Local & GloBALLS ;)
This "UNSuB @ Tolosi" often suits me as a combination of REdS related issues which are equally important outside of our club...
Many Supporters find themselves (even if they are from a "middle class" background) mis-treated and at the worse situations (e.g. Hillsborough) branded as criminal or unworthy of proper care & protection.....the irony is that the police who were SUPPOSED to be there to "serve & protect" now only serve the masters and PROTECT the property of the rich or powerful!

..BE someone who is not letting "them" silence your voice & your words of dis-obedience (Ghandi brought down an empire dictatorship without any violence!)

Some ppl are reacting...whether its Cairo, Istanbul, various cities in Brazil, or Madrid, Athens ...if we let it, it will be Beirut, or another Syrian town destroyed by factions, on whatever side... nature takes revenge, because if you and I do not solve this world's "problems" NATURE WILL!
war games http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WarGames

look around.. take your place ..
and i wish a fond "farewell" to Nelson ...Mandela..
(who, when in opposition to the establishment.. was called "terrorist" by english PM ; Margaret Thatcher!)
active week, had polish visitor, ("Justyna time" & Skadar) ..a quiet weekend , ending well with a fine wimbledon final (Andy wins after 77 years on the 7th of the 7th!) Djorkovic looked jaded and the crowd was "slightly biased" :)
and a local game of 6-a side footy, the first game of our "new club", pumped out the poisons accumulated this week with some "late night party" @ Nags & "Berlin"..;)
CS>Zdravo ,Velibor, da li bi vaše devojke i njihovi prijatelji iz komšiluka vole da dodu na " treniranje fudbala " od mene , sutra uvece , ja sam rezervisao lokaciju u Tolishi (sutra 20h) ? ChRiS
2... and Next sunday @ same time every sunday (21h) ,,..I am standing the drinks in the "club house" after!! :)
3. i want to develop a friendly club atmosphere .and ...develop at least 2 "teams" (and maybe coach kids)
I welcome suggestions for a club name... so far suggestions..
"Tolosi Intenational" , "Inter-PG" .. "Monty Wanderers" "GlobALls" ;) ..."YNPA-Tolosi"
4. "sponsored" games only e1 each player and eventual sponsored "club shirt"
5. a 6-a-side tornament in september..

if any one of the players not on this facebook group, that U introduced (Ugo/Dejan?) please add them! CS ...CU (email)
Vesna>"Do sada sam 3 puta bila na Kosovu i nijednom nisam imala nikakvih problema ni u konverzaciji sa ljudima koji su vecinom bili Albanci (a pricali smo ili na srpskom ili engleskom), niti prilikom stopanja po Kosovu. Ljudi su vecinom bili prijatni i ljubazni. Zadnji put sam bila par dana u Prizrenu sa jos gomilom ljudi iz Srbije i nikome se nista lose nije desilo. Svi nosimo super iskustva i secanja iz Prizrena. "
MORE Discussion;
13707 Conversation started Friday
Chris > FFS! grow up and state that you are playing, dont wait for each other like a bunch of silly girls, its on for sunday, !! 7th July , firtds meet 20,30h in the hut @ Toloshi Balloon , its booked!
UgO> do u have players?
Chris> all you need to do, is make sure you come and bring others if you can, this is the first meeting a TEST match to formthe basis of a regular club... with benefits, (IF there is commitment...) its only ONE euro each! for an hour.. if u cant be bothered,tell me today, ..just have the respect to say "yes or no" you are all supposed to be adult men, not little girls who cant plan their "diary"
10:48am Veli> i wont be able to come, on my regular thursday night footy i injured my left ankle, so no footy for at least a week for me
Ug0> i ll come if there is enough players.. i wont come there to go home again bcs theres no enough man to play
Dejan K> me too
Chris> UGO , (& Dejan?) do u realise how your comment looks,??? u come if there is enough players, but u wont if there isnt, so if everyone has the same attitude no one comes, because they wait for another. I dont need to know your complex, i have met enough in the local women.. ..you spread a negative with your comments... I have made an initiative to forma proper club which we can make very nice for the future, but u talk like a little girl , make a decision yes or no, but be 100% sure, and I mean what I say, and say what i mean, if its NO then I wont invite you again
instead iot would be b better to make an ADULT male decision be a MAN and encourage others too..that way we would have enough,, because by your attitude , you actually cause the problem are scared of..
p.s. Veli, ok thats understood..
p.p.s the rest of you, read my statement,
Fab> That is four so far. Can anyone bring players?
