Wednesday, October 18, 2017

anti CS-in v USA corp couchSMURFing & "SHLAP-PetS

anti CS-in v USA corp couchSMURFing & "SHLAP-PetS"

"couchsurfing" was  OVER-aken y USAcorp goons 2/3 years ago... are OWNED by business-mafia,, they creep into social media
have commercialized the net so that you are bombarded with subliminal codes through the hundreds of mind-numbing "info-messages"
in your laptop, PC, ipod or "smart phone"...

THEY own you, you are (my new description for the masses ) a  "SHLAP-Pet*"(see below)

i71007 one week since, and after various issues and viral attacks on my sites and via social media (and once , also cowardly, on my person)
my 2/3 years old  "new hosting life profile" also on "couchsurfng" (wih almos 50 positive references) has been suspemded
by USAcorp commercial gUestapo (as was my previous hosting profile, which had 150 guests) without explanation or discussion..

USAcorp and its "gUestapo goons" have NO respect for what is Fair or honest
- No discussion, immediate "temporary" suspension , then bogus & irrelevant questionnaires!
- thus my visitors are confused, and harmed , as they have no hosting replies from me.
- as with "policemen" in their pervered system, we are treated as "guilty unil proven innocent"
- however no fair process is provided, of course...
- their minions use bogus names - one even used the name of my deceased son!!!


I plan a farewell fake-book party 31 octoebr '18

now several years since fake- book goons deleted my original "Chri5mith" (with 3000 "friends" on it) and I opened "Chris Smih - Mypod" Profile
(mypod= also my named unused website ..."My Podorica" which has been my operational base (and of F & U Mission & co...)

YOU slave-sheep DO NOT live in a free world, " they" ; the unseen and the openly corrupt (&/or negligent ) manipulators of your nation, corps
or religion pull you into line like (slave-sheep) puppets* , you are chained to them ,tossed rewards for obedience as docile pets may be,

.....and even when you know they are always lying, you coninue to vote or hand them power, pay their war machine taxes
and serve their institutions. whilst they pollute your beautiful planet,  baaaaaa :p


I happened to be "absent" since ONE WEEK from this profile, and only ONE person reacted, so i have a problem considering who is indeed my "friend"

IF you choose to keep contact;

you are invited to join one of the groups:

black sheep   ;    email via ex-colleague

Band B trekking

via  email

crazy EuRED via email ;

play football ;  email

Rednet    email

CS Akademija  email

Renovation ME (via his is )  email

....Fake news ?   via

IF i am "breathing" KNOW that I will check in on from time to time, or you may choose to simply forget me , for many. that should be easy,
as I could just as easily have been dead, as a bad smell in the house, these previous 7 days, until someone came looking to settle a debt?

the USA afer 50 years of ignorant devolution elect "superTrump" so I have written OFF the most destructive & pollutive nation on the planet ; no intelligence there ..
the UKippers and brexit fools which cloned May show my own "home" is also lost to morons , the former soviets & asians have "bought" western non-values ...

...whilst Europe and Merkel, Make-on, and the new fascist groups  with their pre-emptive copy of Donald's wall
are keeping out & killing child migrants & refugees, whom many of their ancestors once were, says no intelligence here either...
even small "MOnty" allowed a NaTo BASE , and they didnt have any enemies to justify this, just simply sold out, as did my old Football club 10 years;
... also when USACORP infected Liverpool/....

so I will proceed with MY initiatives, hope to find and invite someone with rare qualities ; enthusiastic; trustworthy; sociable; reliable & communicative
to join me (remuneration negotiable) for a trial 3 month period, which could become permanent for THE person who impresses me ... if anyone!




Monty Version : 

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