111020 Unsub_Tolosi...
THE GAMES people play now...(LINK) so true now MORE than ever????
Have I told you lately.......that I love you?
I was recently watching the biography of Rod Stewart on Atlas Tv (local channel) ..
Music LINK
Hes a Celt so I will forgive him for a lot of other things,.,.I bought his album "every picture" when I was a kid, with my pocket money and at my tender age, some considerable years younger, I was also a "mod" although tytpical for me, I only was with the mods at Footy,(& "fashion") i was with the Rockers for music//
The Lyrics title song ("every picture tells a story" LINK)always stayed in my head, even though ..i forgot the line ..."remember, son, don't lose your head, to a woman that spends your bread" ...
Rod, of course is still chased by young , long legged blonde
s, his hair and about a billion dollars might have "something" to do wiith that (!) , but all things considered , even with his own footy pitch, & billions of dollars ...
...he could appreciate what I did this last weekend, I was once a millionaire, when a million pounds was a lot of money.(!) but playing footy with the lads here or anywhere cant be bought.. I was happy for the street kids to win, because they dont get much "sunshine" in their lives, but our team fought last sunday night and we played as one, and i dont want to leave,,,
Especially, as I have again met someone who could .....well, mean some thing, even if she is not my ideal partner...i think of the "upside of anger"....and the film "definately maybe" reminds of this current scene..
Lfc clips
6th October
..moving "home" again..the 100th time?..from the "mess at D25/2" ..Dzevad??
many events around this date,,,the Marriage to the lovely Jacqui (1980) ...the Raid by the enemy on our group, the fight with Mike, the Freiburg raid by the Mayor Bohme's beamte-gestapo, ("I shot the sheriff t-shirt) ..battles,,,
etc etc...
Moved in to Tolosi 55 ..now using "Wifi" on the move at Libraries and internet cafes, even if THEY block me, or i have to rebuild the Net again..
next day I acquired the "Monty Not without me" Friendship trophy, began In Liverpool with the visit to the Hillsborough Justice Campaign ("HJC cup") tournement for fans teams who participate in a friendly 5-a-side, ... Then when I was with ALSIN (dutch Lfc supporters) we invited the HJC cup winners to Rotterdam, but i played for the "Lunatics" and the next year toured Europe with their team...
SO when one of their players had a contact who needed a "house sitter" in ZonderEigen (loosely translated to "Without me" ..I decided to organise the first "NOT without me" weekend, with parties, grill and of course "Football (footy)FUN & (international) Friendship"...we had 2 trophies ; one for WINNERS sponsored by the local cafe owner (Gunter) and "Roby Fc" came, as HJC cup winners the next year (with several blues in their team from Liverpool) ...Gunter tried to get them drunk the first night before the Tourny...with the strong local beer an jaegermeister shots, but the lads still "shot" 8 goals in the first game...(7-a-side) ...and won the tourny easily and I gave my friendship trophy to FC ZonderEigen..
So the following year (2009) I invited Roby (again HJC winners) and another team of REdS to Zwolle (at a erdedivisie club called "Be Quick") with excellent all-weather fields , as I was training with them and playing for their "seniors" ..and coaching some street kids..
Roby won again, but the girls team got my vote for "Friendship" not for their looks but for "competing" in an all-male tourny!.. (Dix still has a trophy in Merkplas !! for 2012?)
I sortted out my boxes and put my scarf, banner and pics on the wall, , sort of "REd-naturized" the new tolosi "base"
"Not just a Monty sketch - this means something"
Thursday 6th october Pg.
What may seem "just another game" to the England FA squad arriving today could yet prove to be a pivotal moment in the young life of Montenegro (re-found independence in 2006)
The highly paid english players probably wont "put their foot in" or want to get hurt in a game they don’t need to win, whilst the fanatics of "Monty" will expect 200% effort and fight from their team, who still have an outside chance of qualification for "Euro 12" …
As has always been the case, football success encourages economic growth. For one of the smallest nations, (with an eye to eventual EU membership, which I personally don’t recommend) the massive boost shoould their country qualify for next years tournement could spark enough economic progress to encourage its people to believe in a future beyond their daily life, in a culture which is really focused only "in the moment" (or not even that)
The absence of any creative youth projects, and the feeling of "suffocation" between the dead-end "functionary job" of the state or "in the box" employment for large corporations who will only care if they have paper qualifications rather than talent, demands a "grass roots" evolution..
