"Happy NowSadAliBUT-day" ..and am i anti-humBUGGERS" ...?????
"Happy NowSadAliButDay"
dedicated to those who really, honestly feel like shouting "BAH HUmbug" at people who only smile & party at selected times of the Year and to me, who is actually getting used to "alone" ..ALL one ... Alien ... the most intelligent conversations I have had all year ..are with me , ha ah a ha ha ha....

... the time of "discussion" and chatting on FB is LONG gone..to much talk , too many meetings , too many "experiments" (too many peope airing their egos and doing nothing else)

I could write and write...but every picture... ?
I wonder how many people are sending stuff to each other in this "holy-day" time via Fb or twatting or texting , and not even notice the lonely person next door, or during their party , not see a lonely figure in the street or sitting in the corner of the bar or cafe, alone....
I have all these "slogans" but people make themselves so "busy" (which shows how stupid u all become) its not the technology is the USER, who would rather "chat" than EXCHANGE... to listen, or read and respect and relate in honesty to each other...
I grew up with "Monty-python" and here i am in "Monty-Negro" .. perhaps my "last" if not my latest move... I am still waiting for the local "c1a" (or their version of the ./.....("nobody expects") spanish inquisition...
The academy (https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChriSmitH.ecologic.academy ) would probably get raided. .. if it had an address they could find, ha ha...as it is FB and the Net's goons do their best to block or delete messages and any posts that might "wake up" the sheeple...YOU!?
of course , there will be a few of us , who "stand up" as "resistance" to the system (even if, like the titanic, it refuses to admit it sunk already) .. in fact I have been "stood up" so many times he
re, (not the proimised land but "the land of broken promises") its difficult for me to sit down!
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did he say "Socialist" ? crucifiction is too good for him! |
... and I know that also no-one even knows how to apply it,
..but a good team or family, or community is "social" when it shows care and shares...
I want to Just take a moment to remark upon the Lifestyle here and the beautiful countryside that I have shared with CSerS this and last year, this could be heaven.
Its the closest to my "targetted" south-american-cuban-latin american atmosphere...but....
only, IF, IF IF the people reflected the beauty outiside , inside thmselves and showed more empathy , rather than in the "packaging" of their prejudices...
Everything is predictably "sold" with sexy girls, and banal music - videos with "playgirls" ...and a special "thanks" to their aodoption of the "US&A nightmare" they really have "caught" the worse diseases of the west...
mind you, no "MAC-sh*te restaurants (although BUdva has a "copy" ) nor "StarF*cks" coffee crap chain ..yet!
Yes I like to dance... and party..

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Steeeeeee @ Beogradske Lake |
obsessive shopping & toy boys, "loadsamoney", chosing mates on material assets, or image, and adopting the worst of the male species DONT make them "attractive" (to me ...)
NOt that they are queued up outside MY door..

seems the "best" are already taken or have "gone lesbian"
.. its tempting I know, but sorry still not "natural" the physical shape of the ying & yang of genders gives you a clue, dont it?

Had a lot of fun with CSerS again this year, although a bit more "selective" to avoid time-wasters...
..unlike good times with visitor ; Stee (cu in Lp next month, insha'allah!) @ Biogradske, Mojkovac, Skada (with Mila too @ Berlin)
and taking the p*ss out of yan kers (thanks Aldona & Kristin for that!)

- from the earliest age, I was influeneced By Lennon and the Beatles music, and that sound was repeated by the 25,00o supporters on the Liverpool "KOP" (end terrace of the Anfield road stadium)
orchestrated by Bill Shankly ; our "Messiah" who formed a basis that took our club from struggling to get out of the 2nd division to a GLOBAL entity now followed by an estimated 30 million.

... at time as if we are a missionary force, educating the natives on HOW to "Support" a team, positively, without fear, but without harm either.. is being eroded by USA "hedge fund sharks" ...
