Tuesday, February 14, 2012

valentine day - deeJay ChriS ;) part 2..

  1. another "pause".... :)

  2. Ladies & whatever, there shall be a short "Intermission" whilst I get into the Rakija... ;)

  3. wishing,,,that... you were ...HERE! ..whoever YOu are! :)

    • Elizabeth Crazyscousebird James and 2 others like this.

      THE REdS Party 26th February
      @ "west" pub, Pg, contact for details 

      special "souvenir" T-shirt 

      Music dedicated to Whitney, & better times, R.I.P.

    Djole Kontic 14 February 21:01

    Ovih 18 extra jakih razloga treba gde je god moguće promovisati, probuditi uplašene ljude koje su toliko ponizili da dobar deo naroda pati od kompleksa niže vrednosti. Ljudi su zaboravili da su oni ti koji trebaju odlučivati o svojoj budućnosti, da sve državne institucije služe i odgovaraju njima a ne obratno. Korenite promene okoštalog i pokvarenog društvenog sistema su preko potrebne i moraju se sprovesti, nema druge! Evo tih 18 jakih razloga sa sajta http://www.99posto.org/ koji su veoma spretno formulisani:

    1- Zato što niko ne stoji iza nas, osim volje i čvrste rešenosti da promenimo društvo u kome živimo. Niko, osim naših porodica, budućnosti naše dece, svih naših prijatelja, svih običnih građana Srbije.

    2- Zato što žarko želimo jedno novo društvo, jedan bolji humaniji, solidarniji i srećniji svet.

    3- Zato što znamo kako da dođemo do tog cilja, a to ćemo uraditi miroljubivo, poštujući želje svih nas.

    4- Zato što smo mudriji, pametniji, talentovaniji i sposobniji od onih koji trvde da nas predstavljaju.

    5- Zato što znamo više od Njih, imamo sećanje i znanje hiljada godina, praštamo, ali ništa i nikada ne zaboravljamo.

    6- Zato što za razliku od Njih ne želimo da osvojimo vlast, nego želimo da vlast podele svi građani ravnopravno.

    7- Zato što znamo kako to može da se napravi i ostvari: Direktnom demokratijom, tj. neposrednim odlučivanjem građana o svim bitnim pitanjima i zakonima. Referendumima o svim bitnim odlukama. Internetom u svakoj kući u Srbiji.

    8- Zato što znamo da nam ne trebaju političari ovakvi kao što su sada. Trebaju nam stručni, sposobni „administratori“ - izvršioci u službi naroda, građana. Onako kako piše u zakonu, a ne onako kako Oni tumače, administracija = vlast.

    9- Zato što svi državni službenici i gradski, opštinski, treba da služe građanima. Oni nisu na svojim radnim mestima da bi dobijali plate, nego da služe nama građanima, za šta dobijaju platu!

    10- Zato što državu čine građani, žene i ljudi, porodice i ono što oni odluče. A ne čine državu institucije, one su tu samo zato da bi svima bilo bolje i JEDNAKO!

    11- Zato što smatramo da svi i bogati i siromašni imaju pravo na isto školovanje, na istu zdravštvenu i socijalnu zaštitu, bez razlike, RAVNOPRAVNO, a ne kao sada gde je podela na kaste i nedodirljive.

    12- Zato što zemljom, vodama i prirodom Srbije i sveta ne mogu da upravljaju i gazduju banke i korporacije, to pripada svima nama podjednako i NEOTUĐIVO!

    13- Zato što znamo da Vi služite baš tim bankama i korporacijama, a lažete nas da smo Vas birali i da nas predstavljate. Zato što vas ne vidimo na sednicama „Skupštine“ niti na sednicama „Vlade“, niti pratimo Vaše dogovore telefonima (videofonima?).

    14- Zato što nećemo da glasamo ni za koga od Vas, svejedno što ste promenili vučje kožuhe i mašete novim zastavicama, znamo vas već jako dugo i znamo šta nam spremate.

    15- Zato što nećemo da dozvolimo da potrošite 6 miliona evra po partiji(!), koliko ste sami izvdojili za „Vaše izbore“ od Naših para ne pitajući Nas.

    16- Zato što od sada želimo da se SAMI PITAMO ZA SVE što se tiče naših života i budućnosti!

    17- Zato što vas se više NE PLAŠIMO! Zato što smemo da promenimo budućnost koju ste nam Vi smislili!