Apart from small shopkeepers, small-holdings & stall sellers, there is a virtual void of "grass roots enterpreneurial spirit" as "the west" may know it.
Personally I would be happy with a win for my adopted home team, and apart from wishing Carroll and Downing to avoid injury, dotn care for england. As a life-long LIVERPOOL supporters I would remind both sides of our "KOP" banner at Anfield which reads "WE are NOT english - WE are SCOUSE" ;) !!!!!
ChriS Smith
NO ...Lunch with horror? No…NO, shes got the Monty "maybe-baby" (or well, I know I was going to meet you, but something more interesting came up)
"Last night Met Ugo & Veli ("Balkan REdS") who wanted to meet Andy & Stewart with the england squad, false info about training at stadium..
So went to the hotel , I was waiting on written confirmation that we could meet them from Ayres (Lfc) via Karen (chair; Lfc fans committee) but incoming emails blocked, so went anyway in hope that the FA (!!) would be "reasonable"
But as we all know true supporters are considered a "distraction " by a lot of people who become rich from y-our money ..the hotel was tight on security, but I met the team doc "Ian Beasley" who was nice enough to check on it for the lads, whilst I was waiting I met Stewart and just told him I am co-ordinating REdS supporters in the Balkans etc, but he seemed to be engrossed in an sms (probably from Kenny telling him not to get injured!<smile>) anyway he passed the buck to Capello.. I shook Stewarts hand and he went on his way to his room..then the security realised that I probably shouldn’t be "hanging" and asked me to go, so I said well, I will wait for the doc, then Beasley came to say that Capello don’t want Andy or Stewart to be "interviewed"
..I mean these REdS in the Balkans barely have enough income to get by, a trip to Anfield is like a once in a lifetime "Mecca" what would it hurt for the players to spend 5 minutes.,..but, you know its our own fault…Supporters should have taken over Lfc last year when we had the chance, its our club, our game ..our FINANCE that keeps them all employed..and its long overdue that our 7 million plus global REdS realised that! And take power back from the exploiters…& from the Yankers!"
…Some guy kept standing on my heels and bumping into me , I asked him to stop, but he kept on..i think he was delieberate, so I pushed him away..maybe he (& dreadlocks) ..were jealous of me dancing with "Little Red" ..?
…anyway when big b**ger started getting funny , I thought , "well after 18months of financing NH , its time to move on" … ;) ...
Hiya HORROR! I am only on the net when i get to an internet caffe or wifi...until i get connected in Tolosi (Toloshi)
I was a bit annoyed yesterday, I am NEVER busy ..unless someone else fouls up my day ;) the previous house owner , and YOU-horror too!...
I wasnt too angry as i sat in the garden waiting for u to reply (it was U who suggested "lunch" ..remember?) .. so i was "peeved" to have to "hurry"" to get online to see if u had sent a fB message,.,,but also WHY didnt ollie give u my messages , or did nt u want to come to the cafe next to yr office (diamond?) ...anyway, what gone is gone..
I just hate un-necessary stress and waste of time..thats me...theer u go..
was a great party last night, but the owner of Nh is an isiot and cut it too short when the armosphere was good, he used to just close the doors last year and we could continue all night if we wanted, but now he is rich, he dont feel the need... another example ...a**hole..
as i said if u need any help or info whilst i am around (or even online) call me /txt or mail ..although the C 1/A oh are blockign my emails and sometimes my sms etc ..its been a nightmare for organising @LetS B Fair@ but i at least have the trophy sorted now and ..hope something good comes out of the mess...
I intend to invite @everyone@ to a "warming " party at my place - YOU are invited ..i propose 22 october , i should be be back well before then..!! probably by 18th..take care and ...BE GOOD! ;)
"they only care about MONEY
...THEY dont care about FANS
y-OUR beautiful game of..
