...its almost as If I am waiting for the "big bang"...
not the universal theory that scientists promote but the global social & cultural explosion that we see escalating world wide ..i noticed a graph since '79 that showed the escalation of protests every year until now..
and demos everywhere are opposing the system..after all it makes sense doesnt it, why would u feed a monster that is choking you, stealing your land, polluting the air your breathe and excluding opportunities for your children, and which violates every human right that even its "democratoc states" signed & pledged to honour..
and this last weekend we continued to honour Shanks birthday, THE MAN who was my "mentor" though i never met him, influenced me as much as anyone, inc. John Lennon, Ghandi, ("Robin Hood"). Luther King, Mandela...
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The "Turnir Location" = "Katun Sportski Club" @ Tolosi |

i played 3 hrs of footy!
Djordje .. a young lad i know from Belgrade (Lfc fan) I know came to the "fudbal party" and 2 basketball lads from barcelona, so we had "Internazionale team" (from Barca, Napoli, Podgorica, and me , the alien!!)
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NOT the "Internazionale tREdS" ;) |
i nearly killed myself putting up the big family tent in the garden on my own in the sun friday.. i missed dancing with Raech, one of the english CSerS visiting me the previous weekend , but she might have got distracted by the fit young boys everywhere ha ha ... anyway.... so I am just resting today, probably do nothing and "ice" my bruises, right now, i need a nurse.. volunteers anyone....nope ... probably not...
if ever she wanted an "older man , whose a bit of a gypsy, i am here, but "HER Chris" must be mad to let HER "loose" on the world ) ha ha.. maybe we meet again in another universe..

complicated by stefanovi! and a problem of arrogance..... Ugo often complains about politicians being corrupt and "looking after" THEIR Buddies, but as soon as HE gets some "power" he does the same, hes more than a hypocrite
also I had a bunch of good lads waiting "in reserve" if they had played the saturday league would not have been won by the "flash" SS tefanovi..
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PRIMA..donnas! :) |
Ugljesa is like a spoilt child, boy, with negative attitude.. immature attitude..
i dont want to argue with ugo, i wanted to co-operate, this is my home..he mentioned a previous "turnir" ..he was wrong.... it wasnt last year , it was two years ago and i knew even less people, and got even less "co=op" from locals...and ugo had "Dropped" the ukranian lad and Fab from the team, so they didnt help me..either.....someone gave the england lads the wrong info ..so they didnt come
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Note team repesentatives ; a) should HAVE added themselves to OUR group, b) attand a meeting on 1 sept. and friday 6th sept. @ Tolosi, c) pay entrance fee to Gazda prior to turnir...
game that night wasnt half as good as the previous Sunday, some lads turned up with the wrong attitude and one ("Messi" ) thinks he is the whole team! , greedy & selfish, no place for him in our club team next time..if he plays like that, I saw more of the ball sitting on the bench!! ..football = TEAM game!!!
whatever i want, "doesnt matter " to ugo, hmmmm well there u go!!! U GO!

by booking all the places with teams, that didnt exist until ugo persuaded buddies, to "register", none of whom had confirmed(?) ..then ugo says "dont worry" ..well I am investing MY energy into making a true commuinity club..that benefits Y-OUR people! (one of the "regular teams" was turned away by Gazda, I hold Ugo completely responsible for any team that dont turn up.. )

and a trophy too.. he decided that Ugo & Fab can select the teams that last night, without reference or respect to me, Ugo's buddies@ Lfc MNE form a fan club NGO without any respect either!
so, what ugo dont know is the the Tolosi club is going to be developed, and U can either be part of it or not, dont EVER "challenge" me again.. I dont have to explain anything to you, u are still responding like a boy.
dont ever question MY "commitment" to team or making the best out of the community i live in, without prejudice!

