of the 12th...
of ...2012.. ;)
@ Zab..Yell0w
(& "CuPiD StUnTs") ;)
(& "CuPiD StUnTs") ;)
SO here we are again..will this year make me a "HaPpY ChRiSmItH" ??? for now, this is just an updated collection of CSerS & CREdS items ;
and a touch of "ScLOG" to cause "confusion to the enemy" and those who like to obstruct & oppose my ...Opposition.. ;)
@Toloshi? no @Zab-YeLl0W..ha!
and a touch of "ScLOG" to cause "confusion to the enemy" and those who like to obstruct & oppose my ...Opposition.. ;)
@Toloshi? no @Zab-YeLl0W..ha!
Lfc Team got delayed coming back from Udine last week and I postponed my travels..
someone "needed me" locally and thats more important than enjoying a nice invitation from a sweet girl of the Baltics..
I hosted "G" this last summer, and she was good company & risked DANCING with me...!!! so I hoped i could go!
(well itwas a sort of invitation that I almost forced on her ,smile> (Thanks "G")
and I will MISS"CSer Ray's party
in Liverpool , tempting me, "en route to "G"by saying i would have to share sleeping arrangements with 2 spanish & a dutch girl, is NOT fair, Ray, especially as I am doing 3years celebacy (apparently) ;)
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The Team nearly didnt fly at all...not am I,,, |
Lfc Team got delayed coming back from Udine last week and I postponed my travels..
someone "needed me" locally and thats more important than enjoying a nice invitation from a sweet girl of the Baltics..
I hosted "G" this last summer, and she was good company & risked DANCING with me...!!! so I hoped i could go!
The view from my room, its alright, but ALL White |
and I will MISS"CSer Ray's party
in Liverpool , tempting me, "en route to "G"by saying i would have to share sleeping arrangements with 2 spanish & a dutch girl, is NOT fair, Ray, especially as I am doing 3years celebacy (apparently) ;)
"travel plans Distrupted" (10-11th dec.)
This morning I woke to a blanket of snow..(outside my room) ...the weather which caused blocked roads,
out of Pg, and 11km traffic jams in the north, caused power cust this morning, I now have net but the probability that Bg airport will be closed, and the high risk of being stuck "en route"
or in an airport on my Pg-Bg-Ldn-LP-V-Bm->Pg journey and cause also Disruption to my "expected hosts" made my decision for me this morning to amend my plans to 8-17 March, when (I-a) things SHOULD be "clearer"!
to SO MANY of those people who depend too much on technology
that Nature is always able to humble the beings of this planet,
included) ;)
ChRiS x
A new Message from Raz (Walking to Istanbul ) she stayed with me in Toloshi..& Velibor fixed her trolley..
Raz> Hi Chris,
Nice to hear from you. I am in Greece and look to be arriving in Istanbul in the middle of January. Apocalyptic rain yesterday made walking impossible and local floods too but now it.is.just back to being cold!. Glad to hear plans for hostel tolosi are coming along. Take care
least U aren't as far from "home" as I am , Raz! ;) (see right,,..)
V'ger is only a fraction of the way to MY planet..(I think they forgot
me...when they planted me on this planet of cold ppl... :)
explaining why I formed the Network ..of estranged Parents & kids...
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Raz's old boots - her "new" ones ddint look much better! |
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Not impressed? ;) |
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Raz arriving in Toloshi (Podgorica)..lost! ;) |
Raz> Hi Chris,
Nice to hear from you. I am in Greece and look to be arriving in Istanbul in the middle of January. Apocalyptic rain yesterday made walking impossible and local floods too but now it.is.just back to being cold!. Glad to hear plans for hostel tolosi are coming along. Take care
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Our place looks a bit like..th |
CS> Gordon & Julie, the main problems are clearly stated..my own stories of 2 estranged kids and 100's of thousands around the world.. YOU are all expecting the "law" to do something, but YOU (if u truly care about yr kid) must obstruct all gov'ts that violate our kids & your rights...