FOOTBALL..is in the wrong hands"
Last Night was great party in Podgorica, met some guys, one , ChriS form chesterfield , has similar lifestyle to myself, except he changed it for a woman! ;) little Monty CAME BACK fro 0-2 to ger a good result against "mighty" england ( <smile>) ;)
I still wont stand for "the queen" …little "kick off" but no real trouble ..as Fab, ben & Srdjan wemnt to the match Lovely Milena, IRENA and Ana invited me to sit with them, ou of the torrential rain..it was a major distraction, and much nicer to look at the girls than the match as I am not an "eng-er-lund" fan..and wanted my "adopted" Monty to do well..
Jovana joined us, But they "disappeared" when the lads came back , so we went inside in the dry to enjoy the music, the dry, and drink a few in celebration, one beauty put a Monty scarf around my neck, which Ben now has..Then around midnight, the Kaktus caffe & all the bars (which normall stay open until 1 or 2 am ) were cleared out by a virtual Monty-Swat squad "cleared us ALL out" onto the street in the poouring rain! …these jack-booted thugs with body armour would not listen to protests , and in there body armour were certainly not a pleasant sight for visiting touriists… I tried to explain to them, there was NO reason for it, there was no trouble , everyone was mixing happily and THIS is an UGLY Picture for their tourist trade. I have cancelled some of our activities .. I wont encourage trade & growth with a POLICE STATE!!
I was protesting to them in the street, explainign the above when I met Ana & her writer Uncle , we went with Dutch lad Roy, Vlad (*her boyfiriend :( ) and met Slobodan, who gave me a sketch …enjoyable company, I probably told too much of my story (I am a double agent v the C 1/A !!! Lol) until about 04h , don’t remember walking back, but I must have done! ;) as I am here ha ha ..more to follow as we prepare for the "MONTY NOT WITHOUT ME cup Sunday and reduce the activies to just fun & friendship!!! ;) and that’s fine by me!! Lol
if "MONTY" was a female, she would be that girl that you lusted after as a teenager, who was always trying to be the centre of attraction..
who messed you around, stood you up, ..and was always looking in the mirror...but you still yearned for her, until you found a GOOD woman...
The Concept is explained @ http://www.ursun.net/LetS-BFAIR.htm …to make a "creative atmosphere" …to encourage self-support AND Creative networking and "team spirit as weel as individual expression"…and to be "FAIR" ..this word is a simple one, but RARELY applied… its intinctive..not to cheat, to positive support people local (and global) because that’s "fair" ..but
Its NOT "fair"
When "agencies" conspire to block, delay or delete, messages and comms ; email, FB (who blocked "invites"!) , sms
And even phone from the moment this was "launched" to this very last day of the project..
NOR when I am forced to move my "base" less than 48 hrs before the events begin
NOR when the harmless "visitors" having a party , are ejected from bars by uniformed stormtroopers into the street, getting soaked in the process (it discourages particpation in "not-for-profit" events> …
Or when 100 ppl say they will attend, and don’t even intend to come
Nor when airlines cancel economy flights to the region, and the weather isnt "fair" ,,
(Yeah, but please don’t ask "why bother" ?)
Or I will reply , why breathe?
///we played the final of the "LetS B Fair" .footy , fun and friendship final, for the Monty not-without-me cup..(slogan "you 'll never play alone") ..this afternoon, Dijana's team ; Jani and the lads from forum MNE won by 2 goals after 90 minutes with the Ugo-team runners up
…….england fans went home early..and no less than 10 people didn’t even bother to say if they were coming or not, (they didn’t take a few seconds to send a short message; Edon; Novak, Diego, Srdjan, Milan, Mikan, Nenad, Dragan, Frank, Igor!
The MNE v England match tickets here were e30…TEN times normal prices, whilst england fabs paid e10! …
There is so much that’s wrong..
"they only care about MONEY
...THEY dont care about FANS
y-OUR beautiful game of..
