29th.
I'm extremely tired and frustrated that it has been so stressful. I was really
looking forward to coming to Montenegro, but at this point it seems impossible.
I am really sorry and I appreciate that you tried to help, but it is NOT as easy
as people seem to think it is to catch the right buses and ferries and make
connections when you can't get a straight answer from anyone and even the
websites aren't accurate sometimes!! I wish I did not have to cancel, but I do.
Maybe there will be an opportunity next year and I will skip Croatia and just
come to Montenegro.
Best Wishes,
Elżbieta Kaźmierczak from Poland ; Hello ChriS,
unfortunately I can't go to Montenegro
this year... My friend has just told me that she hasn't finished her engineering
project yet.
Thank you for the reply and your good intentions
....and when a racist clique takes over a previously GOOD CSing meeting...
Vesna> Balkan
Mafia IS the Couch Surfing event and this IS the right place to talk about
anything regarding the meeting.. Once it switches to fB, it will be the end of
it :p Artu>(un-godmother-f)This autumn the Balkan Mafia family is visiting Ljubljana and we hope to come
across many fun and people-loving boys and girls, cats and dogs or street
corners and benches after tasting good wine, beer and rakija ;-)
info on activities and accommodation options is yet to come, but in the meantime
do join us as the great fun is absolutely guaranteed!
WHEN: November
6th - 9th
WHERE: Ljubljana,
Expect the unexpected! :d
MEETING DETAILS: FROM: 6. November 2014
- 12:00 TO: 9. November 2014 - 23:00
To "whom it may concern"
>>>>>>>>>> ALL of my life, since I realised my
own abilities, as a teenager, I have seen how the "sheeple" just want to steal
and take from me, use me, drain me, distract me, or are jealous of me, and I am
still looking for an equal entity today in this universe , honest enough to
respect...(my rare heroes have left this planet before) and it seems SUCH a
long journey, as my new "friends" are worse feinds than my "so called enemies"
(almost want to repeat the lyrics of the departed Bob Marley, who had a similar
experience) "who the cap fits, let THEM WEAR IT! .. "Man to man is
so unjust, children: Ya don't know trust |
. go to the place you belong
and enjoy your darkness.....your ego is willing to drag me down with you, but I
will NOT go there... "he is NOT the messiah, but everyone could be,,," if they
CARE! ChRiS in the midst of sabotage..your opposition proves me
.... .
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 8:43
Subject: CS 14904 Re: New message from Zuza
CS> ok , me too
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2014 7:46
Subject: New message from Zu
Chris. I'm very very busy. Don't treat it as an insult, please
| = more madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) p.s. "madness" that some of the next is hidden from you, so that you only read it if you really want to "bother"... and p.p.s Danilo (DJ) played "step on" a RIP OFF of this "Hes gonna step on you again" ("Tolokoloshi man ..o r "Tolosi man" :) gonna step on you again ..."Madness"
? ..probably :) |
tREdS> U E F A the biggest rip-off artists in Football! crooks! and UNFAIR F A R E is a sham!
ReplyDelete----- Original Message -----
From: Fare network
To: treds@u
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 2014 12:48 PM
Subject: NEWS FROM FARE: Respect Diversity - Football Without Frontiers grants - Brazil
September 2014
News from Fare
Delegates gather in Rome for Respect Diversity conference
The pan-European ‘Respect Diversity’ conference, taking place tomorrow and Thursday (10 and 11 September) is set to be one of the biggest gatherings of its kind in Europe with over 250 people gathering in Rome.
The conference organised by UEFA, with the support of the Fare network and FIFPro, will bring together football associations, European leagues, clubs, governmental organisations and NGOs
How to Survive Your Long-Distance Relationship
ReplyDeleteWhen you travel a lot or your company transfers you from one location to the other, it can be hard to sustain a committed relationship. Many of us are faced with the prospects of a long-distance relationship sooner or later. While some enter into such a commitment with nothing but enthusiasm, others dread the toll the distance will take on their relationship.