![]() |
NEVER GIVE UP!..ask Andy! :) |
Zdravo, As the Facebook notice, the first meeting of the Podgorica International football club is planned for 20,30h @ the "Toloshi balloon" (Pg) sunday 7.7.2013 and to play a "friendly test match" = 1 hour @ 1 euro each - please inform y-our friends, ChRiS
Shanks party
13708 VIncent.. Please tell Jan & the "Bram fan club"
that Ryanair are flying 3 times to week Charleroi-Podgorica (where I am) @ e50 return ticket! be great if u could bring yr team over (also have a tourny in Sept.)
CikI> Not everyone has the initial capital to start a company and even those who have it fail, because in my town which has only 24.000 inhabitants there are more jobless people and pensioners than those who are employed. The only way to get out of such town is to get educated and look for a job in bigger cities, and you know well that they won't accept me
at any kind of manual seasonal jobs. So what would you do if you were in my place?
Instead of criticizing me ?
And of course I didn't come to your party because I had to study and because you don't live next door, but I did let you know that I'm not coming, and It's not the only party I have missed in the past few years
Chris> that BS ! I started my first with only a few hundred pounds, and now with the Internet, you only need 50 euros to start a web -based service, u miss all the important points i made and talk off at a tangent....u dont know what u are talking about, I 'll reply in full later, if and when I feel like it, funny in a different way , this from Stevie is relevant to you! http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/138245-gerrard-time-to-become-a-man

I had a visitor, i showed around MNE, so I chose not to write much yesterday, now having taken a bit more time to reflect on your last words...
I find it astounding , but not surprising ,that you lack imagination...
young people play video games and learn an education which was already out of date a generation ago..& u swallow the BS as if it was a religion..and you are full of fear..
of course u have high unemployment.(although there are many in the "grey market") . u have SO little creativity
this Balkan region is full of opportunity, everywhere, yet , like lemmings" u rush to "the big city" and dont even realise that by doing so u overcrowd the opportunities there, (and increase the cost of living because property owners expect higher rent because of "demand"..
so many think that "the west" offers a better life, yet they come ere for holiday!! ha ha its pathetic..
you can make "heaven" here, but u prefer to make hell..
almost everyone i met break their word or promises and make excuses..
and are "poor" yet, for example" use more taxis than any part of the world i lived in,.
you have a climate ripe for growing vegetables and exotic fruit, but i have spoken to so many young ppl..
who only want to work in bars & tourism or an office...its like the clothes , would rather wear the latest "brand" (designer) shirt or skirt than use it any other way..its choices so U and your previous generations just continue...and then complain)
the climate change and the collapse of the financial system will change your lives sooner rather than later, your "education" isnt preparing you for that, they are teaching u for jobs that already dont exist ANYwhere..
and distracting you with "micro-politics" instead of informing you the truth about your world..open your eyes and look at the world and "uprising" everywhere..
the land with natural resources will survive..and the "3rd world countries" (with natural resources) will increasingly try to force western powers out of their lands..
as for my party, its your choice, but if u cant make an effort ONCE in a year, then how can u say u "respect me"
I know I dont live nearby , but i am sure if u cut out a few taxi rides or some other thing you COULD have afforded the fare here, I GET it , u dont think i am important enough..thats YOUR choice...
...and its MY choice to criticise your choices, your decisions your "eduvcation" and offer you alternatives but I also know from 3 years that 99,9% of people here RESENT "outsider" opinion or think that there are ulterior motives in my actions.. I am fed up with that, and I wont protect you from the truth...