FOOTBALL..is in the wrong hands"
if "MONTY" was a female, she would be that girl that you lusted after as a teenager, who was always trying to be the centre of attraction..
who messed you around, stood you up, ..and was always looking in the mirror...but you still yearned for her, until you found a GOOD woman...
then later U realise that the "B*tch" was really a scared, lonely and insecure little girl, and feel sorry, for her..."
Footy Sunday night was a late "highlight" an equal game, hard fought, which our team should have won, we were "Rakija - fired" ..and should have won, but it was a FRIENDLY way to end the weekend ..walking home..
I donated the e58 sponsorship, could have done more if locals had reacted better!
Monday 10 10 11
Met Henri - he is "into Ties" always wearing one, eevn with a t-shirt ! so I gave him my Lfc tie (ex Jd!) for HIS birthday!
then suprisingly, met Anam & she paid before leaving for Zagreb and I went to pack for NS-Bg-Luton-LIVERPOOL (v mancs) -> Bg-Pg (Veli brought the money for his stuff from Lp shopf)
I was in a hurry at the Station after (see above) and got the wrong Taxi (Over priced tak-si!! @ E6 !!! to T55!!
Sms to AnaM
I very happy we met today "maybe bibi" but …there ARE 3 things that might bring me back to Pg…Footy …"as REdS missionary " .. "LetS B Fair" ..continued and YOU! ..even if I never cu again, because I will always love u , u were the only one who "got cloes, good or bad..take care x"
ana@cine-focus.com <ana@cine-focus.com>
my blogs,.if U ever have time to read a mixture of comment, opinions, crazy diary and footy ;)
http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/ chrismith ana@cine-focus.com FAIR ; media www.facebook.com/Chri5mitH and have 2 websites , (as distractions from my true roles ha ha) www.ursun.net and www.mypod-net.org and blogs..
----- Original Message -----
ChriS> Ana,
ironic that we should meet that way, first compliments to your uncle, my enemy from the C 1/A double agent! ;)
I think I talked too much last night... but...this is all I remember apart from a lovely image of U in my dreams <SMILE>
....I am on facebook
"ref;ection on a little police state" ?
Last Night was great party in Podgorica, met some guys, one , ChriS form chesterfield , has similar lifestyle to myself, except he changed it for a woman! ;) little Monty CAME BACK fro 0-2 to ger a good result against "mighty" england ( <smile>) ;)
I still wont stand for "the queen" …little "kick off" but no real trouble ..as Fab, ben & Srdjan wemnt to the match Lovely Milena, IRENA and Ana invited me to sit with them, ou of the torrential rain..it was a major distraction, and much nicer to look at the girls than the match as I am not an "eng-er-lund" fan..and wanted my "adopted" Monty to do well..
Jovana joined us, But they "disappeared" when the lads came back , so we went inside in the dry to enjoy the music, the dry, and drink a few in celebration, one beauty put a Monty scarf around my neck, which Ben now has..Then around midnight, the Kaktus caffe & all the bars (which normall stay open until 1 or 2 am ) were cleared out by a virtual Monty-Swat squad "cleared us ALL out" onto the street in the poouring rain! …these jack-booted thugs with body armour would not listen to protests , and in there body armour were certainly not a pleasant sight for visiting touriists… I tried to explain to them, there was NO reason for it, there was no trouble , everyone was mixing happily and THIS is an UGLY Picture for their tourist trade. I have cancelled some of our activities .. I wont encourage trade & growth with a POLICE STATE!! My81011 ChriS Ana Saturday, October 08, 2011 4:48 PM I was protesting to them in the street, explainign the above when I met Ana & her writer Uncle , we went with Dutch lad Roy, Vlad (*her boyfiriend :( ) and met Slobodan, who gave me a sketch …enjoyable company, I probably told too much of my story (I am a double agent v the C 1/A !!! Lol) until about 04h , don’t remember walking back, but I must have done! ;) as I am here ha ha ..more to follow as we prepare for the "MONTY NOT WITHOUT ME cup Sunday and reduce the activies to just fun & friendship!!! ;) and that’s fine by me!! Lol..
11-18, october 11
Not a RED October, but a "Brown Sauce terror"?