Ugo , not only a hypocrite, he lied, and said his team had already planned to watch basket. but he knew the Turnir was over 2 days@ 19h each time.. .a bunch of "prima donnas "...
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NOT Raquel.. |
for Raquel A, Raechel, W & the lads ; Aldous Huxley quote: "Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you."
Raquel had H-Hiked earlier this summer around the Balkans from Barca to Istanbul and with me a short but sweet 24 hrs... she asked me after the aunt of her grandma died, a new experience of death in her family in their little village. "Do u believe on reincarnation?"
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Raquel & me, In Podgorica |
there is no one left in my own family to mourn but i understand how she feels! ... hmmm
a) I believe whatever YOU believe, is TRUE to you..
b) there are energies ("spirits" ) that are within and without us... that move in time and dimensions.. in a way reincarnation is an interpretation of that.. to fully answer , we would have to have a looonng conversation, if ever she comes back, to me, i would enjoy that
.. cuvaj se (take care) Raquel, just remember you have a good in you, keep your focus on that whatever happens around you!
I wrote "references" for my CSerS from Shrewsbury & Hartlepool/Newcastle ...Helen & Raechel
so, Helen , the "quiet one" of the two
for her, CSing is new?
something of a "thinker"
I'd have made a proposal, if she waS A "drinker"
didnt need vino or Rakija , you see,
and I enjoyed her company
hope she enjoyed "Monty and me"
(unaffecetd by Rakija)
ChRiS x
and so... a poEm for Raechel with an e...as in Shrewsbureeeeee
its almost 03 h and i hear them giggling away,
Raechel and her mate Helen who came to stay
this weekend, talked about everything in a funny way.
and although i missed the win v mancs, WE had a great day//
helen on the juice, was very sweet
they both wore feminine, vey neat
filled them with stories, rakija, vino and pasta
i am glad the days didnt go faster
strange how some people touch my soul
chatty girls they can be but thewy have a role..
i host ,i cook and oh loved to dance with them too (two)
if they were solo, oooh i wonder what i might do
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a true PRIMA donna = Raech...touring the Balkans, Here @ "Tara" ...;) |
so I say "farewell" and i mean it from the heart
monday to SA you go with an early start
if u come back u are welcome here,
this is my home and also yours when u want, my dear!
happy birthday kidder
ChriS x
Raech shared her birthday , the day they left,,,with the most influential man of my life..
i know she wont find time to read this... http://antichrismith.blogspot.com/ ...YET!
its emotional when someone i like very much leaves.. I went for a run in the sun ..
aND yet another promise broken ; Oransonia "ciao here am I, dear Chris, sorry if i am not sure to come" blah blah blah..
another birthday girl... the portugese from Paris , with a name that sounds like "O reilly" who pretended to be a "journalist" or ....a cameraman..deserved this;
a cameraman, who is feminine :)
came as a spy, to visit me
not much time foir her Monty to see
but some talk, vino and a cheeky grin
a taste of monteneGRIN
have a great life and see u on the other side
of this universe, far and wide ;)"
ChRiS x
"iRiS".... for yr birthday :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajyu0Zue0FA
and "GI" who was a teacher in Vilnius .. was going to have a chinese adventure changes to USA...

Gi stated that she
may be "just silly girl "and to "let it go", she SAYS don't feel strong enought or tusting my abilities yet. too much doubt and don't want to do anything if unsure. Communication is allways unexpected, with me, ups and downs and she questions what kind off value i offer...
of course she dont, i do NOT "offer" it..i am not "selling anything" ..the truth is the value, but if u cant identify and value it, then thats precisely why i "bother" with her,i "bother" because i care, and i dont have enough years to waste chasing HER, if she takes time, to slow down, breathe, meditate, shut out all the BS around , then she might see who i am.. !
assumes that I will be here , for her when she needs me,
but she is
unaware,, proven by her question.. she dont use the 95% of ability and dont understand "communication" or the value offered to her.. S
aule Gi
She thinks I am upset about the world being "lassitude"? she thinks it's hard for me, i dont beg for her time she is not aware ebough to WANT my time....I AM Sorry, for her...
"upset" ? that comment, really ...she makes so many mistakes about me...and herself, its not about what I "want" its about what she wastes! ..she has the intellect but throw it away... and its tragic
& loses my
I saw
a really BEAUTIFUL picture on a local girls timeline..
.. I told her she looks so different in each picture..like a different girl each time :0
Ivona Z.)
we met a few times, but shes "too clever" to use MY "experience"...
Elif is a nice girl , and writes sensible & provocative comments on the net, keeps me informed .. she is o
n the road, on a hitchiking trip. Cant really be online much.
When I play, a good game, or have good win, when i enjoy my footy , i could give a f**k about the women here! or the fannies
its several months since MY last contact (no reply from her!) with Suzy (Iz) and I suppose i am still a bit angry about her reaction last november, anyway , I had to smile, I had a dream recently one night
... about us.. U looked different, white not blond hair, and we tried to kiss, but we both kept laughing.. ..thats all i remember ,
. changed name and other stuff....had some problems on fb....it's not about you..a short summer holiday,@ home all the time...serious problems,with her head,it's not good and she is young...she knows I am angry,OFCOURSE...and i understand..
but she saus I am WELCOME IN her HOUSE, she wants to see a shrink???....&crying all the time, like going to have a stroke...she is not strong enough anymore...I told her I am still
alone.. but not defeated!
she dont need a shrink..she needs to breathe!
The "Mila story" I had watched footy with Fab & Milos and the Lfc ladies from 13h, we end up later @ "Berlin " drinking "pivo"s ..(i usually dont drink beer)
@ about 22h we were ready to go home.. but..
M. surprises me and arrives there ...she talks with Fab. until he leaves
and I suggest we go inside listen to music, (i am a bit "drunk" but aware that I need to "move" (dance..maybe)
.. the music is not so great, but M. makes no effort to smile or talk with me , just staring blank..
so i say " if u dont talk, dont dance , and dont want to come home with me?
what are you doing here ? so she storms off
...thanks very much for nothing ! M, I can be miserable with or without her! = without her is cheaper, and less pain. whatever her problems, i am not prepared to carry the BS, IMO she is a spolit brat, just another fee-male "user". ... which was my first instinct when she sat next to us, was right, I must remember to trust that,