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Noela 8 years ago (last time with me) |
Leon, now 16, |
It was sad, frustrating & "difficult" attempting to explain to "G" and I hope she will still "host" me @ V. 10-14th March 2013..(ironic its cost over 100 euros to re-book, and thats because I did NOT (repeat NOT) use wizz-flex for all my bookings ( i was SET on it) "G" was different than any other CSerS i Hosted ..
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a Year ago...(nope, not MY girlfriends..) |
snow outside and Nature wins
cancel my travel , a new way begins
my problems are real but not as yours
women look inviting, but too many act like w****s
I dont like this negative phase
so I am going to make some positive days
here i am in Zab - Yellow
I am lucky compared with this poor fellow
SELFISH ppl//on 21st december it may end
and i am not sure ONLY on me, that will DEPEND!
..."Don't force yourself crazy, complicated life on those you're romantically linked to. Many obstacles appear but you will succeed in attaining your goals if you maintain your positive attitude. You may suffer aches and pains in the coming weeks. Think about lotteries and investments because Fortune is on your side." hmmmm (I suppose is was "a bit romantic" about my visit to you...) and i have had chest pains these last few days, and there are a number of "prospects" that may come out of this "drama" but probably i shoULD NOT "force my crazy life2 on U.. x
M told me yesterday (the above wasn't aimed at HER) that she "don't want you to waste any more of that time on me."

(MY mentality is ...if u now dont, thats your choice..
I copied stuff on to/for U..and provoked reaction, )
..she told me some time ago it didnt overload her, so I continued, no problems
..we were going to meet in Lp before Ray's party and made it clear that was purely platonic, women sometimes assume that everything i write is aimed at them, or that u need to be wary of me, I am a bit "crazy"..but some of the stuff M postsmakes "crazy" normal..ha ha ha...i didnt know if we were going through a phase, i offer my friendship, simple..i wont be coming over to LP until March..so..."anyway"....if u want to "share" i am (t)here, if not ..I am still (t)here.. take care.. :) ChRiS SmiTH (i feel that modern women cant deal with deep emotions..society teaches them "cool")

i wrote yesterday a VERY long email, for "G" last weekend.. and if i dont make it <snip>.. this is my VERY private "notebbook" for reading when I leave this planet... for my children or "someone who cares" ..dont read it until i am gone..please! http://cser5.********.com
want to run yr fingers through my soul? NO? ...hmmm well, nature may
well make decisions as the roads in city are flooded and mountains roads
unpassable AT the MOMENT, enjoy yr weekend..! "cu" (skype_) monday
got this message from one of our club members .. "Here it's like the end of the world.
Mum works in a town 30-40km north of Vrbas, and she didn't return from work yesterday as there is a traffic jam 11km long, and people are starving and freezing in their cars, luckily, she is at our aunt's place now in Backa Topola (where Vanja Uzelac is from)
Vrbas -Novi Sad should be a 45 minute ride,
but my friend traveled that NINE HOURS yesterday .
I don't know when/if I will return to Novi Sad
under these circumstances.
If the situation is critical as here,
stay connected to the city, because you might
run out of electricity, people here just aren't used to/prepared for
this kind of storms.
Take care. walk on!"
CS> (monday10th) SF just returned from hospital , his father has heart surgery tomorrow - very emotional. I really want to come....but i FEEL its wrong to leave him, and as it stands (i havent changed my flights yet) I would feel strange being there "enjoying myself" not sure of whats happeneing in Pg..
[18:02:52] on top of which I might not even be able to get to the airport at the end of this week, i wanted to talk but ...u arent there??
[18:03:07] if i DONT come, will u accept me making a short visit, if i can transfer flights end of february / early march???
[18:05:56]: Ste. is in the other room, I am skyping from the cold bedroom with my woolly hat on so not to disturb him, i dont feel comfortable talking about his situation when In the same room, i hope u understand..?
18:09>financially i shd change my flights by tomrrow, to reduce the losses..so ...