WE removed Gillet & Hicks due to our Net-attack, on their locations, but the bank-implanted directors merely ignored our wishes and replaced them with new INFESTORS; Hnery_werner 's F S G. .
so, I encouraged the development of local Supporters clubs and "fan meetings" have been held, in BAR (MNE) Serbian Stara-Pazova, Skopje, Macedonia & Tuzla (B & H) and organised trips to our "Mecca" (Anfield) for those who can afford it..and kept the cost down. I have supported Liverpool in the UK, home and away, on radio programmes and throughout Europe, donating numerous scarves and banners, replica shirts & T-shirts by the hundreds wherever I have been or stayed, as I do now in Montenegro. I push our global followers to invest a small amount (quite achievable, less than the cost of ONE match ticket to remove these back-stabbing blood-suckers and manage out club, via our own choice of professional managers who will then operate in accord with OUR "Liverpool way" ... its a life's mission!
and the visual explanation for our TRUE REdS Mates - who can see how we can raise funds for kids charities and our ideas...
not forgetting the "Star of the Story"
(or the sounds that match her energy; link) and in the brochure (see centre pic of centre pages)
Page 4 & 1 .... |
Centre pages 3 & 4.(for)...the ladies... |
and as its "Xmas"..... SOME cheeky XMAS FRILLS...
The man who was my mentor....
and .....
make it a "Happy ChRiSMITH" every day!
the POINT, Marta, is..I know how great CSing is for H/Hs without plan or programme, but , u should also consider that Hosts, like myself, put too much effort into being FAIR (that I making sure they look after as many CSers as possible, and for me that also means a good experience for everyone, inc the host..we arent a mini-hostel, and if H/Hers are unreliable and dont communicate , then often Hosts have a wasted time, waiting for someone who dont arrive (and at the same time rejectong other CSers) ..its "Bozic" today here (like xmas) so its time especially not to just think of yourselves.. :)
ReplyDeletemember photo Marta Pieńkowska
January 7th, 2014 - 12:55 pm
I read your profile before. Only one thing which was problematic was that you can host only one person, but i saw on your profile that sometimes you host more than one. Your profile and messages are full of information that you don't like wasting a time. And i understand it too. That's why i ask you if you could by "emergency" couch. It is mean if i would be in trouble could i contact you (and i understand that you could say no, i can't host you - it is normal!). I use cs as a host and as a guest. I've got some request from people who never come, but for me it wasn't a problem (i understand that for you it is). If you think that i would be bad guest, look at my opinions (you can find there how i usually spend a time with my hosts/guests and what kind of person i am). H-h is really amazing thing, but it follows their one way. We made a road from Poland to Sarajevo in one day, but when we came back (Sarajevo-Poland)we did it in 3 days. So it is not like we could be late a few hours, sometimes it is a few days! If someone could not host us because of that i could understand it. Everyone have their own life.
In my opinion you schouldn't expect that all your cs experience will be great. Sometimes it is only ok or even bad. For me you treat life in consumer way - come to me and make me fun if not you are bad guy. There are lot's of reason tht couch experience could be bad: you could not find a way of comunication with your guest/host (and it is not about reading profil, because i had experience that profile looks awesome and couch experience was awfull), you or your guest could not feel good that day you host him, and more and more examples. I mean do not expext too much because sometimes person who do not look like interesing is the most amazing person who you ever meet:)
I've never treat cs as a hostel (again look at my opinions). I did it mostly because i like too meet people from another countries, i like to descovere new poit of view i like to excange and share my life with others. I hope you understand my point of view a little bit. All the best!