I may not be alive in the future nor would i get any pleasure from saying to you "I told you so" because despite your attitude, i care what happens to you and my local "friends" even if u dont care about me.
"say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8yMI03q17g
its the time, we are all "REdS"
CS> my reaction to some "opposition" to..
Ug0> where are u?
p.s. 31st of august, regional meeting of balkan reds in Zrenjanin (near Belgrade)..
and on that day is "day of beer" in Zrenjanin
that ll be good fun, hope for a big team of montenegrin reds is going
Chris> what? like they Did NOT go to Sarajevo??? ...I am supporting 100% the meeting in Pristina, because its in Shankly's HONOUR, and any TRUE RED would do so too... much more important than a serbian beer festival , we only get ONE chance to celebrate Shanks 100th birthay, but you dont get it...
btw "Balkan REdS" was the name I gave to our first meeting in Bar, MNE, tell that to your "Lfc fans" !!!
none of you came to MY birthday party, but i take it as a bigger insult if you insult Shanks memory!!
Ciki > You should know that there's bigger chance for Serbian citizens to enter North Korea then to visit Pristina these days, even our politicians have to ask for special permission to enter Kosovo, not to mention common citizens, and even if it had been more simple,
I'd be seriously concerned about my own safety, because Serbs are being wiped out from that part of the country, churches and homes are being burned, it's kind of middle east down there, maybe not in Pristina, but the road to Pristina would be a gamble itself.
Ug0. man has told u everything u should know
Chris >
Ugo, u didnt go to SA, and u continually look for excuses, Lfc "serbia" didnt want me at their meeting.. so I could give a F8ck about whether they come or not.. Ciki, that BS! i have been with serbians in Pristina and Prizren, and your politians are spouting propaganda, no one had problems ../unless they look for it.. its time you realised its 2013 and those who stay with vendettas will never progress.. pointing fingers at each other is no interest to me, whether its N. ireland, S. Farica or the Balkans, u either move on or dtay in the dark days,, educate yourself and grow up, ne men not sheeple manipulated by the political/religious bigots! FFS! be MEN!
Chris > WE are REds , ... what are you?
stuck in a rut?
Ug0> its not lfc seriba's event.. fans from all balkan will be there..
Ciki> the meeting in zrenjanin doesn't have an official host, it is an idea of supporters who are not members of lfc serbia or liverpool serbia nobody has said that they don't want you at their meeting the guys who organize that still have to find accommodation and pub to watch the game, and when they do l, they will create facebook event and start organizing. I have lived in this country/reagion a little longer then you did and I know that going to pristina is not safe for me. It's ok for couchsurfing adventurers but not for me...
5:17pm + zrenjanin is much closer safer and cheeper solution
Ug0> agree
Chris> Ciki , U are wrong, I have LIVED longer than you on this planet, and lived or travelled more than half of it, I know what is safe or not,.
as usual u arent seeing the other side, and the benefit of being a RED can SOLVE problems , i have sat together between catholic & protestants during the irish "troubles" because we supported the RedS between black & white africans during times of massacre..
u seem to think you are more "special" you are NOT, you just have a small regions to focus on the negative instead of realising you belong to this planet , not a flag or piece of earth.. Lfc serbia HAVE made it quite clearthey have often failed to invite me to events even though I invited them to 5 meetings I have arranged and trips to Lp etc.. so dont give me BS!

Ugo, you "agree" yet u havent supported ANY meeting you havent attended any meeting... when U had the chance to go to Anfield u preferred a rock concert..so i wont accept your BS either!
I have stated my belief too many times to each of you personally, u chose to ignore it and me...
and on various groups,my opinion is often UNwelcome, but I will state it loud and clear!
If U and the human race survive the next decade, I propose U will discover that MANY things and people u considered "important" will be useless, and many people and things you didnt take care of , will be important (even if its too late) ...