hope u enjoy yr sunday, i am just "drying out" hopefully in time for the game tonight, I can live without fee-males but would be harder to live without the footy!
well, its up to me too, not to chase hr.. she probably gets her money today, so I doubt if she will "need" me..
yeah , sometimes it gets hard..
obviously u had a poor education, .. footy is the only game of life.. the social side is important too,
but we had a really great game the following sunday night, best so far, and won by a couple of goals , Ugos team also commented on the game , it was so competitive
.. we had a period of 15 mins when neither team could score.
a couple of beers after , and "bonding in the bar" after , without any fee-male complex confusing the atmosphere..
..."modern" Fee-males can seem like THE "curse of the Universe"
..but what is worse? ..when men who act like them too,
.............always looking to make a problem...instead of a solution!

(see Ugo above???)
"these days" i have to be "awake" ..good job this is not a job..(thats irony in case u didnt notice...)
just to round off that "week's weak" .. an "old flame" (well she was, is 20 years younger than me, ...)

...& was sympatico.) found that she missed noticing an important appointment during the time she shd be here, after, I already booked (paid) for her tickets

.. so thats it... "game over" i am back to football.& start coaching next month too.
... footy is what saved me this week. ha ha ha..
i dont "run away" from visitors, even yankers, y) but i had to laugh at myself this morning
.., 2 girls from barcelona, arrived early one morning, at the mini-market, then left..without telling me, i am not sad about women, I am just angry with myself that I wasted my time on them...thats it, i really dont want to complain any more
...life goes on...(not) all good
I dont need to learn anything about women... I know the problem... the 2 girls didnt tell me they were here.. and i dont know what happened , the girl in the market told me, that they had arrived at the shop, but I told them to send me an sms when they got to Toloshi, they didnt and I havent had any news from them .. it is BS!
the time was wasted, these last few weeks, only because I chose to give women another chance.. my choice, my error, nothing to learn, just simple
.. nothing to make the best of...no big philosophy to discuss,,,just a choice.. i wasted my time, i am just angry with myself, because I dont have so much to waste!
I know hats best for me... I just like to "test frontiers" from time to time, and see if things have changed or are possible..well ....they are not, yet//... ;)
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Borat2 's radio.... |
its "one of those times" Borat2 has thrown a paddy because I wont reaply to a stream of sms he keeps sending me, the last visitors stayed at his home not at the cabin, and when he decided to come back with them to Pg and bring his son over night (to stay @ "my lodge") without agreement, I told him clearly that he was going too far.. so he sms the guests and unloaded on them!!
and ..it seems an american deaf & Dumb couchsurfer wants to stay 7 nights with me, she cant lip read or understand any other language..
I already closed things with borat2, its obvious, hes not crazy, crazy is ok, hes insane.. the "deaf " girl is probably a scam.. another time -waster..
hmmm still think it could be fun to have a team game .. footy v "ultimate" ..
Nostalga .. saying goodbye to the "boy who was C.R.S" ..
Canvey-eyeLand, migrains, elections not erections..Motown, Santana, Beatles, rock, & dancing in living room,
family, mum & dad, love, footy & music..Liverpool REds, London (swinging) learning, office boy, docks, trucks &
containers, travel, wine, women song.. nasties, team captain, wife, Sarah, Adam..million, Seabrook the sh*thead, Trentino
and winning, Soul, Luther, Benson, women, gold-diggers and groupies(?) French, Nicole, Natalie, Shelly, Lynn K (actress) and L
inda..the destruction..betrayed by brother, & losing . sister hurt my mother.. lost an empire, won my sanity..game over
this has kept me focussed .
sponsored by ChriSmitH.ecologic.academy
all to honour the man that influenced me most..
THE MAN... no one greater in the history of modern society , NO ONE! the TRUE man of the people, children should read his auto biography before they learn anything else,! shakespeare socrates and all the other "writers" ??? this man DID it... he created a global family bigger than most nations on this planet!!
The BMMers planned a meeting (AGAIN) at the same time.. its
too easy to misunderstand me, and i am angry with the B(u)MMers!! those people also pretended to be "friends"
i'll survive .. c1A ....0h oh 7! :) (private joke!)
LBJ, Nixon, Reagan, Bush1 Clinton, Bush2 and now "Liberal Obama"
... (wont share "evidence" with anyone who dares question the USA's "policemen"..) go to war because otherwise why do they spent TRILLIONS of dollars on weapons?????????????? .. an "enemy" is required
... where were the USA and its poodles when there was genocide in african conflicts??? (or anywhere where they have no "strategic interests" ??
getting a feeling of "deja vu" ..10 years ago the USA "had absolute evidence" of "WMD" .. which "justified" the invasion of baghdad, and over a million civilian casualties since then..("good job"?) of course no one wants any one or any govt to use chemicals or other WMD at all, but guess who has used such weapons the most in the last 50 years?? USA???
and of course the USA dont comply with "global warming-warnings" yet as i look out my window at a unique "winter rain" in the middle of a Monty summer (usually 40 degress C.) /.....?? i wonder just how stupid the sheeple are??? (as california burns...!)
oh, is that china being flooded too?? , ...of course pumping 6 billion tonnes of poison into the atmosphere every year CANT have caused any harm , can it???
The people are EVOLVING...>>????
or not.................
I have lost EVERYone i ever loved,, Mum, Dad, sister, Son & wife, those that didnt die were stolen, I survived,, and i know u dont want to read this.. or anything that may ruin your image of me.. but anyway.. http://eured.wordpress.com/page/11/
i still expect empathy in a world where it is so rare, and selfish.