Back in "Monty"..
after the "LetS B FAIR"..affair...
at about 05h this morning the overnight bus from Beograd (Bg) pulled into Pg bus station
It felt cold, I was tired, as I also went overnight from Lp to Luton ..thats 48 hrs with "naps" ..
I had travelled to Milutin in "Never Sad" and there was no direct train or bus, I changed in Bg,
and he and his mates picked me up on the way, and Stefan and Milan etc were good company as we stayed singing "When the REds go marching in" ..downing a few bevvies..in their irish pub..
Wednesday evening was "quiet night in" at Milutin place, I certainly felt the effects of travel, Pivos & playing 2-a-side footy that afternoon, on concrete, couldnt let myself go all -out because my natural game woiuld cause some "breakages" ;)
After thanking my host (Milutin) for his kindness, I took a taxi to Izzy and her dizzy dog..she fed me spaghetti bolognese, and bam-boos! ..so I was getting "happy" when her "B-T" Romano arrived, with Pivos and more..I got on the bus to Bg around 23h with a big smile, Izzy now is the proud owner of the famous "standards corrupted" , special Lfc supporters black protest shirt..
and young Georgie (one of the "Bucharest heroes" who had travelled with me to the game @ Steau ) waited for me at the bus station and fed me more Pivos until my transfer taxi picked me up for the Airport departure at 03h ...
Luton again was disrupted, the BS about too many flights, its a deliberate way of earning more revenue, ground staff are enough, It took OVER an HOUR for a few hundred metres from the Wizz aire plane to ARRIVE at immigration, I complained but of course 99,99% wont..the sheep just accept getting screwed, as they do now by all government & corporate "authority"..
This DELAY is DELIBERATE, why else would they set up TV screens to keep the people distracted in the arrival halls and the stupid queue goes like a snakes back forth and up its own...xxxxxxx?
keeping people delayed keeps also ppl waiting at the airport and spending money!! and thats what IT has ALWAYS been about ..."terrorists" = are the government!
so an over-priced brekkie (standard costs 10 Quid !!!) then bus to Lp,
I was still in a good mood though, having met the sweet transilvanian vampire Mihaela, whilst waiting for the bus...i told her I liked her hat , it suited her..and we talked for most of the 5 hr journey, before she continued to Birkenhead for her "care job" ..AGAIN she is qualified (legal?) but cant get a job doing what she wants (thats a reason why I started Lets B FAIR!)..
comms were blocked, so couldnt meet Tricia, and went to my "usual nostalgia trip @ the cavern club" ...now 3 quid ...but still great value, 2 live bands and atmosphere that kept me dancing until about 02h , almost non stop, with a variety of local & tourists , lasses & lads (aussie Dean arrived there too) with more bevvies with Swizz Lfc fan Patrice ; who had his birthday, but got frozen out by the girls from barca ( most young girls now are such selfish snobs...could have been nice to him, wouldnt have hurt them) ..
Match day, I already wrote about, said hello to Frank, (George & John the MMays owner) before picking up a "top gear" souvenir for Kaja..the to the stadium..always need to beat the mancs, well we did , but the scoreline says 1-1...they were scared, lining up with SEVEN defenders against us, (but with a bench intended to "steal" a late goal) Sir Rudolph has more to worry about now, because although thay equalised Stevies clever (come-back) free kick, as he started the game for the first time in 6 motnhs, the ugly Ferdinand should have got a Red card and Henderson, Dirk and Luis couls all have put the game beyond the mancs, with luck..he may be happy with the result, but the mancs KNOW we are better than them, we NOW have to prove it...against other teams than those currently above us!
Saturday night was "Big night IN" ..watching some favourite comedies like "live at the apollo " and "Mock the week" and a film "Definately maybe" as I knew the next 2 nights would be sleepless travelling..
So then THE highlight of the weekend, for me, for once, even more important than Saturday's game; "an audience with Rafa" I love the man, but about a thousand others who forked out about the same as a match ticket to support MOntse Benitez (charity) foundation and hear Rafa be interviewed in "this is your life" style..he talekd about his past, Valencia v the galactico's and coming to Lp, how his fanily fell in love with Liverpools people and especially the bond with Supporters. He talked about the way the yankers denied him funds to take Lfc to the highest level, and corrected any moronic opinion that may have blamed him.