THE world is in a state of uprising..through Cairo, Brazil..Syria, Madrid, Istanbul in fact everywhere..
in some parts the system wipes out activists BEFORE they can "demo" (USA!) but in stead they have extreme weather as nature takes its "revenge"... and you here are worried about fighting over a piece of land...whats the point of going to university and "learning" from professors who never LIVED in the world??
there are good & bad people , in every group, there is good and bad in every person, you chose how to deal with it... U can very brave,
I believe U should APPLY that courage to your life, in every way...
because THERE is no place for racism, discrimination or prejudice in any meetings I get involved in. within the BIG REd family we have Millions of every tribe, creed or colour...but are all still REd!
as far as I am concerned i dont care from where or what U came from as long as you honour the original culture that enabled this
...if it were not for Shanks, none of you may have even heard of Lfc..
and I would not have had a "mentor" one of a very few people I admired in my life..
... the clear obsevation that Lfc Serbia didnt mention Shanks in their meeting plans says so much..
they didnt want me at any meetings, on the contrary the lads In Pristina were very enthusiastic to invite me...
and last time in Pristina I was impressed, they have a sign on the door of the pub stating that its their "meeting point"
, they had a large group and sang songs.. without prompting..
and I repeat , none of the Serbs I met in Kosovo, had any "trouble" ...
so Unless you have some constructive comments, keep your Unfounded FEAR & prejudices to yourself, because I dont care to know!

CikI> "because THERE is no place for racism, discrimination or prejudice in any meetings I get involved in"
I never was a racist or discriminated anyone, and I'm NOT against Albanians or any national,
ethnic, religious group. Traveling to Pristina involves safety risks if you are traveling from the North,
I know 'cause I had friends visiting Gazimestan by bus last year "-16 Srba je povredeno kada su u Prištini na autobus kojim su se vracali sa obeležavanja Vidovdana na Gazimestanu baceni molotovljevi kokteli i kamenice. "
You can copy that into google translate if you don't understand. And after all meeting other LFC fans is not the only thing I have to do this summer and I certainly do not intend to spend so much money time and nerves just to be in Pristina, and money's not falling
from the skies everyday ....
that being sad,I'm not comming, and I don't see anything wrong with that Wish you guys to have a good time but
Ciki >
don't judge me if I won't come , I don't judge people
who don't come to parties/gigs when I call them,
it's their choice, and they know what they need, and so do I.
Ciki >
And as for LFC Serbia, there has been only ONE official
meeting organised, and you were PRESENT. (Stara Pazova)
There were NO meetings you were not invited to. They watch their games on regular basis in RED bar, but they don't invite anyone, because everyone is free to come whenever they want, I'm a member of LFC Serbia for more than 5 years, and I know how things function up there. Everybody is welcome there, but they surely won't send you personal invitation every Saturday when there's a game on the telly. And this meeting is and IDEA of few RANDOM lads, it was poorly written and unclear, but there was good intention and it may actually become a great meeting when accomodation/pub issues are solved
Chris >
U are not interested in what I have written , U ignored my invitation, U have had events and special meetings , but I dont care about that, I have my opinions and experience which is of the world..
I am clear about what I have seen , when U grow up (if I am still around) u can argue, with experince on your side, but if my opinions are felt to be "judging" its because you are wrong..I have said quite clearly I do not tell lies (unlike politicians or media)
YOU have not travelled to Pristina, but I have, .. I have been THREE times in Kosovo, and TWICE have spent a whole weekend with Serbs who travelled there and also visited a serb girl who lives in Pristina and teaches Serbian & German, and spent time there without problems, I also worked in London during the IRA bombings, does that stop me visiting London? NO! ..
when you allow FEAR (especially exagerated fear) to control your life , you no life (of your own) grow up, If u want to be talked to as a man, start acting like a man, and stop making excuses
p.s. the "REd bar" meeting was pathetic V the mancs they didnt even have the match commentary on!