It does indeed take some planning and communication skills (not to mention patience) to make this type of relationship work, but it is not impossible. Our member Kate, herself a writer, and professional speaker, has put together some helpful advice on How to Survive a Long-Distance Relationship. If you follow her tips you and your significant other might just be in it for the long haul.
more madness (q) Susan Denise Johnson posted in Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
ReplyDeleteSusan Denise Johnson 7:36am Jun 26
posted in Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
ChriS SmiTH 12:44pm Jun 10
Body on the beach mystery continues | Ayr
IT'S a cold, clear, dry December afternoon on Prestwick beach. It's around 4.30pm - low tide
MADNESS ; putting people power in the hands of a few....politicians UK in Montenegro @UKinMontenegro
ReplyDeleteThis year we'll work with @DeFactoMNE on strengthening capacities of Parliament’s administration: @EUOdborCG
08 Jul
Strengthening capacities of Parliament’s administration
In July 2014 Defacto will start with the implementation of project "Strengthening capacities of Parliament’s administration to prepare and evaluate pu...
UK in Montenegro @UKinMontenegro
Dobra saradnja Crne Gore i Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva, ocjena je nakon današnjeg sastanka u Skupštini… @EUOdborCG
08 Jul
Dobra saradnja Crne Gore sa Ujedinjenim Kraljevstvom
Iz parlamenta je saopšteno da je Krivokapić zahvalio na podršci koju Velika Britanija koju daje Crnoj Gori u procesu evro-atlantskih integracija
UNICEF Montenegro @UNICEFmne
@paultough: Thank you so much for being with us today at the education conference #obrazovanjeCG @UNICEFmne
08 Jul
Srdjan Vukcevic @SrdjanVukcevic
Paul Tough speaking live from New York :) #obrazovanjeCG @UN_Montenegro
08 Jul
Marija Manojlović @MarijaMano
High level Quality education conference in Montenegro: thank you @paultough for being with us #obrazovanjeCG
08 Jul
Dragutin Scekic @dscekic
”Productivity will be key for aging society issues. Good education is essential for productivity" A.Rodriguez, #Worldbank #obrazovanjeCG
happy birthday and heartfelt support to one-time human rights partner ken In Gaza Ken O'Keefe's birthday is today.
ReplyDeleteManaging Director at Samouni Project.
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2014 9:42 PM
Subject: RE: ..Harvey in de skies without still going to Krakow
In consideration how the NON Pole dancer cruelly treats someone who cares
SO much for her (despite her denial of the obvious) perhaps "Harvey in
Des guise " should
posted in GOLS + Group of Liverpool Supporting Shareholders
ReplyDeleteChris Forb Dix 10 August 11:27
SCLOG: X + y = Z .. and we are close to the end of our TRULY SOCIALIST club... ("REdNet Bootrom")
- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action.........
Is this trend going to continue> If so what will the fallout be for the many sports networks>
ReplyDeleteWayne Lonstein
For The First Time, More People Will Watch Streams On Devices...
On August 26th of 2002, Major League Baseball streamed its first live video of a game to the web — a tiny, grainy little player that looks..
CS> hopefully it will end the mainstream media dictatorship and we can eventually rid ourselves of playboy sportmen, TV "experts" rich moguls profiting from OUR game...FFS!
sure, Zuzanna , you can run away, from ME, YOU can cut me off, but you cannot hide from "karma" or Y-our TRUE self, all my love, ChRiS
ReplyDeletep.s. I had a great meeting with my guests this morning, YOU should have been here!
one of the BIGGEST mistakes YOU make is that you "read" quickly and often miss the NUANCE (MEANING) of my message, so, after this morning,,i go back TWO again, and this time UNDERSTAND,
.......... because YOU NEED IT! ..NO EXCUSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CS> sh*te on Internet sports forums SELLING insurance,, the blood suckers! ; "Life Insurance quotes done right! "
ReplyDelete( by shark ; Michael Jacobson, CLTC ) and "dedicated to the NON-pole dancing Mata - hari SuZpect....."