thanks Dawn for the intro ...
...I contributed to a :wake up: for ..... (them)..:)
with the previous post at
and I shall proceed to bring you into my REd SOUL...
(words..) ;
"18 times the current ONE"
"...when I was still just a TRUE REd KID..
this is what WE did;
+ BEST TEAMS that anyone has SEEN
CHAMPIONS of europe ; FOUR
& we could have had MORE,,
i do NOT need your modern FIX
my bros & sisters were the 96~!
BEFORE they SOLD our beautiful GAME
TRUE REdS fight for our SOUL
their profit is not our ONLY GOAL
and our chants & rhyme
WE are LIVERPOOL, this club
WILL BE OURS again, in TIME!"
He's not the Messiah, very naughty SAVIOUR of ...some of you? :)
Harveys Establishment Premiere League...LOG
WARNING ..SLYtv have you where THEY can exploit you!
they will CON TROLL WHO can return to the stadiums but they really just want you to be cemented 24/7 infront of a screen..
The alternative ..join LbiRD FREE Co-OP - Worldwide
FIGHTING for our REd SOUL and our LIVERPOOL way
emigrated from that city?
examples .. 2 men I respected ..Frank & Kenny...(3) Senior men who cling to the fear factor and Frank even ridiculed those who challenged the lockdown panic... has 100% obeyed the govt he hates!!! .. Kenny LOVED by so many for a 1000 reasons on & off the field... made 3 major mistakes IMO...
- Failing to support SAFE STANDING which could have allowed "working class"core supporters IN the stadium (its better than standing on seats, and less risk in emergency) OUR TRUE REdS are PRICED out by the BILLIONAIRE backed USAcorp sharks in the Lfc/fen way boardroom ... also failed to criticise them for the ticket scandal, "branding Liverpool"and the staff furlough attempt
- he is ÖUR KING"accepted a knighthood from the queen, an establishment which virtually murdered our 96 brothers & sisters..
- Should have told JK & the squad to wait and CELEBRATE with supporters together.. told them to "stay at home" ..when we all know the POLICE STATE is BS! ... (if you want me to wear a mask, pay me to do so??)
also ; rednet./2020/06/to-explain-liverpool-way-name-is.
* the irony that the 2 extreme groups who alraedy chose to wear masks (apart from bandit friends ...thats another story! :)
are the KKK, and Muslim ladies...
note opinions; that the maskeDUMBLINDgloballockedown panic has placed 1.1 BILLION at risk of starvation...!!
GOOD wishes to all TRUE REdS who respect Shanks
= + OUR ORIGINAL "LIVERPOOL way" ideals..
with our 5 year plan : vimeo.com/325497763
MY boycott & OUR CLUB;
audio/visual @ vimeo.com/431539229
with groups/eured.supporters
LIVE your LIFE, fight THEIR "virus"
with YOUR LbiRD co-operative x one Million + vimeo.com/417378756....
#LbiRDco_op #LIFEis_forLIVING
vimeo.com/429564740 interview with ChRiS
flash intro @ /vimeo.com/429614494
learn the meaning of imagine : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6svOHFSAH
will you dare to care to read..some small clues here..
and more mainSCREAMed1A .a.k.a...
mommy FAKER news BS! ;
happening..or maybe ..not...
What’s still not happening? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cs 200803 Rebel: CLAIM Fwd: F&UCS 200711 (2018-2022/5) FYI only #filecopy INTERNATIONAL COURT process 2018-2022/5
ReplyDeleteContact photo
To campaign@ursun.net on 2020-08-03 10:49
following our meeting at a secure location in Montenegro we calculate a parallel financial claim as compensation for every person affected by enforced lock down/masked enforcemnt
This will exclude the seperate claim for recovery of ANY penalties, delays, detention & fines applied to any persons who have or shall join this undersal claim against the recipiants , their employees or any such person inventing or applying these violations against our freedoms. (see UDHR(1948) & ECHR original articles (pre "amendements")
the amount claim shall be a maximum of 10,000 euros and a minumu of 1,000 euros according to previous employment levels & location (cost of living) pro rate FOR EVERY SINGLE MONTH CONCERNED (conCURRENTLY FROM MARCH 1 2020
Note for court registrar, the defendants are expected to deny receipt , however as they have blocked main email & postal services to the sender, we have sent each one of our nearest and most convenient government officer a copy.