I will SUPPORT the meeting & honour Shanks's birthday, i dont care about serbian beer (i drink wine anyway) & i wont be surprised if U dont, come to our party, none of you came to mine...so it wont be a shock!
Chris, you know that both Chiki and I love LFC and respect u, but u have to understant that during the summer, there's no way we can go anywhere. For example, I was studying until two days ago, i arranged to go with my friends in Greece for 10 days, i will spend a week in Kragujevac, and after that back to study.
Djordje> And its true, Red bar meeting is idiotic. There was at least 30 of us, and they didnt want to turn on the sound. I would have to be a complete moron to go there again.
Chris >
Djordje, U miss the points, its ALWAYS about choice u say "no way" ... its your priorities.. and if you read EVERYthing u might get MY point ... you choose what to do with your life and I choose how I react to your choices.. u COULD have come to my special party, you COULD come to the meeting in Pristina, dont defend Ciki, he can say for himself!!
if Ciki wants to argue, let him, I will leave you with this..
a) I asked to be involved in the "football events" - (tournies etc) no one remembered! ...
b) I proposed serbian - based meeting, no one reacted!
c) No Serbs came to Bar (except MAja, who was on holiday in MNE, anyway)
d) very few came to Srara Pasova (about 20% of the "sure attendees")
e) Marija was the only Seb @ Tuzla AND many from Lfc Serbia criticied the meeting and some said "ChriS is profiteering" (it cost me almost 500 e to support that meeting!)
f) no serb supported the planned meeting @ Ue this year (although there were other origanisational problems that made us cancel it eventually)
g) That the Bg Lfc fans cant convince the RedS bar to play the sound is pathetic..

its clear there is resentment against an outsider here, there is general prejudice and discrimination..
so, for the Sake of Shanks' birthday, for the support of TRUE REDs (who commit themselves...and dont make "excuses") I will 100% support the meeting in Kosovo and OPPOSE any other!!!
btw - its your choice to study to join the system ; which for me is clearly the same as buying a 3rd class ticket for the titanic AFTER it hit the iceberg... you waste your time and your family's money! IMO!
11:43am added Milos & Luka
13701 http://antichrismith.blogspot.com/2013/07/shanks-preparing-for-100-years-birthday.html
http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2013/06/rise-updated-and-message-for-them-lmao.html 13627
at the end of a rainbow,......
UniverseS; Alternatives, REdS & Links
and yet is hard to beat..
for every rose has a THORN!
but the Rose is still sweet..
have i had enough roses in my life?
a girl, a partner, a friend, more than one wife?
but I have bled too many times
so i dont care if this poem rhymes .. ! :)"
13629 ;
contact... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contact_(film)
do you know the people next to you?? where is your empathy?

http://thetravellingkop.com/848/kop-talks/andy-carroll-what-might-have-been ... Putting it all in perspective, the most signiificant aspect , is that the “policies” of Hicks & Henry have eroded our standing since 2007, We were champions league finalists , and now we are a “selling club” focused on commercial profit for F S G’s benefit, its OUR money they lost … its OUR money that drives the club, and BRs novice status is evidence of their failures to care for our club. to abandon Andy when we had no cover for half a season probably cost us Champions league status, BR is not a winner, he ‘s an F S G man as is Ayre, when we, supporters, take responsibility, to clean out our club, such losses may be avoided and our club will return to our “perch”.. http://thetravellingkop.com/817/special-features/take-5-with-paul-tomkins-on-lfcs-transfer-committee-new-signings-and-learning-from-ac
SCLOG (with CrEDs /twatter..comments too - see CREDS unsubbed
13626 see CSerSLOG ;http://cser5.blogspot.com/2013/06/csing-update-dday-dazedd-u-know-what.html
aint missing you... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9J8XhEyOfnQ
Date: Sat, Jun 1, 2013 at 1:17 AM
ReplyDeleteSubject: Gorcin Pejovic The bitter name :D
Hi its me Gorcin Pejovic... The link for my songs. My friend Bobo introduced me to you.