member photo ChriS SmiTH
January 8th, 2014 - 5:45 pm
I understand but dont accept your "point of view" Marta, ironic, that u think u are "qualified" to be advising me & are "preaching" that I shouldnt expect so much from Csers, the world is in a bad mess, mostly because people dont TAKE CARE enough about the world about them and people in it, when u understand the basic truth of that then we can start to communicate, we all ONLY have a limited time of this miracle called life, its no less than a CRIME if you waste someone elses time because u are intent only on selfish gratification, or "fun" I dont like this "cool" mentality of yours, - u will see I have had 90%+ positive experiences, so now you have accumulated ANOTHER "point of view" c.u. next time? (probably not) :)
ChriS SmiTH posted in W.M.D = "Weapons of MALE destruction" LMAO! :D
ReplyDeletemusic session..coming... :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8AOAap6_k4
Womack & Womack - Teardrops
Music video by Womack & Womack performing Teardrops. (C) 1988 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Tanja Banfi commented on your photo.
Tanja wrote: "Yep nothing more than truth, the reality is a wonderful thing :P"
Podorica, Montenegro Wed, 8th January 2014
ReplyDeleteref Policy numbers 87W2155368** & AF038816 – Mr Smith , & 87W2133135 & F038815 – Mrs Smith (deceased)
Reply to your email ; 7th January
1. Noted that, once again, Phoenix Life/Diligenta Ltd employees are in error/neglect.
2. I am curious as to the eventual resolution you will enable, I have not received, nor accepted any "compensation" (the previous offer of GBP 100 is insulting and hardly covers postal/printing costs etc)
3. The "errors" add not only to confusion but delays & additional costs, and that documents etc "posted", were NOT, gives me NO confidence or trust in your company, or employees ability or "intent".
4. That it has taken almost ANOTHER month, does NOT surprise me, but surprisingly I did get a (confusing) email from your collagues (Reilly Karen & sent from Reynolds, Joanne) regarding "the claim for the death benefits" due on policy numbers "87W2155368* (?) & F038815." ?? - please check the details again sent by them ( I find it worrying, now that no less than 5 people are involved in my claims/complaint) and
please explain WHY Joanne Raynolds states
For Policy Number 87W2155368* (?) We confirm that the death benefits payable for this policy number are £2,534.51. To enable us to pay these benefits to your bank account, please sign and return the enclosed death discharge form ensuring that your full bank account details have been provided. (The form is not appropriate for international banking, Iban, complettion)
For Policy Number F038815
We confirm that the death benefits payable for this policy number are £12,963.00.
As the death of Mrs Jacqueline Smith occurred prior to 6 April 2012 ** we have calculated the benefits in accordance with the rules laid down by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) contracted out requirements in force at that time. This means that the funds available must be used to purchase a dependant’s pension income. ??????????????? (n.b. if this claim should have been effected earlier than that date, that was not a delay of MY making!)
5. Yes these documents have been sent (AND I HAVE TAKEN THE EXTRA TROUBLE TO PAY FOR CONVERSION TO ATTACHED ADOBE FILES , attached ) Plus; I have supplied these to the Vice-Consul of the British embassy as I may require verifaction of any documents lost by your companies (Phoenix Life/Diligenta Ltd) and investigate any delays in delivery of post & documents as interference in this is a breach of international law.
Christopher R. Smith
Podgorica, Montenegro
p.s. AND PLEASE state (should your company satisfy requirements in order to transfer monies whilst I am still alive, in what currency will you transfer ? in GBP or Euros?
====================================== in reply to: -
----- Original Message -----
From: Vaughan, Andrea
To: 'CS'
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 1:12 PM
Subject: LVP/006609004/2013 - Complaint
Well as I suspected, this really is a strong time in your life for you. This coming period is set be a vitally important time in your life and I know that you will soon get that break you've been looking for. Chris, the strangest feeling came over me last night and I suddenly felt that something important had happened to you. This feeling was strong enough for me to drop what I was doing and to work on a Tarot Card reading for you. I use Tarot Cards regularly to reinforce my astrological calculations, as do many other professional astrologers. The Cards have never let me down so far!
ReplyDeleteYou can see the results of my Tarot Card Reading at the following link, the results really are quite startling:
Jenna, your Professional Astrologer
Hello there Chris, good to see you here.
