13 Feb 2012
Day 3
"state of emergency-Tolosi"
No people , no sound of cars, it’s a white blanket which has stopped
everything..waist high snow..i am Going "stir crazy" haven't talked to anyone since Friday,
…I need a "Red cross nurse" to come and save me with a WARM cuddle.. ;)

i am still an "optimist" ...
if the owners want a fight they will get one,,and i for one, would welcome it, get them out and make it a supporters owned club..

R,I.P Whitney, you will surley be missed. :( Whitney Houston "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)" Whitney

Dedicated to Whitney, was from my generation...
An incredible talent, beautiful voice and looks..
A talent self-destructed, a product of your "UNcaring society" & a lesson …that riches DON’T buy happiness...

Liverpool Manager Kenny Dalglish today insisted Luis Suarez is right to apologise for failing to shake Patrice Evra's hand at Old Trafford.

Paul> Bingo. Evra is the one who refused the handshake and fabricated his reaction y pulling back Suarez hand and showing him as a Racist! Or am i seeing wrong!
Evra refuse or Suarez refuse?
ChriS SmiTH> i really dont care, it was a farce , based on "heresay" and a political agenda, if Luis didnt want to shake evra's hand, thats up to him? IF...but at a time when the UK govt STILL...
after 22 years have continued to cover up MURDEROUS neglect by the police & officials @ Hillsborough, there are BIGGER issues than an arguement between 2 male adults (not forgetting that evra ADMITTED that HE also insulted Lus's sister...) the bias is so great and the media / public so stupid, that its RIDICULOUS!See more


Authorities arrested eight people Saturday -- including five employees of Britain's bestselling Sun newspaper -- as part of an inquiry into illegal payments
Ne pokusavajte biti razliciti,samo budite dobri.Jer danas je biti dobar vec
dovoljna razlika.<
13 February at 08:30 |

Cetinje pod snijegom 12. februar, 2012. god.
CS> u cant be "Serious" ;) ?
sad već pretjeruje polarna zima i sibirska fronta ! :(
Moraca sinoc uslikano u Podgorici :)))
koje steknete i karakter koji izgradite,moze biti vrednije od postignutog
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