Karma 1 ;
OUR local & GLOBAL F & U c0-0P
ChRiS: assisted by DAWN; (see also NEW C DAWN)
Recent co-op via Vimeo;
Links via /antichrismith.
CRS>... ... "you get the society you deserve?" .... according to the history books you may have read in school.. this "civilization" between 2-10,000 years old or so.. HAS FAILED..
- the planet, you dump your rubbish, you pollute, with car & AIR traffic, industrial waste and chemicals, billions of tonnes of poison into the atmosphere, whilst you SANCTION WAR that kills & maims ...
I am not "religious" ( i like the analogy of someone who said "religion is like a group of blind , each holding part of an elefant" they each hold part of the TRUTH..)
.. whilst panic has put the global populattion into a sort of "COMA" ..failing to question their "orders" .. you are ALL part of a society that allows an estimated ONE THOUSAND kids to die ; NOT daily , but EVERY HOUR! from malnutrition-related disease etc... YOU FAIL because you KEEP giving power to the FEW... so YOU are to BLAME as much as :them:
... .... ... therefore... is this Kharmic revenge" ????? WILL YOU wake Up & repair the damage done..or, will NATURE remove the "human race"???????
(if it is NOT a c1a made warfare?) JOIN....
.... https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/stop-treningvirus-make-positive-chris-smith
so WHAT should WE do...? :-
OUR initiative is to connect an existing 160+ groups on social media (direct connection with 900k worldwide, who in turn probably have an expanded contact with say 10, million..?)
*Evolve ideas from the community, not from :the pyramid of govt/business exploitation
*Equality, with intelligence, encourage ideas that benefit the whole.
*Share & care for all Human BEings, no discrimination or frontiers
*Apply #eco-logistics (see propsals)@com/groups/F.and.U.at.ME ..note f/book dont like "anti-establishment" initiatives
EVERYONE should have the true CHANCE of living, with home & food ..without prejudice. ............
Karma 2
LIVERPOOL & other Football LOVERS
USAcorp, fen way & "english" premiere league trophy
if 25 points are not enough feck the EPL, UEFA etc..
Karma has obstructed our core REd SOCIALIST Spirit since 30 years... something, some way...always blocked us.. think..."voodoo, hoodoo, Karma" ?????
* We won the last league trophy just before the EPL!
* 3 managers had life threatening risk to their lives during the EPL; Rafa, Souness & Houllier...!!
* 2009 when challenging for the EPL... arsenal steal a point at Anfield during a 100% winning run.. with Arshavin scoring 4 goals ... the only time in his career!
* 2014 our local hero Stevie G, uniquely slips and Lfc blow 2 of the last 3 games after a long winnign run, and miss the title, again..
to be continued at ....(decoy website to fool the fan nies)
Its ridiculous to try to force a false re-start of the ENGLISH premiere league.. ... whatever happens the season is ODD, disturbed, fecked-up, .. so BEST is to end as OUR CHAPIONS, 25 points ahead, a record,
have a proper break, and repair everyone...
PREPARE EVERYONE for a fresh re-start, slowly assimilating to a new BETTER society, local & GLOBAL> thats the best for players, clubs & supporters NOT to SERVE TV revenue & NOR the rich INFESTORS & sponsors..
What’s NOT happening?
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