Tuesday, December 1, 2020

TRUE REbEl REd SUPPORTERS educating fen way's Lfc, JK & co, the e.p.Hell & UEFAcking english FA & mainSCREAMedia tooooooo?

ONLY for TRUE REbEL REdS  catch up with #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet  previous /2020/11/lbird-co-op-redgemnet-updated-during-bs.

 SUpporters enabled LIVERPOOL... local & GLOBAL!

yet, idiotic govt officials, so called medical "experts" employed by the same govt that showed IDIOCRATIC rules that mirror the destructive VAR bs in games, with....


the 170 changes to association football regulations since the e.p. hell sold football to the mainSCREAMedia  

..whilst we are locked out of stadia that WE made possible by OUR loyal support?????

"are you having a laugh?"  

YOU caused the crisis,  (sheeple OBEYING BS! ) JK crying about injuries ...wow!  u have a fecking ARMY of medical & technical staff &their personal trainers etc ...to check their status pre match, but you send Milly out to play 3 games in a week??

Fen way snarkes dont care , because they still get their TV money, and dont have to emply 800 people when Anfield is full!

(look, they were QUICK to "furlough" the stadium staff at the start of this Bogus 0.01% risk-panic!)

 and WHY , since this money-league started do TOP clubs have to have (at Lfc)  TWENTY-NINE players in the 1st TEAM squad IF you are NOT READY to use them ALL????? 

I like Juergen (but he is also a mulit-millionaire paid by the SNARKES) Too many "fringe players" get wasted during a whole season ...because top clubs just want to play their best 14 (or in JK's case best 16) that still leaves maybe TEN players wasted??

we have a plan to take over LIVERPOOL by 2023!  we also propose SUPPORTERS take back OUR game from the fools and BOYcott e.p. hell & the corrupt UEFA..etc ... REbEL!

(as they pretend is a BIG "allowance" for 2000 fans (lottery) in a 50-60,000 seater stadium!!

 #WEsingourownSONG vimeo.com/484330282

see also #LbiRDco-op  vimeo.com/417378756

_______________ LIVERPOOL 1 ajax 0

any way... just maybe JK is starting to realise not only that modern footy is dicatted to by mainSCREAMedia , also his medical staff make mistakes ( isnt it their problem to "protect" the lads? " _ ) WE HAD MORE games and travel (europe, super cup & world club trophy,) lLAST (winre) SEASON? and he needs now to use his TWENTY-NINE MAN FIRST TEAM SQUAD .
 << # LbiRD-co-op ... good that Neco , Curtis , Kells & Rhys halped the lads through the group... in spite of the doubts by oundits & t other fanny-channels.. rednet.blog

ANAL ysis




 images ,,,


  (from "66 when our home team wore change strip)

great . considering the critics of "fanny-channels"  so called TV pundits, & fickle fans..\




 FOUR academy players helped the REdS through the group stage, which again means JK can relieve his mind and play his first team when fit, how he wants , BECAUSE we are playing LESS games this winter than LAST (and much less travel, super cup & world club trophy excluded!)..


MORE RONS ... and......
extracts from the IDIOCRACY most of you voted into power , local or global you the sheeple are to blame for allowing their #gameofTHORNS  #MASK_er_AIDS ... mainSCREAMedia 2;
 still obsessed by the bogus panic bug... (o,01%) ignoring WAR biz, disease , Pollution & selfish policies of USAcorp, & their allies,  commercial fascism, Pollution kills & destroys the lives of so many more than the STUpandemic itself...  ......
Alice Aziz: Politics through the Paykan’s rear window.

Ron Jacobs: We know what we are up against.
Patrick Cockburn: Why we mustn't forget Trump's worst crime.
Jonathan Cook: Why the planet cannot heal until we rip the mask off the West's war machine.
Medea Benjamin & Ariel Gold: The global community must condemn the dangerous crime.
Behrooz Ghamari Tabrizi: Biden and the challenge for progressives.
William Hartung - Mandy Smithburger: A Pentagon spending agenda for the Biden Administration.