[18:11:18] : i am sorry u didnt want to skype , i feel strange now (more than usual...!)
[18:11:48] : take care! bi for now...
<snip> If i dont travel I would like to send u xmas card or something..

G>18:46 >are yo uhere???? why dont you travel?
so your decition depend not on the "person you need to help" but on how often we write to each other? its not me, that I didnt want , just the connection happen to not work
CS>20:39> GI, have U read anything I wrote earlier?? I hoped u understood...how much I want to travel to you, but I feel its wrong ..for the reasons stated, more important than what I WANT! ..please understand, I feel U dont have time to appreciate how emotional & difficult this decison is..
G>20:40 > hi. ok, so its because of the person, not because yuo dont trust me?
CS>20:42> did I say I dont trust U?? did I write that I dont trust you..I wrote so much...but not that!
G>20:44>you wrote smth about people that I live with, guys, time to spend, being a burden and so on. anyway, you know what's best to you!
G>20:45> and ill go home then for holiday thabk you for telling in advance.
CS>20:46 >
probably whats best for ME is to come to there, BUT..even pragmatic ; it may not be able to get to the airport, even if Belgrade airport is open..
and Really If I am there and constantly worried about Ste,..if he will be on street when I get back or worse... do U think i should come like that?
my questions to you.. IF I cant come now ...
G>20:47> if you will be worried - NO
CS>20:48>will u accept me to visit u end of february..or early march..?
and will u let me have yr address so I can send u something..? IFFFFFF!!!!!
U shd know something about my mentality , even from our short time in MNE, even though I WANT to have fun with you and enjoy myself
..I cant simply go knowing someone really NEEDS me, u dont, he does??
G>20:52 >I hope you will be able to help him
CS>20:54> I hope so, practically as much as emotionally,,, we are in similar situation he has no-one he can depend on , either...so I understand the position, he gave up his job to care for his father, and he came back just a few hours ago, just before I was supposed to skype with you, and he was broken..the decision to operate, even means his father has very slight chance instead of no chance..
... i have to cut off soon, IF i change my dates am i still welcome at yours ? maybe just for a couple of days/nights? and give me yr address, PLEASE ?
take care.. I am sorry if i cause u ....some disruptions..PLEASE keep in touch...???? thanks, Gi, I just really, REALLY wished U knew and understood me, better, take care!
Goodnight, Laku Noc, "Labanakt" x
G> yes, sure!

Bragg...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTuOSgUs0eU (never buy the sun)
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Glen (left) great @ W.ham |
https://www.facebook.com/events/485662434798828/503395389692199 he ain't heavy hes my brother to be released 17th December lets get it to Christmas number one for Hillsborough famalies and Ann Williams
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Rafa's man ; Lucas a Big reason the team looks stronger |
Luis..at least they cant accuse him of diving when he isnt playing ("we
are gonna have a party...when SUAREZ gets a pen,...)
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/pics-reds-play-santa-at-alder-hey the "Terrible man" Suarez and other LiVERPOOL players visit childrens hospital ...
http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/pics-reds-play-santa-at-alder-hey the "Terrible man" Suarez and other LiVERPOOL players visit childrens hospital ...
Right now at a UN meeting in Dubai, authoritarian
regimes are pushing for full governmental control of the Internet in a binding
global treaty -- if they succeed, the internet could become less open, more
costly and much slower. We have only 5 days left until the meeting ends to stop
A secret deal could allow China’s energy
companies to take over an enormous toxic oil reserve with devastating
consequences for the planet. A lawsuit is our big chance to stop it. Click to
chip in and Avaaz will only process your donation if we raise enough money
to make this important case happen:
![]() Authoritarian regimes are pushing for governmental control over the internet in a binding global treaty. If they succeed, the internet could become less open, more costly and much slower. We've stopped threats like this before, and we can again -- but only with a massive global outcry. Sign the petition and share with everyone you know: |
CARE2> Dolphins and whales suffer immensely in captivity. Tell
officials at Singapore's new aquarium to release the wild dolphins it obtained
and abandon plans to get more.
someones "manipulating" the "stars" .. ;)
May 23-26 CSeRS party w/end http://www.facebook.com/events/177731482369076/
Fabrizio Stanzione updated his status: "Snowing like crazy here...."