Just read the description and listen if you like :)
ChriS-EuRED @EuRED09
ReplyDelete13 Jun
@Couchsurfing @HerPackingList @RedAlieNeT over 50% of my guests were solo girls, and only one was a problem, (she took over my living room)!
Her Packing List @HerPackingList
@EuRED09 @Couchsurfing @RedAlieNeT Hahaha
MintTwist @MintTwist
ReplyDeleteFacebook Will Launch A News Reader At June 20th Press Event | buff.ly/179vZE8
14 Jun
The upcoming death of Google Reader, mentions of RSS in Facebook's code, and the addition of hashtags signal Facebook will likely launch a news reader at the June 20th press event it's just sent out…
CNN International @cnni
Centrist Rouhani leads Iran's presidential vote count dlvr.it/3Wh3S3
15 Jun Iranian election results trickle in, putting Hassan Rouhani in lead
In Iran's presidential election, early results Saturday put centrist candidate Hassan Rouhani in the lead.
CNN Politics @CNNPolitics
Palin embraces SNL sketch, dishes out her own humor at.cnn.com/habw8Wp
15 Jun
Palin embraces SNL sketch, dishes out her own humor
(CNN) -- There are so many scandals in Washington, Sarah Palin said, they could be lumped under the name of the botched gun-running sting that landed Attorney General Eric Holder in hot water long… RELATED TWEET 1
Liverpool FC @liverpool
Buy tickets for Liverpool's pre-season friendly against Celtic today - lfc.tv/HAw RT @LFC
13 Jun Liverpool v Celtic: Buy tickets today
Tickets are on sale from 9.30am BST today for Liverpool's pre-season friendly against Celtic in Dublin, which will take place at the Aviva Stadium on Saturday, August 10 with kick-off at 5pm. 1 RELATED TWEET
Highbury Harold @BlackScarfAFC
Good to see our banner in Mirror today. As we’ve already announced, we’ll be there on Wednesday with @spiritofshankly pic.twitter.com/eQAyWHfuGR
15 Jun 1 RETWEET
Merseyside Police say a rescue operation is under way in Liverpool after a tourist boat sunk in the dock with 30 people on board
15 Jun 1 RETWEET
BBC Sport @BBCSport
Liverpool are close to agreeing a deal for Sunderland goalkeeper Simon Mignolet. Full story soon. #lfc #safc
15 Jun 1 RETWEET
tariq panja @tariqpanja
Bloomberg: Liverpool MD Ian Ayre scrapped trip to Brazil to try and complete £20m signing of Shakhtar Donetsk's Henrikh Mkhitaryan
15 Jun 1 RETWEET
CS>Ayre is full of sh*te..Lfc equivalent of Srah Palin!!????
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
ReplyDelete11:05pm Jun 19
...reflecting on a society obsessed with youth, and for who challenge the "system"
..., the '70 s cult film "Logans Run"... (similar genre as "planet of the apres" ..made long before the "matrix")...
a city (a bit like Podgorica..ha ha ..full of only young people) controlled by computer..&. about a cop who terminated anyone who tries to escape the
"culling" of anyone over 30 years old..("runners").... and then REBELS and together with a younger girl who falls in love with him, finds a post-nuclear world outside where an old man lives... with a load of cats ha ha.. (private joke!) ..the acting is a bit "plastic" but the messages are clear... if u want to understand ...??? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logan's_Run_(film)
Logan's Run (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logan's Run is a 1976 American science fiction film directed by Michael Anderson
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
ReplyDelete12:44am Jun 25
yestetrday a bus crashed north of Pg..reported between 15-20 dead and many injured
people are missing the point , as usual,
its not even about whether he did it or not.....
, .... its that if an ordinary person was convicted, that person would be imprisoned until the appeal process completed, but, those with financial or political lobby may do what they like ... because they belong to "THEM" and YOU, the sheeple DO NOT!
its a local and global problem...
REd AlieN @RedAlieNeT
ReplyDelete@LivEchoLFC @anfieldonline @EuRED09 BR is a young Evans, sorry Roy , yr teams played pretty good footy, but were not fighting-winners!