E & O E
and for
Christopher R. SMITH F,Inst D.
former commander current global co-ordinator
On 2020-07-13 06:50, campaign@ursun.net wrote:
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: F&UCS 200711 (2018-2022/5) FYI only #filecopy
Date: 2020-07-11 15:13
From: chris@ursun.net
To: campaign@ursun.net
:to whom it may concern " confidential - see attached
HT-CS200708ECHR ombudsman ref ... 2020/65760708 V MNE and others
to : CS
cc : FU/ 1team
BC : Und Andere etc
The Application following up the previous lodged claim
1. to by pass & "fast Track" the application v MNE & others ..
(details withheld to protect friendly witnesses and to avoid non
friendly witnesses being eliminated by
"security agents" cia/nsa equivalent, dark op employees, govt & private.
2. main claim is article ... www.un.org › universal-declaration-human-rights
Article 13. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and
residence within the borders of each state. to be applied Via the ECHR
and with the ombudsmans "fast track" privaledges (classified)
plus ECHR articles
the right to life (Article 2)
freedom from torture (Article 3)
freedom from slavery (Article 4)
the right to liberty (Article 5)
the right to a fair trial (Article 6)
the right not to be punished for something that wasn’t against the law
at the time (Article 7)
the right to respect for family and private life (Article 8)
freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 9)
freedom of expression (Article 10)
freedom of assembly (Article 11)
the right to marry and start a family (Article 12)
the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights
(Article 14)
the right to protection of property (Protocol 1, Article 1)
the right to participate in free elections (Protocol 1, Article 3)
3. this & previous claims & copies held by NGO FU & selected associate orgs.
4. CS to interogate defendents representatives pre 2022, may!
5. Hearing date "classified" civil/criminal claims to run con current!
DeleteSEE attached overview of previous claims v MNE *and others
There has been corruption also by UK officials & officers at high
level (Inc F & C office) & elsewhere (EU)
Details of case files , defendants & witnesses forwarded to Om.
office at ECHR Strasbourg May 2018 and process expected by May 2022!*
* via colleagues NGO; Liverpool, Zw, Fr, Colmar & Bg.
FYI only cc;
The complaint v The United Nations & its various particip[ants
Contact photo
From REdNET on 2020-07-14 11:50
Details Plain text
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: The complaint v The United Nations & its various particip[ants
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2020 13:28:51 -0400
From: inatteam@mypod-net.org
To: chris@ursun.net
CC: chrismith@mypod-net.org
to whom it may concern at
Office of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva8–14, Avenue de la PaixCH–1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland
New York Office:Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations
New York, NY 10017 United States of America
FU/ 1team
BC : Und Andere etc
The Application following up the previous lodged claim
1. to by pass & "fast Track" the application v MNE & others .. (details withheld to protect friendly witnesses and to avoid non friendly witnesses being eliminated by
"security agents" cia/nsa equivalent, dark op employees, govt & private.
2. main claim is article ... www.un.org › universal-declaration-human-rights
Article 13. (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state. to be applied Via the ECHR process
and with the ombudsmans "fast track" privaledges (classified)
plus ECHR articles
the right to life (Article 2)
freedom from torture (Article 3)
freedom from slavery (Article 4)
the right to liberty (Article 5)
the right to a fair trial (Article 6)
the right not to be punished for something that wasn't against the law at the time (Article 7)
the right to respect for family and private life (Article 8)
freedom of thought, conscience and religion (Article 9)
freedom of expression (Article 10)
freedom of assembly (Article 11)
the right to marry and start a family (Article 12)
the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights (Article 14)
the right to protection of property (Protocol 1, Article 1)
the right to participate in free elections (Protocol 1, Article 3)
3. this & previous claims & copies held by NGO FU & selected associate orgs.
4. CS to interogate defendents representatives pre 2022, may!
5. Hearing date "classified" civil/criminal claims to run con current!
see CAREFULLY content of various logs
ReplyDeleteat https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/
and https://vimeo.com/406523305
JK is nicknamed Stutt=Setra SS biggest german bus..