Many people (yankers/directors, the "office" & media) caused the mess last year at Lfc, not least our own fans for allowing criminals to ruin our club,( I wont rest until we own at leats 50% ) but Rafa, who patiently explained tactics of the "Miracle in Istanbul" (05) and more..was given a standing ovation and chant, at the beginning and end of a fasinating and warm encounter with the man. well worth it. (players Like John Barnes were in the next row, also appreciating the great man)
i went directly to the bus station and 05 hrs was back in Luton, just as well as the "congestions" was out of the departure area and the queue stretched into t he main hall, I refused to pay 1 GBP for a "security" bag (for an item that cost me gbp1,60?) ..but the "HP Brown sauce, that I like to add to cooking or my brekkie was CONFISCATED ) must be dangerous because?...it was sealed by the superarket, but...anyway..the joke is...I had SEVERAL SACHETS of the same brown sauce in my bag, so IF this was "explosive" ..what good is "SECURITY" anyway???
the colour brown is what its all about ; the whole of the so-ci(e)ty is FED on "B-sh*te" !!
p.s Met Georgie, again on the way back via Bg, gave him the match prog from Saturday & A KOP banner to Luka , donated to the Big REdS family - Balkans branch./…
Over all costs;
(e46 chin. with horror?) e46
Trophy 4 kids e 26 (vias) + e 5 cash engrav. E31
internet@cafe since 6.10 ;
Cash out before trip e100
Wizz e40
------------paid -e40
Audience with Rafa (empire) Gbp 45 = e54
paid -54
National Express Ldn->Lp -> Ln (inc slap) r-T!
Gbp 43,10 = e52
Lfc store (kop flag) Gbp 4,80 = e 6
JB sports (sports tank-top) Gbp 15 = e18
Int Inn (gbp 53 paid previous -----
Int Inn Gbp 22 Gbp 22 = e25
Chinese restaurant (San San) 13,10 = e15
All weather grey jacket Gbp52-10% discount Gbp 46,80 = e 56
Paid by Veli -e79
Tesco Tea, luk-ozade/CONFISCATED HP 4,80 = e 6
BBc - top gear tax disc holdre 4 Kaja 2,49 = e 3 cash
Brekkie 14,10 & 17.10 = gbp 8.78 x 2 ! = e20
Csh (14.10) Gbp 60 = e72
Csh (11.10) (50e) = D 4950 = e50
Bus Bg-NS-Bg (dinas) = D 1260 = e13 cash
Bus Bg-Pg dinas = D 2450 = e25 cash
Bus Pg-Bg (euros) = e25 cash
Mobile ph- pre-paid = e 10
= 226 via visa + e142 cash out = total cost e368 (accurate estimate)
Amazing, I noticed I was being blocked the day before leaving Monty (19th October) it was "difficult" to get on line, but today, Nothing, no skype, no 3call, no FB, no emails..this is the Ultimate COMPLIMENT, they are so scared of what I say/write the poodles of the C1/A have actually forced me "off line"
AM will have to try to continue>Hello,
I have been asked by CS to give U this message, that ChriS by telling the truth, or if u prefer his OPINION, he has been forced offline, not like before temporoarily, but permannently , at this time, he can neither send nor receive, from TWO websites, 4 blogs or via the Global REdS network thgrough which he "feeds" directly or indirectly several million Lfc Supporters and fans worldwide,, …but IF you "friend me" or his Alter-ego" who will aks for contact in the next few days,,I will pass messages to / from you ; such as..
"they only care about MONEY
...THEY dont care about FANS
y-OUR beautiful game of..
FOOTBALL..is in the wrong hands"
if "MONTY" was a female, she would be that girl that you lusted after as a teenager, who was always trying to be the centre of attraction..
who messed you around, stood you up, ..and was always looking in the mirror...but you still yearned for her, until you found a GOOD woman..."
then later U realise that the "B*tch" was really a scared, lonely and insecure little girl, and feel sorry, for her..."
