"Monty in state of emergency
day 6".. personal UPDATE!
08h Strat.
09h although we have
had snow etc since a couple of weeks the roads really got almost completely
blocked almost a week ago, and an "official state of emergency
Tuesday I managed to walk to the end of my road (about 500 metres) - it only took about an hour!!!!!
Yesterday, I walked on the main road despite (hardly) empathic
traffic ; ) had a coffee outside
the caffe with Wyatt & jessica (a surreal backdrop was palm trees sticking
out of "snow dunes"…) in the mid-day sun, whilst shoppers hobbled around the narrow paths, on ungritted pavements, whilst drivers obviously ignored calls to avoid un-necessary trips.
THIS, if ever would be a time to conserve energy, use comms technology for its original use COMMUNICATION, avoid travel and save the energy used to light/heat hugs city offices... instead today we had the first "power cut" in my residential suburb of Pg.!!!!
We walked to Delta city & aparticipated in a good thing, making a small
contribution to the REd X action .(by giving food, not money),.. Because of
sharing the road with erratic drivers I took a taxi back, & my taxi driver
nearly hit a car ... he was watching an accident on the other side of the road,
and didnt notice a driver coming straight at us on our side (who had decided to
use the opposite carriageway) , so walking is dangerous and driving is
dangerous, so, ......
Montenegrin government has declared the state of emergency in the country due to severe weather conditions. The Emergency Management Coordination Team....
Liverpool host Brighton in the FA Cup Fifth Round on Sunday, having seen off Oldham and Man United so far. Brighton are managed by former Chelsea and Spurs
Croatia: "Anonymous" destroyed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Website
"This way, we emphasize that there are still those of us who fight for freedom of the internet, free flow of information and independent journalism," stated in a message ( "Anonymous")
"This way, we emphasize that there are still those of us who fight for freedom of the internet, free flow of information and independent journalism," stated in a message ( "Anonymous")
- www.vijesti.me"Ovim putem skrećemo pažnju da i dalje ima nas koji se borimo za slobodu interneta, slobodan protok informacija i nezavisno novinarstvo", stajalo je u poruci "Anonimnih"
- www.vijesti.meDonacija iz Budve će biti uručena opštinama Mojkovac, Šavnik i Plužine u petak i subotu. Namirnice prikupljene u Podgorici distribuira Crveni krst
- www.vijesti.meSlovenačkim helikopterom trenutno se dopremaju nove količine hrane i ljekova u Andrijevicu i okolna sela
- www.vesti-online.comOd sutra ponovo voz iz Beograda za Crnu Goru Preduzeće Železnice Srbije najavilo je da će sutra nakon četvorodnevnog prekida biti obnovljen saobraćaj sa Crnom Gorom ali samo do Bijelog Polja
- www.vaseljenska.comБеоград - Најбољи тенисер света Новак Ђоковић, који је поводом Дана државности одликован Орденом Карађорђеве звезде првог степена, поручио је да ће наставити да ...
- www.vesti-online.comMraz nam dolazi iz Rusije Neobičnu oštru zimu u Evropi koju smo u Srbiji dobro osetili na vlastitim kostima ovih dana su istraživali i stručnjaci Američke svemirske agencije (NASA)
Mila Milic added Boban Vojvodic and 7 others to the group.
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