Iris, i explained why i offered to host her for a holiday, but she only recalls that bad memory, not that I gave HER a "chance" or that I was affecetd too, nor that HER government was to blame.
.. but she tried to control this FREE offer from me,
and i am not rich, so i DO mention the cost, because I live on a voluntary budget, makes me think that the biggest mistake she made is NOT to come,
I get a lot of visitors, and i try to show them alternatives,POSITIVE alternatives..
I attacked the system, and the system reacted ...
...and so called "friends" betrayed me, u didnt show any care what happened to me, that I was kept in a military style detention
, with no support from anyone, for almost 24 months on & off by your govt. that they cut me off from everyone,
and made sure I lost my son, permanently.. I was NEVER CONVICTED of any crime, but in B.R.D its only necessary to accuse someone to be "alienated"

legal ombudsman, aND of course in the SICK system the Ombudsman own team will decide
to ensure i do not get access to my deceased wife Jacquis estate; an insurance policy I paid for..

Whistleblower (film) criminals paid by governments and corporations who violate the people they are meant to serve, ..continued.....V Iraqui & Afghan civilians?? this is the "war" you tax-payers sanction! enabled by governments you vote for!
H-Hing is becoming more and more popular in the Balkans, not surprisingly girls get picked up quickest..

(well , limited...)
I am back, tanned , fit and full of energy to spark to Evolutionary uprising against the "evil empire" ;)
.. people are starting to wake up...
+ Be responsible for your lives
+ dont complain, CAMPAIGN
+ dare to care, dont be selfish
+ do the right thing, because its the right thing to do
+ initiate or invest in Small-Medium enterprise (not banks, corporations or "stock")
make sure that your children learn FIRST the basic article of the Universal Declaration of human rights, because its the LAST thing applied by government offiicials..this is y-our world.. take it back from the (royal. religious, or business) thieves who stole the land from the people... they polluted the minds, the land, the water and the air of Y_OUR world..enough!
greetings from ;
I had a visit from a young woman today, with her 9 year old daughter, sweet girl , but spoilt.. wanted only to eat sweets, & to watch TV, wanted to go by taxi everywhere, mind u thats just about 99,9% of the population here! :) (& worldwide?) ignored her mother, whose divorced father doesnt take any interest, shame , the mother tries to be both parents, and therefore makes the common mistake of giving the child too much and very little "guidance"
..( resulting in many social problems with young people, especially boys without good men to relate to, with single parent families), If she was my girl I would do my best guide her carefully otherwise she will become YET another beautiful but spoilt balkan brat!
after a Loooong run in the morning sun, a turkish coffee with a shot of Rakija in it...decided its time to stop bothering with a "potential" person in my life and utilise my experience. ..being "subversive" (ha ha ha..a joke of the C1a ..small "a" for a**holes !)

.if U saw things from my view..the only time i see "friends" is when THEY NEED, not when I need!...
"C.R.S." place..
I opened this @ FB, with 3 aims a) to exchange and support some "starters" - who obviously feel they dont need it b) to have some exchanges with just a few rather than 3000 "friends" c) gradually let those few get to know me, people ask, but its "just "polite mechanism of society" ...
, but theres no simple answer, I am everything and nothing..
if u dont follow my "timeline" it takes too long to reply.. maybe some of my comments @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/W.of.male.D/ also give u a clue?, but this is not a ""fast food" question for a simple reply..
if you are a scouse lass like "Shirley Valentine" come to monty...u will "LUV it"
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Good lad "Stee" ..for Project?? |
Aurélie Pereira Macedo ,,,is
working during some days now about "solidarity accomodation" in Provence!
I gave her virtually the last "We Are the club" t-shirt, and I want to complete our gallery in time for our next meeting,
. the "project" is taking shape, if u want to be part of it , u should decide, if u want to be included, because i need to decide who will be in it soon.. (start this winter, at laTEST spring)
I helped Mila (single divorced mother) with small amount of cash, and gave her a "belated birthday present" of cash too, I gave HER a present for HER to give to her daughter for Simonidas birthday, (in case her family "suspected" a gift from a "stranger".. I fed her a few times to ease her "burden" and she was quite affectionate, but I drew the line ... (i dont need to explain that, I hope) but in these couple of weeks I noticed she came around when I could give her something or if she was getting something, this could be accidental or intentional , she kept mentioning waiting for money
..l know she had problem with the construction next to her house, (hard to sleep) and she had a "nervous rash" .. obviously the "stress" is real, but also when I tolds her i was not rich and would not be her "bank" she has found lots of "reasons" that I wont repeat NOT to visit me, my son was 17 on sunday, I could have welcomed her company, she was busy..a few small things indicate a selfish attitude which may not be her "fault" but communication AND a local mentality suggests that any relation with her could be complicated.. I told her directly that I dont play games or accept any BS, ... but
Its ALWAYS about Mila, she
said "I have lots of free time" but in reality I have seen heronce (a short time @"berlin") in SIX days..because of dentist or family or other "reasons" (?), which dont add up, I get the message!
...I wanted her to teach me Serbian/Montenegrin, but she has no time... and especially during my ESTRANGED son's birthday , i would have liked company..
I had a "go" @ Bmmer " Elisavet Bubblemaker "
I actually wrote to her on a PM, but she didnt answer.. and just because she does things her way, thats up to her, there is no "time and place" to state my feelings.. certainly she dont tell me when to state from the heart how i feel.. I said "let it go".. so let it go..c1a-0