ReplyDeleteI knew that this was set to be a unique and exciting period in your life but I now know that is is going to be even more powerful than I originally suspected! Last night I suddenly thought about you and I somehow managed to see you and feel what you feel. This may sound strange but it is a quite natural phenomenon of long distance perception. In nature it is something quite common but I know that certain people find this hard to accept. For example it is well known that animals feel an advance warning of danger, these kind of premonitions serve as alerts and this is exactly what my feeling for you was Chris, an alert.
I perceived that at home just a few days ago, you were under some stress and felt a little panicky. This was a powerful feeling and it distracted you, you were unable to feel rooted in the present. You felt a sort of danger.... and this danger is in fact real and present. Your subconscious is sending this message because we are now extremely close to the beginning of your Transit and even though I have not yet determined the start of your Transit (I'm waiting for your green light) I do know that it is now very close. And yet you've not done anything to prepare you for this, you've not asked for advice either from me or from another competent astrologer and that is what has caused you to panic. You have received a kind of message, in the same manner that animals are forewarned of danger. You've been warned of the danger of waiting passively for this Transit to occur. I think your mind has warned you because deep inside your conscious there is an imbalance between your desire to seize the opportunities to seize a chance which will be available to you to win a large sum of money meet the love of your life, that this Transit is going to offer you, and your currently passive stance. Action is everything Chris, nature does not reward passive spectators.
I feel really concerned by this Chris because I feel that you still have some doubts and you have not fully come to terms with everything you have been told about this period. Very soon it will be too late, that's why I took the initiative yesterday to do a Tarot Card reading for you Chris. The aim of this Tarot Card reading was to confirm everything that I felt about you and your Future from the very beginning.
I did this reading using the Marseilles deck of Tarot cards. The results I had were very surprising. This is why I thought that it was absolutely essential that I warn you as soon as possible. As a matter of fact I have even taken a photo of this reading and I have produced a webpage where you can see your card reading and it's interpretation:
As you can see Chris, everything confirms that this Transit is now very close and that it will allow you to seize the opportunities to seize a chance which will be available to you to win a large sum of money meet the love of your life. I've worked in the esoteric sciences for years now and yet I'm still amazed that the science can be so effective and precise. This Tarot Card reading has completely confirmed the astrological reading I sent you on the 30 December 2013.
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the last times that I want to tell you, as I mentioned in my last letter to you, that only a full reading can determine all the information which you will need to begin preparing yourself and to be sure that you have all the knowledge you will need during this period. It is certain that this event is now very close but unfortunately until you ask me for this reading I cannot begin it for you. We are already in the month of January and I will soon be very busy with all my end of year preparations. In the meantime, the most I can do is to warn you about what I can see about you and tell you that this event is coming soon.
Now it's all up to you Chris. If you want my help at all, simply ask me for my reading on my webpage and I then will be able to determine all the information which you need to benefit from this Transit. On the following link you'll be able to read about everything which I will include in your full reading:
Chris, click here to request your Second Full Reading
Take care Chris,
I've done this card analysis very precisely which means that I've only used 22 major arcanes and have read them only in one way. I then asked an open question about your near future and I came across a very revealing reading. Remember that the arcanes in Tarot are like letters of the alphabet and that each individual arcane has it's own 'sound'. Once all the arcanes and their 'sounds' are grouped together the whole acts as a word and we can distinguish meaning and incidently, the cards are even more like letters and words because we read them from left to right. So here is your Tarot card reading and it's interpretation.