RED noses for OUR CLUB ; http://mail.comicrelief.com ???
Kh commented on your photo. Natella wrote:
"She must be Ukrainian :D"
Catena (friends with Keith
Baldwin) also commented on Luka
Grčić's link.
Marco wrote:
"Brenda got bigger t*ts than Claire ;-)"
12:08am Dec 11

Periskop019- Milica
Nikolic will be showing her story about the performing troupe, Cirkusfera.
Maja Zmajica Jovanovic
will take us on a tour of the dive bars of Belgrade, 'Way down in the hole' <smile> &....
All the way from
Subotica, Edvard
Molnar's classic black and white jazz photography
& Risovic will show his take on concert photography, 'Energy" |
Thursday at 10:00pm - Friday,
December 14 at 2:00am at "Podmornica - Beogradski Rnr Podrum" https://www.facebook.com/podmornica.beogradskirnrpodrum?fref=ts
CuPiD StUnTS ? ;) ?
(a-z of "modern women" & others..) I decided to add this after this...
Ó Cléirigh also commented on his status. Seán wrote:
"listen chris... nothing gets up my nose than someone who is lucky and
taking it for granted. i know this girl has been unemployed before."
and this... |
- Chris East-west Invest Ursun Ladies . U got the society deserve, when u want to be men & women, & still dont know what u want dont be surprised that true men "disappear" ..those are the consequences of women "having it all"
- Chris East-west Invest Ursun dont need to, lass, u see it your way..I see it mine, IMO too many modern women are "cool" and too many modern males will allow u to do whatever u want, to get ......
- Marijana Cvijetić Pardon me, what is your deffinition of MODERN WOMAN???? I think theres been misconception of this widely spread term!
- Chris East-west Invest Ursun ah Marijana, so... " just men on donkeys with rusty lamp" isnt a "widely spread term" ???? i am just offering u a "balance" based on experiences of "modern women" .. and my opinion is "they" try too hard to be "everything" - to play being "woman & man" and lose their feminine charm by being too "cool"..and hard..even cold...
- Marijana Cvijetić I am empiricist, so now you know....As a consequence of it I had to adopt a new motto.....ACT like a LADY, think like a MAN..... "society....you're a crazy breed>>>..Like in a song....
(A "worK in progress"? <smile>)
"After long and stressy day I just wanted to say a few words, but of course one singer is always busy..."
CS>ah..poor dear ;) theres more..here...
Ana...M...who was my "friend" first year in Pg, playing pool, coffee,
talks, walks, dinners @ my place... even got drunk together one night..@
irish pub..and she crashed @ Mine....then she said "but I could never
take u home to my family" & then lied about meeting her manc buddy,
and then (when I asked her to meet me ) "I dont have time...i am on
holiday" (obviously i was "business" ) ..and realised she only ever met
me "weekdays"...so bye bye to "Ko KO"
Annika ; who disappeared with son Leon, (her "possession") we were passionate in Berlin, and betrayed me in Freiburg..
Another AnNa,M (CSer) a St. Pete's burger..I hosted almost half the month she holidayed in MNE/balkans... talked about almost everything..went swimming, walking, talking but ..her (r) boyfriend forbade her to drink with mE, after SHE had a few too many with the lads in shkoder...game over!
B..Bo...kissed me once in Bg, then ran, you know? & Biggi, she came to my birthday party (in my garden @ Celtville, Alsace) ..and so did I..but when I sung "you got a friend" she disappeared, I think i know why..(I know all the lyrics...but my voice....)
C.. Cathy ..a BIG HUG..."I'll write" but didnt..
D... (link) she knows.. gave me one of the best & worst times of this year..sad but true!