some things dont add up , but I dont talk about anyone until I am sure...lets put it this way , I am being "careful" with Mila..I dont blame her...
anyway, the ideas are formulating here, for a community/creative academy ..eco village... youth centre for "start-ups"..
Leon ; estranged son now 17, then 30 months old, when he was stolen from me by a nasty mother....."her possesion"
...!! "happy birthday" (11th august)
https://www.facebook.com/groups/Net.Estranged.kids/ )
Karma is not always "instant" on his birthday ....
I needed to get drunk, but Bea & Malwin went home early. Zeljko acted like a spoilt brat, Mila had to go to get up for church?? ...
so Cijana & sag. stayed and kept me company whilst I got sh+t faced!
I needed it..
11th of august, is the 17th Birthday of my estranged son Leon, who is "allowed" to email me @ birthday & xmas, we shared custody, and i was his caretaker until he was 30 months, and his mother disliked my human rights "actrivism" so, one day early in 1999 I went, as usual to collect him @ their address ..they were gone, the state refused me information as i was not "married" even in modern "germoney" ...
the mother told them not to give me info, i organised a network throughout europe for estranged parents, campaigned and organised events to make people aware, but people dont care...until it happens to them!
I have had 30 minutes with him in the last 10 years, i get on with my life , volunteering with other children, and so on. ..but today it hurts especially
...I often send clothes and presents on birthday, xmas or in between but this time I emailed Leon to say that I will pay an economy (return) ticket for him to visit me..
as I get no information, whoever he is, he is a stranger as another man was substituted as his"papa" ..please dont tell me that "one day" he may want to know me, because ...i wont know him, a GOOD father should be there, at all times during growth to balance the feemale bias...
very few of u understand that employment of lawyers and making "politics" only feeds the system that cheats us, I made 54 complaints at the ECHR Strasbourgm and eventually sent the file to Brussels ... because after 12 years it took all my eenergy to get the complaint that far, so how many people give up, if you really want to change this,...for me and others..
a) send a birthday card to
c/o Annika Hartmann
Engelberg 10,
D79106 Freiburg
b) dont pay taxes to a system that hurts you and fails to apply your natural equality..
because.... a good father want to influence a sons life, to share the growth, to guide him from man to boy and boy to man, his mother instead found a substitute who has shared that life, if I meet Leon , he will be a stranger to me and i to him..thats reality, as much as i wish it was different.. and he has lot the best of me, I have missed the best of him..that cannot be replaced, /...never!
most ppl dont understand, he wont know me, i wont know him, I have to channel my energy for other young people, because too much pain to hope for him, and not really possible, because IF i had lived with him, I could have given him all my love , my skill, my experience and support,
but another man enjoyed that, and the mother poisoned his mind.. so that he wont be the man he should have been
and his birthday was one of the hardest days of the year, and , as usual, i was alone,
and if there were a thousand people around me, i deal with it alone... no one cares ...thats just how it is..
it would be stupid if i thought that it is different,..
, I am am creative and positive person,,, but..there are things in my heart that u cannot solve.. too much pain. so i give my energy to other young people...that is productive
..not waiting for a miracle.. as often as possible ,
i played football with young men, of similar age to my son, I talk to them, guide them, laugh with them.. i will coach them in september..that its my "escape" from the reality and pain of my son..