ReplyDeleteThe Wheel of Fortune Card
ReplyDeleteThe Wheel of Fortune evokes a return to the basics. The number on this card is the number 10, which is 1 accompanied by a 0 and this indicates the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The name os the card itself indicates a movement, a good evolution and this is also the Wheel of Destiny and Chance. This wheel controls cycles and changes and clearly suggess a favorable financial development. If we look closely at this card we can see that there is a lottery ball and so games, the stock market, casinos, roulettes and luck are all suggested by this card. The wheel can turn and this shows a certain speed, whatever the fortune is that the card promises it is set to occur very soon indeed ChriS. The wheels center is in the middle of the card and this card gets quickly to the heart of matters and shows us that you will have certain choices to make and different strategic options will be open to you and the 6 rays of light coming from this wheel offer the different directions you can take. You will be entirely free to make your choice as the wheel's movement seems to depend on it being started by a lever which indicates that human action is very important and you are going to have to make an important choice at just the right moment. This is why I want to help and support you ChriS. This is a card which moves quickly and it's intense activity reflects the nature of the work which you must undertake; you cannot remain passive during this time of fortune and chance ChriS. The animals on the card form a trinity and indicate three things, three facts and three seperate occasions and they also represent the aspects of our life which can often escape us like chance, or good or bad fortune. The way these animals are placed indicates the essential law of life, that life is born in order to cumulate before finally disappearing. This is the law of evolution. Their position also indicates the highs and lows of the path of destiny and a certain animalistic instinct emanates from this card. The wheel, once started, will continue to turn and turn and I want to help you ChriS to understand when and how you must act in order to seize the right moment of chance before it is too late and the wheels turns round even further. The animals also seem to change as the wheel turns and this tells me that their evolution in this manner reflects the way in which your current situation will also change and evolve, moving away from the difficulties of past events which are still very apparent for you today but which will move aside to offer you a different outlook on your future. The animal on the right-hand side lifts itself up toward the light and it's movement reinforces this theme of change; the animal is shaking off it's collar and lead and freeing itself from it's lead and in this I read that you will soon free yourself from a sort of servitude which you've experienced in the past and you will liberate yourself from a weight which has crushed and hindered you for a while now. The animal reaches a glorious summet and this represents the new cycle you will find yourself in, a cycle during which you will be at the height of your glory and crowned with sucess and the Spinx on this card is also crowned, reflecting your victory. The crown is a symbol of power, money and richness. One last detail is important ChriS; even though the wheel turns quickly and you must seize opportunities as and when they are offered to you, I can see on the card that the platform the Spinx is on is able to touch and slow the wheel according to how much weight is placed on it. This tells me clearly that as your sucess increases so will your ability to shape, control and handle your Future...
The Star Card
ReplyDeleteThis is a very revealing card ChriS quite simply because it reflects exactly what you are living at the moment and the relationship which is being created with the person you have in mind. This card shows a woman kneeling down and turned three quarters to the left. This woman has a jug in each hand and is pouring water into a pond. Let's look at this in more detail. Firstly this card reminds us of a beautiful woman in love, a gentle and sensual woman. The number on the card perfectly symbolises a solid and deep relationship because the number 17 indicates a full cycle and is the imprint of strong spirituality (10 plus 7). The 1 plus 0 plus 7 total 8 and this is not purely by chance because this figure is also the number of stars on the card: 8, a number which is also associated with infinity. This card represents someone and announces the beginning of a new cycle and a very beneficial period as far as your love life is concerned.