E..Elaine S.. a schoolboy crush ..
F...Fiona...nearly my first...
G.. Nice girl,,,not communicative, U see..but may yet "host" me in V>
and Gaye..5 years together ..shared my maisonette, was a special friend..even watched me play footy..until I married her best friend..
I wont mention GLo... who destroyed my son and took my first family..as my Dad identified her; " A Gold-digger"...
Hanna... a german rebel...at the JUno beach reggae festival..too bad..
i.d... "u can stay with me" ...but Toy boy said (?) not really ;) ?
Jade & jayde.. CSerS ..Taiwan & Oz,, a cuddle with one and a secret from the other
Kim, " a nightmare on (any) street" ..only "CSer" i ever kicked out of Toloshi.. she ruined Prizren too... & Karen G, the sister of J who hates me..
Lynn K...oh we had our day (& night) in the car, on the carpet, why did she die so young..? and Linda .5 years older...what i didn't give she took...almost everything..but "I survived" (didnt i?)
M-L.. a nutter from Lp, .. but initials fitted..can dish it, but cant take it??
MarGIT.. ambusher & KIDnapper..I will never forgive you for robbing me of my little girl (Noela now 11)
Nora.. german "flamin'" , and invited local lad to "our date" ..incredible for such an "intelligent girl" & french Nicole who "raped me" in burgundy... :)
Only one (?) who really stood by me, for such a long time (JS)
Penny; pregnant - I helped her, but she was not mine..
Question..where are the feminine girls of my youth, too old in the tooth?
Remember Rose, a teenage crush...neighbour (A) made me blush..lovely Rita, young Roberta, & Regina from Frankfurt, one night, she called me "sugar ChriS" ..
Shelly, a cousin of the one I should have never let go (JS) we had an affair , why didnt I care? 3 distractions simply wasnt fair.. Sabina, Sabine & Sabine H ...one was Hot, another not, and in between a girl I loved a lot...
T... Tanya,, of s. Africa, yo ho ho , after a bottle of rum..
U.. never realise what (who) you had until (it) they have gone.. ;)
Victory? not really.. sex is not making love... experience taught me ..!
W.. where did they go? these girls, ladies, replaced by "fee-males" ??
a singer , "just friends"...coffee & took me shopping when I broke
my ankle ..met her family, felt like the kids uncle.. for a while..it
was nice..
& Zorka R, a travel agent ..I wish she would F***ing travel far..a b*tch ..but she's happ, because she has a CAR!
========Annika ; who disappeared with son Leon, (her "possession") we were passionate in Berlin, and betrayed me in Freiburg..
Another AnNa,M (CSer) a St. Pete's burger..I hosted almost half the month she holidayed in MNE/balkans... talked about almost everything..went swimming, walking, talking but ..her (r) boyfriend forbade her to drink with mE, after SHE had a few too many with the lads in shkoder...game over!
B..Bo...kissed me once in Bg, then ran, you know? & Biggi, she came to my birthday party (in my garden @ Celtville, Alsace) ..and so did I..but when I sung "you got a friend" she disappeared, I think i know why..(I know all the lyrics...but my voice....)
C.. Cathy ..a BIG HUG..."I'll write" but didnt..
D... (link) she knows.. gave me one of the best & worst times of this year..sad but true!
E..Elaine S.. a schoolboy crush ..
F...Fiona...nearly my first...
G.. Nice girl,,,not communicative, U see..but may yet "host" me in V>
and Gaye..5 years together ..shared my maisonette, was a special friend..even watched me play footy..until I married her best friend..
I wont mention GLo... who destroyed my son and took my first family..as my Dad identified her; " A Gold-digger"...
Hanna... a german rebel...at the JUno beach reggae festival..too bad..
i.d... "u can stay with me" ...but Toy boy said (?) not really ;) ?
Jade & jayde.. CSerS ..Taiwan & Oz,, a cuddle with one and a secret from the other
Kim, " a nightmare on (any) street" ..only "CSer" i ever kicked out of Toloshi.. she ruined Prizren too... & Karen G, the sister of J who hates me..