Bryan Adams - 18 Til I Die
Take Risks, but respect your body & soul, Dream, but balance between both worlds, remember ..."when experience talks ..listen" care about humanity..everyone and everywhere..but be true to your SELF too :)
To ;
"O'reilly" !!!
. i sent her some "reflection" from "C.R.S." my alternative ego (for contact with a very few people ) i look forward to your reaction and pics when u have time to post them on FB... cuvaj se! Slainte
From ChriS SmiTH
" I went to the farmers market, bought 3Kg of fresh tomatoes for 1e , then a private car gave me a lift to my road, then a smiling neighbour ..who speaks no english picked me up at the corner and brought me home, more "signs" ..yesterday the bus connections, ..
Marko's generosity.. the sun, the "hope bus"...it all feels defined..if u let it...dont miss this chance!
dont have to tell me to "be the best"..i am...when i have to be.. and thats enough for this planet...
i am writing this after "farewell" @ the airport, and intentionally from "C.R.S." you will understand
the irony that my initials have.. (in fact during my wine days my sports car registration was "CRS7"
which attracted a lot of attention when i crossed so many times on the ferry to Calais, Boulogne, Dieppe etc..
I felt a difficult start with U, because i have u scattered pieces of the jigsaw...but even if
i allowed U to to "boss me" in a weak moment last night, so u escpaped my preferred "farewell party"..
I indeed wish you "all the besT"
words like "friend" are too easy to say, I hope one day that U do become a friend,
but if not at least an HONEST "enemy" as it often feels that modern women are destroying the best
of life, and even the best of their own gender (i have an FB group, called "weapons of MALE destruction"...)
yes i do have a sense of humour, u were not here long enough to enjoy the best of me,
just a "taste"
please allow me to advise you... even if i dont meet U again.. (i say that not only because
i warn U of the "danger" of being in my life, but for true reasons, (my time on this planet is more
limited than U know...) I got emotional because i KNOW i could support U, and enable some beautiful
evolution, before i leave for another dimension ....and start the eternal conflict all over again..
PLEASE be honest, not only with yourself, for example when that TV interviewer
asks your opinion, it may seem
insignificant to "tell them what they want to hear"..but too many times, small "lies" become habit
and that a large cause of the mess and madness on this planet..
U seemed in a hurry to leave, but i wanted to slow your departure, so I came with "Peter" ..(my favoutite taxi-driver)
hes reliable, and good fun...
u were already gone last night...but i wanted to hold your spirit for a few more minutes
Peter took me back to the bus station, i am going somwehere tomorrow , away from here for a couple of days
and i need to get really REALLY drunk and dance.. because it keeps me alive.. this morning i NEEDED to run
for my body, my mind and to clean my spirit of poisons that caught me, a little tired during the time
we were at Berlin, and that "hope guy" just reminded me how much energy I have to give..to do what i havew to do..
so i am WARNING you..DO NOT return....
do NOT return..UNLESS you are ready to be ALL you should be.. because i will not allow any other solution
Karma was often my enemy... because i provoked it, now it is probably my only true friend..
there is a destiny... you can take it or leave it
and i have an even greater "chapter " to live..
I dont need a book, a film or publicity, i have (almost) everything, but almost is how it should be..
there is no reason for my life if it was 100% so if my dream partner, who "yings my yang" dont arrive in
this dimension, i will search her in the next..
"freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" and i win because I have nothing to lose..
you touched my soul, the energy i burn could light up the sun, (not only because i had no woman in the last 4 years,
i prefer to make love, not just "sex"!!) thats "extra info" ;) not for publication..!! ha ha...
be warned.. if U take the challenge you will experience more than u ever imagined...
and ..note... "when experience talks...listen";)
and (not only relevant to me) remember ......
should i write, about this "surprise"
arrived with a big bag and ..also big eyes..
a cautious start, you touch my heart,
then i was "made up" too
that we could share a day or two and the lake, with you,
i enjoyed the fun on the ambulance bus,
got to know a little of you, without any fuss,
btw check your toothpaste, she needs a lot??
she can down a rakija, or a tequila shot!
its a difficult thing to say "goodbye"
please be true to your potential,
and i know you can , dont ask me me why..
i dont expect to see you again
but i hope u know that being crazy is not being insane
"escaping the rakija made me smile
to see you laugh i would travel many a mile.."
Aurelie, be the best that you can...and will be... LIVE "
Crazy by Seal .... and ....(by G. Barclay...version) ;
".... I remember when, I remember, remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place.even your emotions have an echo in so much space
And when you're out there without care Yeah, I was out of touch-But it wasn't because I didn't know enough I just knew too much
Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy? Does that make me crazy?
.Probably! ;) "
most complete player since EPL started, in defence or attack,
in the tackle, pass, free kicks & that shot! #GerrardTestimonial
@TonyBarretTimes @RedAlieNeT @Liverpool_FC_ yeah! the word is GO!...with F S G, standards corrupted &take rest of yr sh*te out of our club
anyway ...so that you are "warned"... short version ; of ME....
born to scots-english parents, grew up in Liverpool, in love with the "beatles", rock & soul music & "the REdS"
... started as "office boy" in London @ 16, without qualifications ..(migrain attacks as teenager &
love for football distracted me )
@ 19 was Logistic manager; married & adopted wife's 6 month old daughter,Sarah, we had son, Adam,
but wife ran off with a younger man (!) because I worked "too much" and divorced, (I payed 3rd my income for her & kids)
i changed employers, based Paris or London, and travelled throughout europe negociating in wine
services for each company, at 26 started own business, at 29 was millionaire, but fought with business
partner, and walked away with nothing. started freelance startegic managment, took me
all over the world (well, 1/2 of it)
I was married again, to the lovely Jaqui, who died 8 years ago, very young , of cancer..
1995 , after completeing a satelite network contract with Ukrainian Space Agency in Kiev, in the last week of finalising a pan-european multi-media project, based near Brussels I went into a "meningitis - induced coma"!
a week later I woke up and surrpised the doctor who "didnt think i would survive" - for the first time in my adult life I was "stopped" ...
I went "Alternative" had a new son "Leon" with a hippy girl (Annika) and later a daughter (Noela) with environmentalist (Margit)
both children were stolen from me by mothers with help from german state apparatus (which became part of 54
complaints made Verus "germoney" ) I organised human rights campaigns, ("human shields") ..a "Medinezt" for
illegal refugees, formed a Union to help people oppressed by govt. and moderated a "pirate" radio station,
made a journal. and so on...
I moved to belgian-flemish/ dtch regions, played in & organised international fun football parties & coached "for fun" and planned to drive to Ghana
to be volunteer coaching football & teaching english, but when I was in Bucharest , (february 2010) the
project got suspended so I came to Podgorica because of a "spontaneous invitation" from a Liverpool fan (I have