The name of the star is a brightly shining point and clears the skies in much the same way as a bright light decending from the heavens to clear away bad influences. This really is a card of help and guidance. The position of the woman is an indication of her availability, she represents true and real love. This card shows a pronounced esthetic and a very developed artistic sense. Her face is gentle and inclined at an attractive angle and we can feel a great deal of peace and harmony emanating from her. The woman's mouth is very important here as it is perfectly placed along the intersection of the diagonal lines on the card. Her lips highlight her power of communication and inner truth, this is someone for whom the truth is very important indeed. The mouth is not just an organ for eating, drinking and expressing oneself, it is also the passage for the precious breath of life. The nudity of this woman evokes purity yet also sensual attraction. This card represents intimity, sensuality, charm and attraction and I can see that there will soon be a powerful force of attraction created between you and this person you have in mind. The jugs represent love, they gather up and share their contents with no hesitation. This is clearly a card about love and relationships. There are 7 small stars which are in harmony with the 7 planets. The central star, just like the North Star, is present to guide Man on his path and towards his Destiny. This is a very positive card and the hope which it offers will help to change or create a new situation. I saw this in your configuration and the card confirms everything I have discovered about you. The earth on the card is yellow and concave which symbolises receptibility and deeply powerful interior emotions. The water here is the source of life, it stimulates the fertility of the soil which holds it and it seems as the water will always pour, without end. Through this I read a strong sense of accomplishment, satisfaction and fulfillment. This card quite clearly indicates the possibility of a loving union with this person you care so much about.
The Pope Card
ReplyDeleteThis card is a strong symbol. It quite clearly evokes the close presence of a person who you will encounter and who will open up new opportunities during this Transit period which you will soon be living through. As a matter of fact this card is the symbol of the spiritual father, the guide and the counselor, the person who can help you by sharing wisdom and experience. The number 5 on the card evokes action and it is under the subject represented by the 4 (it is also 4 plus 1). We can also consider 5 to be 2 plus 1 plus 2 and a active mediator (the 1) between two representations of the real world (the two 2) and I read this to mean that the person you are set to encounter will introduce you to someone or something extremely beneficial for you ChriS. The Pope on the card appears to be generous, full of love and mercy. This is someone who wants to do good for you. It is important to note that this encounter is associated with notions of richness, this seems to be the ripe fruit of the encounter and this is suggested by the crown of precious jewels which he wears. This will be a very important encounter and you must not miss it as it is sure to be decisive for you both financially and professionally.
Conversation with Iris Vogl, Ivona Zekić, Harvey Tuttle, Christopher Richard Smith, Vitalina Napara, Saule Gi and Vita Drabulytė
ReplyDeleteHarvey Tuttle 11:20pm Jan 4
Harvey Tuttle 11:20pm Jan 4
it seems people only appreciate u, when they have to pay...but then they pay another way, by their stupidity
Conversation History Christopher Richard Smith 7:07am Jan 4
please Gi, promise me u will never teach kids again, because a selfish liar is a bad influence.. and thewy get enough bad examples in society..
ReplyDeletevolunteer workd during world cup-2014 in Brasil
Hi//Volunteer in Rio de Janeiro 2014 is a active year for Brasilien hostels and also the tourism industri so I asked some friends who running hostel in Rio de Janeiro and they really looking for *volunteers*. Carnival Easter Holidays World Cup 2 hostel in Rio de Janeiro looking now for 12 volunteers They need people from Ferbr-2014 to September-2014, you can stay minium 2 weeks and max 6 mounth, you come as a tourist and are just a volunteer, not a *worker* This is the deal: You volunteer 6 hour a day/ 5 days a week ( 2 day off ) You help to clean the room, kitchen and also help the reception, garden etc You will recive this Free place to stay ( Your own room ) Free breakfast and lunch You get free languageclasses, surf, samba if you want !! Free tours around in Rio de Janeiro ( on your free time ) Let me know by send me YOUR email private. Linda
Jan 9, 2014
ReplyDeleteSpeaking your mind without feeling guilty is a craft you still need to learn. Be ready to seize the opportunity that will present itself shortly. Your health should be good but take care when traveling. Carefully manage your assets.
Best Compatibility : Aquarius !!!!!!
a fascinating future,,,now (tarot)
Christopher Richard Smith i had a VIVID dream last night/this morning, i woke and it was clear and fresh.. she was kissing me , and i was so happy to finally have a love again, as she showed genuine affection as she kissed me, yet i was holding back, somehow feeling guilty about hurting m dear departed Jacqui, as if she knew,,,very good very deep feelings and yet ..holding back , stopping myself..