Jack Delaney: Free speech under siege.
John Davis: Euphoria and depression.
Jeffrey St. Clair: The gang that couldn't sue straight.
Paul Street: What Obama's book left out.
Matthew Stevenson: What’s the matter with Trump and the Republicans?
Dave Lindorff: It’s often been noted that countries that go to war tend to adopt the behaviors of their enemies.
Jonathan Cook: It's not only about climate change.
Eve Ottenberg: The election is over, and we’re back to reality.
(((((((((((((( but.....

 .. ...  OUR PLAN better than;  ,,,,

the Tories will always put the 1% first, whilst the economic crisis we face is set to be the worst any of us have experienced. What's the alternative & how do we build resistance?

Join us for the discussion on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/c/AriseFestivalChannel/live or Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87997478475
It's just absurd -- under a little-known treaty, big polluters are suing governments for taking climate action. It's draining our budgets and making real climate action impossible. But finally a few powerful countries could withdraw – let's back them with our 1-million-strong call to build up the revolt against this planet-frying treaty:


  1. pre LIVERPOOL v wolves .. they will think its a chance to bloody our noses? updating ; https://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2020/12/redgemnet-bootroom-extra-pre-liverpool.html

  2. https://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2020/12/rednet-update-reds-tamed-rules-masked.html

  3. LBiRD v twatters
    all frontiers & borders are ridiculous, with flags invented by someone who usually wanted advantage over the community they claim to represent, no wonder NO intelligent life would visit this planet, its FUBAR inhabited by Snarkes, jackals & sheeple

    ha ha ha TWO immediate lessons to learn a) that Zoom etc & others exploit ignorance & sheeple obedience & B) the only true "pand-take the Mick" is how STUPID YOu & the global sheeple are! #MASK_er_AIDS #ganeofTHORNS #LbiRDco-op via REdHEMnet

  4. @harveytuttle @spiritofshankly @ShanklysBoys1 @EuRED09 it ONLY took "BLOwJO;s govt" the e.p. Hell, Fen way's/Lfc NINE months to organise 2000 (? "lottery fans" ) return ... whilst https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2020/12/true-rebel-red-supporters-educating-fen.html #gameofTHORNS #LbiRDco-op via REdGEMnet

  5. THE CSsI plan stops the land being covered with CONCRETE & construction,, grass v ignorance

    ChRiS > I predicted / WARNED of their "virus" (phoney bug FEAR FIVE years ago (Poem) ..FIGHT the curfew, MASKING, lockdown/lock ou tDICTARORS LIVE & join TRUE REbEL REdS worldwide LbiRDco-op

    5 years ago NOTE FIVE YEARS AGO..now see 4th paragraph, below..???
    Christopher Richard Smith

    todays Poem...
    just before I go to sleep.
    its difficult not to weep
    of the good people that have gone
    left behind those who seem like moron (s)

    there s donald , (the duck sounds more intelligent)
    trying to be next president
    but when u look at their population
    its clear hes not the only (trump-chump)

    europa is not much better
    they bomb more kids in Syria
    in revenge ...
    when its all over the world will look like "stonehenge"

    sometimes the scientists warn about this or that
    some virus, some risk or look for life on another planet
    seems when I look at the 7 billion
    on this planet , I havent found that!

    but keep your humour , if there is anyone there?
    my ideas I would like to share
    but considering the C 1 a will track you or spread more scare
    I wonder if you really dare?
    Chr15 151210

  6. ChRiS210117

    ….do you know
    Its called “match day” …
    although have to say..
    my mind is not at ease..
    the world focus is a “bugged” disease

    The stadium is empty..
    The players “should not hug”
    But the ones making these “rules”
    Look like another idiotic thug…

    Jackals , sheeple & cowards sneer
    But I will “keep our Red flag flying here”
    WAR, pollution, cancer, hunger are bigger killers, this I know..
    But the use of FEAR ,, I watch it grow..

    Their #gameofTHORNS, their #MASKerAIDS
    Promote a new FEAR, if this one fades..
    Bombared with rubbish , 24/7
    The snarkes will not go to heaven..

    Big biz, and big pharma too
    Will sell poison to you
    But I will keep on fighting & telling truths
    What more can I do?