mountains without brakes, and I discarded the vehicle here,
since then I have organised some fun events, Football meetings, a free academy, a not for profit club for visitors
have several "blogs" several Facebook groups , 3 web sites and write mostly in winter when its not so sunny...
often i get asked..
why am i here? I joke that I am a spy.... but main question is why should I leave???

some familiar scenes..:)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cool_Hand_Luke .... one of THE greatest ever films, beautiful ending..
Maria Jansson posted in Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
ReplyDeleteMaria Jansson 2:38pm Sep 9
#This Petition have now reached the number of 811 signatures, please consider to sign this Petition even if you live in another country. It is very important that we all are able to live in countries where all people have the right to know if the person deciding their rights - or innocence or guilt – is a member of an organization that has a sworn obligation to prefer their brethren over non-brethren. The law must be dispensed so that the decisions of judges, are seen to be, and are, free from any kind of influence from obligations or sworn pacts it is our human right, that every person has a fair hearing in accordance with Article 6 of the ECHR - #
PE01491: Secret society membership declaration by decision makers. - Getting Involved : Scottish...
Sign up now Closing Date for Online Petition: 29 October 2013 Calling on the Scottish Parliament to ...
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
ReplyDelete7:49am Sep 10
BBC reporting on the increasing "smart phone choices".. its ok, u dont need your brain, u havent used it for a while anyway! :) ..
chinese wannt to block "mis-information" by bloggers, surprised oBOMBas govt didnt think of that yet, the people shoudl FINE governments from mis-nforming THE PEOPLE, SHEEPLE WAKE UP its YOUR world NOT THEIRS!!!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
8:08am Sep 9
VITAL for any parent and any child who needs to EDUCAte an adult ;) http://www.continuum-concept.org/
The Liedloff Continuum Network - Home Page
This website has been created to educate and serve the public — especially parents, parents-to-be and...
ChriS SmiTH 9:40am Sep 7
dont pay taxes to government s that violate y-our rights!
No I just want the name of the person who wrote this “decision” I trust your “appeal process” as much as I value your ability!
ReplyDeleteFrom: Enquiries [mailto:Enquiries@legalombudsman.org.uk]
Sent: 03 September 2013 15:59
To: chrismith@mypod-net.org
Subject: Case number 201314458
Dear Mr Smith
Thank you for your email dated 3 September 2013 and we note your comments.
If you wish to appeal to our letter dated 2 September 2013, please outline the reasons for your appeal and provide any relevant supporting documents.
Your appeal will be referred to our Ombudsman Team who will make a final decision on your case. You will then be provided with confirmation of the decision in writing together with the name of the Ombudsman who made the final decision.
Thank you for contacting us.
Yours sincerely
Assessment Centre
Legal Ombudsman
Telephone: 0300 555 0333
instagram.com peter_hooton's photo on Instagram
Marios Panaou posted in Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
ReplyDeleteMarios Panaou
8:01pm Aug 30
Timeline Photos
Marios Panaou posted in Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
Marios Panaou
9:34pm Aug 24
Don't X dad A kid's drawing says a lot ... Divorce is hard on everyone ... Why should we put an X...
ChriS SmiTH
11:23am Aug 30
Syriana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Syriana is a 2005 geopoliticalthriller film written and directed by Stephen Gaghan, and executive
ChriS-EuRED @EuRED09 @Couchsurfing @RedAlieNeT 14 cyclists stayed @ mine in March, several nations ; Albnian, greek, french, german, italian, Iranian & spanish !
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
2:57pm Aug 26
SCLOG: ... its much more important, than 6 points..
- "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action......
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
7:57pm Aug 23
'If it brightens their day, it's worth it'
Academy starlets Brad Smith and Marc Pelosi put their own long-term injuries to one side ....
Is this how you are “educated” . to ignore your father???
ReplyDeleteFrom: ChriS [mailto:chrismith@mypod-net.org]
Sent: 03 August 2013 19:25
To: 'leon-hartmann1@
Cc: 'info@theater-lust.de'; 'campaign@ursun.net'
Subject: CS13803 LEON RE: Your Birthday 11.8.2013
Hello Leon,