Lynn K...oh we had our day (& night) in the car, on the carpet, why did she die so young..? and Linda .5 years older...what i didn't give she took...almost everything..but "I survived" (didnt i?)
M-L.. a nutter from Lp, .. but initials fitted..can dish it, but cant take it??
MarGIT.. ambusher & KIDnapper..I will never forgive you for robbing me of my little girl (Noela now 11)
Nora.. german "flamin'" , and invited local lad to "our date" ..incredible for such an "intelligent girl" & french Nicole who "raped me" in burgundy... :)
Only one (?) who really stood by me, for such a long time (JS)
Penny; pregnant - I helped her, but she was not mine..
Question..where are the feminine girls of my youth, too old in the tooth?
Remember Rose, a teenage crush...neighbour (A) made me blush..lovely Rita, young Roberta, & Regina from Frankfurt, one night, she called me "sugar ChriS" ..
Shelly, a cousin of the one I should have never let go (JS) we had an affair , why didnt I care? 3 distractions simply wasnt fair.. Sabina, Sabine & Sabine H ...one was Hot, another not, and in between a girl I loved a lot...
T... Tanya,, of s. Africa, yo ho ho , after a bottle of rum..
U.. never realise what (who) you had until (it) they have gone.. ;)
Victory? not really.. sex is not making love... experience taught me ..!
W.. where did they go? these girls, ladies, replaced by "fee-males" ??

& Zorka R, a travel agent ..I wish she would F***ing travel far..a b*tch ..but she's happ, because she has a CAR!
for those who criticise my rights to freely express myself; - (see right)
whilst I am in the Mood
.. for the yankers...
this is the america ; I PREFER ;
added to the M's Maija ..thanks for a really enjoyable lake day & dinner on the boat restaurant..maybe I made U feel like queens but U also made me feel (almost) a King (U know I'm a "socialist" ..;)
ReplyDeleteand TRiin, a pixie-girl from tallin, with a little glint of devil inside/...deep enough to drown in, a bried encounter and touche dmy soul too...
ReplyDeleteadditionL. TO cUPId stUnTs ..
ReplyDeleteTanya from UK ; a FB contact ..Invited to MNE , then told me she waS pregnant (I hadnt met her before) but lied about how far...was 7/8 months on...and I had offered her my "couch" (well my bed) as I took the couch (considering her condition) then she lied, i helped her with medicine etc, then complained when I said she should have baby at her home, not in MNE, and accused me of being unreasonable..hmmm "no good turn goes unpunished"..again!
another ... Beauty ..Franzi the queen of sommerhausen left her "King" & brought her daughter to live with me in black-forest city.. she was a"Pricilla-Presley-lookalike" BUt..a Btch inside,, I educated her (!) in many ways, but i was always a "bridge" to next step..she left one day, when i was travelling, and despite that i took her on a caribean cruise ("error") she still wasnt happy...now shes with some "rich german guy" ..bye bye!
ReplyDeleteIris (the song!) ..I was her first "soul mate" ..for a while it was great.. and we became lovers, under the covers, but she chose a toy boy... and i chose a battle.. ;)
ReplyDeleteFREE VIDEO, of "terrible man" Suarez..& other RedS.@ kiddies hospital in Liverpool; http://www.liverpoolfc.com/video/features/13363-reds-play-santa-at-alder-hey
ReplyDeleteinteresting local item from Izzy & doggie lovers..
"When the Dogs in the ring then the Dogs gonna fight." For your right.... (to party) :)
ReplyDeleteStill, we must keep on living and we should take a risk:
To laugh is to risk appearing a fool
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach out for another is to risk involvement
To expose your feelings is to risk
exposing your true self
To place your ideal, your dreams before a crowd
is to risk their loss
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To live is to risk dying
To hope is to risk despair
To try is to risk failure
Yet risks must be taken
Because the greatest hazard in life is risking