@EuRED09 @RedAndWhiteKop the english media are the equivalent of the USA's drones, fire enough ammo, & eventually 1% will hit the target!
This Is Anfield @thisisanfield
Our latest article for Metro discusses Mignolet as competition for Reina, or should that be the other way round? metro.co.uk/2013/06/28/sim… - 28 Jun
REd AlieN @RedAlieNeT
@thisisanfield @EuRED09 "metro" is a "giveaway" .. & so are yr comments, yankers &N fannies ruined the "holy Trinity" Pepe is a mate of OURS
09:46 AM - 28 Jun 13
Empire of the Kop @empireofthekop
Liverpool’s 5 Best Games 2012-13 bit.ly/14zDK0o #LFC #fb - 28 Jun
REd AlieN @RedAlieNeT
@empireofthekop @EuRED09 Rafa's REdS of 08/09 would have spanked any of BR' selections/...!
10:33 AM - 28 Jun 13
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in The F**k it Club (a.k.a the Groundhog day club..)
ReplyDelete12:41pm Jun 29
havent kicked it yet! :)
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
ReplyDelete10:47pm Jun 30
police...paid for by the people, employed to stop the people...and you, the people accept it??
Elif İrem Koç also commented on her photo.
ReplyDeleteElif İrem wrote: "It refers to how our PM would always say "We know this/that/the situation/the place/how to govern, etc. very well". It says "We know how to be faggots very well.""
Liverpool FC @liverpool
Bettison faces new IPCC misconduct investigation:... fb.me/NJo840Wc RT @HFSG_Official
03 Jul
Norman Bettison faces new IPCC misconduct investigation over Stephen Lawrence inquiry
New claims he may have attempted to interfere with evidence for report into London teenager's death
TheFarm/PeterHooton @TheFarm13
Murdoch secret tape recording reveals he thought phone hacking was 'next to nothing' m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-231755…
04 Jul
News Corp defends Murdoch over tapes
News Corp defends Rupert Murdoch after a secret recording is broadcast of him railing against the police investigation into alleged payments to public officials by journalists.
@GingaNinja1309 mirror.co.uk/sport/football…
03 Jul
Liverpool transfers: Henrikh Mkhitaryan can force a £20m move admit Shakhtar Donetsk; Luis Suarez may need replacing admits Rodgers
Ukrainians are demanding £25.5m for midfielder but reveal star has option of breaking his contract PLUS Rodgers on the Luis Suarez situation
Liverpool FC @LFC
Kolo Toure: 'Part-time' role at City has made me so hungry for #LFC success - lfc.tv/HDm
02 Jul
Kolo: I'm so hungry for LFC success
Kolo Toure claims his 'part-time' role at Manchester City has made him hungrier than ever to prove he is still one of the best defenders around.
Bryan Oviedo @Bryan_Oviedo
It’s good to be back #Everton #COYB pic.twitter.com/XhL6u5qVkV
04 Jul
CNN Weather Center @CNNweather
Rainy and soggy #weather conditions will continue for the Southeast. Here's a glance at forecast 48 hour rain totals: pic.twitter.com/XpuaRR6qib
04 Jul
The Kop 305 @TheKop305
Luis Suarez wearing the new #LFC third kit. pic.twitter.com/qNCHNbjkFa
04 Jul
twentyfour7 Football @twentyfour7
So.... Who has Issue 5? #tf7 pic.twitter.com/JWvxsgtEnh
04 Jul
Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
ReplyDeleteChris East-west Invest Ursun
8:29am Jul 8
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Chris East-west Invest Ursun posted in ChriSmitH's Eco-Logistic Training & Coaching Academy
ReplyDelete8:52pm Jul 8
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fascism MUST be discussed because the sheeple have accepted evil everywhere in the word in form of commercialization and subtle "legal" erosion of rights, within the modern media and governments, by failure to discuss , they failed to see it..niow they are waking up, perhaps too late!