I did not get a reply, so I repeat my message, I posted a card too today,
I hope you enjoy your birthday, and one day we could celebrate together
Dad Xxxxx
ChriS SmiTH
10:23am Aug 23
wake up call ... from https://www.facebook.com/pages/REdNeT/245954208796041
To obtain at least shared ownership of LFC for Global REdS and to improve the situation of all true ...
ReplyDelete9:44pm Aug 13
Shanks would be disgusted, by F S G's pollution of OUR CLUB.. ......The route causeis that in 2007 we (the supporters and fans) allowed Hicks in and Henry &co, to fool u twice!!, F S G know no more than the previous about how to manage a UNIQUE club culture as LIVERPOOL.
you blame Kenny , BUT Rafa should never have been removed, Kenny didnt come in because he needed the job, we had to recover from Purlsow and Hodgson, who are not on your list.. we had a ridiculous chelski chairman and directors like Ayre who failed to support Rafa or Kenny
with 6 years of "americanism" we have gone from Champions league final calibre (2007 Athens) to a standard where fans get excited by winning a few pre-season friendlies, Kenny at least competed in all competitions WON a trophy for the first time in 6 years and qualified for europe, Comolli was appointed by F S G as was Kenny, and betrayed by them too...The F S G comolli policy was to "buy British" so Kenny obliged.. selling players off cheap is NOT Kenny's fault..
pre-season was typical for a club dominated in its policy by USA's "media methods" a BIG tour , lots of "commercial opportunites" against mostly weak opposition make the team look better than it is... offloading 14 players so far, selling 3 new kits EVERY summer, increased TV revenue
and advance cash for tickets...american sponsors, and the dubious ones that exist, anyone who has a global business knowledge know how these people work..
the "accountants disease" ...the cutting ...of people and departments that "maximises" profit (for THEM) is the aim, anyone who has been through this negative "downsizing " knows that the victim is often the creativity & alliegence of the body of staff, who then react by protecting themselves instead of the "company" (or Team) as they see colleagues dissected and discarded without feeling..
the hypocrisy surrounding Luis, compared with the way F S G
& BR "dumped" Pepe , a GREAT guy, with 8 years at our club, who "dared" to consider an offer from his "home" Barcelona...is just sickening..
"dignity" my a*rse.. the club has had no "dignity" since many a year, certainly the day Hicks was allowed in , was, I thought, a low point, that declined further.. I coach, ...and saw the Celts "B" bhoys had fire in their guts .. how can we motivate kids, inside or outside of football. when we allow the CLUb that has been in all our lives to be infested by "hedge-funders" who "legally cheat" to get the money, and rip off anyone who gets in their way.?
"you live by the sword, and you die by the sword.."
and whether U like it or not, Number ONE on your BLAME list should be fickle Lfc fannies.. who failed to oppose Rafas removal, he had a 10 year plan and brought so many good young players to us..
there will be bad karma, until, the wrongs are righted, and that means IMO a club run Like bayern and owned by True supporters not business sharks, from any country..
The LIVERPOOL way (thanks Shanks) 100 years Legacy made OUR CLUB!
Chris East-west Invest Ursun
11:05am Aug 11
Leons Birthday... stolen from my life..and still imprisoned by a nasty mother
Network of Estranged Parents and Abused Kids
• too many people have similar problems of losing thieir kids by abduction, or their kids are abused, ...
ReplyDelete10:41am Aug 1
.... ! what about this in Monty!
Lawmakers in Uruguay Vote to Legalize Marijuana
’s lower house late Wednesday night approved a sweeping bill to legalize...
hoping for co-operation with you?
ReplyDeletewith greetings from event & community organisers @ CRS akadamiJA c/o https://www.facebook.com/me.without.limits/ to support those in need ...
this is an independent initiative ; see https://www.facebook.com/MonTV.ChRiS.AkadaMEJA/ ... uniquely geared to each person,THE aim to develop talents & mentality of the individual whilst in balance with the team,
collective, community responsibility , local or global, to help you be more of who you are AND benefit your society simultaneously... all aspects covered..! Good will & best wishes ,
YNWA /J4t96
community , charity, union, free courses & more
F & U Mission
Sadine-Gornja Gorica, ME.
#censoRED #LbiRD #buyouRLfc
First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. ;)