    18- Zato što smo se konačno probudili,

    Ovde je sve na svom mestu i pored ostalog 100% antiglobalistički. Ostaje da se širi dalje, da se ljudi bude iz stanja hipnoze, učmalosti i bezperspektivnosti! Revolucija svesti se treba i mora rasplamsati!
    Djole Kontic posted in BALKAN CIVIL MOVEMENT (google translated!)

    Djole Kontic 14 February 21:01WE ARE 99%


    The 18 extra strong reasons should where possible promote, afraid to wake up people we are so humbled that a good part of the people suffering from inferiority complex. People have forgotten that they are the ones who should decide about their future, that all state institutions serve and respond to them and not vice versa. Radical changes ossified and corrupt social system are much needed and must be implemented, no other! Here are 18 powerful reasons to the site http://www.99posto.org/ who very cleverly formulated:

    1 - Because no one behind us, except the will and firm determination to change society in which we live. Nobody, except our families, our children's future, all our friends, all the ordinary citizens of Serbia.2 - Because they fervently want a new society, a better more humane, solidarity and happier world.3 - Because we know how to reach that goal, and we will do it peacefully, respecting the wishes of us all.4 - Because we are wiser, smarter, more talented and more capable than those who claim that we represent.5 - Because we know more than them, we have the memories and knowledge of thousands of years, forgive, but nothing, and never forget.6 - Because unlike them we do not want to win power, but we want to share power by all citizens equally.7 - Because we know how this can be done and achieved: direct democracy, ie. direct decision-making citizens of all relevant issues and legislation. Referendums on all major decisions. Internet in every home in Serbia.8 - Because we know that we do not need politicians such as they are now. We need competent, capable of "administrators" - executives in the service of the people, citizens. As it appears in the law, not the way they are interpreted, the administration = power.9 - Because all state and city officials, municipal, should serve the public. They are not at their desks in order to be paid, but to serve us citizens for what they are getting paid!10 - Because we are citizens of the state, women and men, families and what they decide. And do not make state institutions, they are there just to be better and all the same!11 - Because we believe that all the rich and the poor are entitled to the same school, the same health and social care, without exception, equally, not like now where the division into castes and untouchables.12 - Because the soil, water and nature of Serbia and the world can not be administered and managed banks and corporations, it belongs to us all equal and inalienable!13 - Because we know that you just serve those banks and corporations, and lie to us and we elected you to represent us. Because you do not see the sessions "assembly" or the meetings of the "Government", or track your phones deals (videophones?).14 - Because we will not vote for anyone of you, no matter what you change the wolf's Jerkin and waving the new flag, you know for a long time and know what we save.15 - Because we will not allow you to spend 6 million per game (!), How much you have to izvdojili "Your choices" of OUR money without asking us.16 - Because now we want to ask about ALL ALONE when it comes to our life and future!17 - Because you are not afraid anymore! So what must we change the future that you have us figured out!18 - Because we finally woke up,Everything is in place, and among other things, 100% anti-globalization. It remains to expand further, that the people are from the state of hypnosis, lethargy and lack of prospects! The revolution of consciousness need to be and should ignite!
    ChriS>I more or less agree, except I am also GLOBAL, so its not that "Globalization" is a problem, its the "commercial" methods used badly which destroy culture & environment & violate human rights which are wrong, I am global, local & Universal, and I am Good! ;)

    Nada Popović 14 February 20:17
    Wall Photos
    Kako je započela romantična bajka o Valentinovu Priča o Valentinovu ili Danu zaljubljenih seže u da...

    Blazenka Zaninovic-Eric 15 February 10:22
    Marinko Rokvic - I Pijan I Trezan Za Tebe Sam Vezan

    Marinko Rokvic - I Pijan I

Zavoli dan u kojem se budiš, zavoli misli i...
Nada Devic 14 February 15:16
Zavoli dan u kojem se budiš, zavoli misli i sjećanja, dozvoli srcu da diše, onda ćeš znati od kuda dolazi ljepota i da je glas prošlosti samo sjena života . . .
"Ključ" se krije u srcu, kao Ljubav, kao lepršava slika sretnoga trenutka, kao svjetlosni zagrljaj srca kojom duša grli svakog čovjeka . . . SRETNO VALENTINOVO OD ♥ ♥♥ :))))

  1. Blazenka Zaninovic-Eric posted in BALKANSKI GRADJANSKI POKRET
    RED x Action

    Montenegro Phototrekking invited you to "Akcija prikupljanja hrane"
    Akcija prikupljanja hrane
    15 February at 10:00
    Location: Delta City, Podgorica
    Are you attending?

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