18 oct @t55, Pg
"To whom it MAY(be) concerns" <SMILE> - ;) (U know who U are!)
So, does it really bother you that I am "older"
or is it because I am Bolder (than the others?)
I am FIT,
but thats not it!
and I can do what I can.
I am a Man..
A carer, a thinker, a dancer & experienced Love-maker
i am a giver, not a taker!
...& speak several tongues, with a Unique world view,
..I do tell a story or two...
I look and feel younger, I am TRUE
I am NOT "new"
In modern times, its what "fun girls" seem to want..
for yr image - you must have the BOYS..
....but these macho lads are mostly just yr TOYS..
so what will you do, DO you CARE?
can U be true TOO?
will you test me, will you DARE? "
extracts from the recent "Stars"
Oct 8, 2011
Love is out there for you, you just have to give it a chance. Don’t make any rushed decisions. You can think about going on a diet. You are likely to get a new source of income.
Oct 16, 2011
Trust in your love and affection, they will never let you down. You should also consider changing your environment to a more lively and active one. Take care of yourself because there are too many things you have to do. In the coming months, only spend on what you need. vely and active one. Take care of yourself because there are too many things you have to do. In the coming months, only spend on what you need.
Oct 14, 2011
Laughter is the closest distance between two people. Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Cut back on salt and sugar. You may face some financial losses by the end of the month.
OFFER: To share rooms in Tolosi (Pg) Monty....bed, electric, Tv Cable and food INCLUDED ; 100 euros per month, ideal for student of engliush language who wishes to impriove to high ("business/political" ) lwvwl, but must be willing to give 10hrs a month time to help me learn Serbian (MNE)
(Reply via Private message)
THE GAMES people play now...(LINK) so true now MORE than ever????
Have I told you lately.......that I love you?
I was recently watching the biography of Rod Stewart on Atlas Tv (local channel) ..
Music LINK
Hes a Celt so I will forgive him for a lot of other things,.,.I bought his album "every picture" when I was a kid, with my pocket money and at my tender age, some considerable years younger, I was also a "mod" although tytpical for me, I only was with the mods at Footy,(& "fashion") i was with the Rockers for music//
The Lyrics title song ("every picture tells a story" LINK)always stayed in my head, even though ..i forgot the line ..."remember, son, don't lose your head, to a woman that spends your bread" ...
Rod, of course is still chased by young , long legged blonde
s, his hair and about a billion dollars might have "something" to do wiith that (!) , but all things considered , even with his own footy pitch, & billions of dollars ...

Especially, as I have again met someone who could .....well, mean some thing, even if she is not my ideal partner...i think of the "upside of anger"....and the film "definately maybe" reminds of this current scene..
Lfc clips
6th October
..moving "home" again..the 100th time?..from the "mess at D25/2" ..Dzevad??
![]() |
Pictures from Move also on CS@FB! ?? |
many events around this date,,,the Marriage to the lovely Jacqui (1980) ...the Raid by the enemy on our group, the fight with Mike, the Freiburg raid by the Mayor Bohme's beamte-gestapo, ("I shot the sheriff t-shirt) ..battles,,,
etc etc...
Moved in to Tolosi 55 ..now using "Wifi" on the move at Libraries and internet cafes, even if THEY block me, or i have to rebuild the Net again..
next day I acquired the "Monty Not without me" Friendship trophy, began In Liverpool with the visit to the Hillsborough Justice Campaign ("HJC cup") tournement for fans teams who participate in a friendly 5-a-side, ... Then when I was with ALSIN (dutch Lfc supporters) we invited the HJC cup winners to Rotterdam, but i played for the "Lunatics" and the next year toured Europe with their team...
SO when one of their players had a contact who needed a "house sitter" in ZonderEigen (loosely translated to "Without me" ..I decided to organise the first "NOT without me" weekend, with parties, grill and of course "Football (footy)FUN & (international) Friendship"...we had 2 trophies ; one for WINNERS sponsored by the local cafe owner (Gunter) and "Roby Fc" came, as HJC cup winners the next year (with several blues in their team from Liverpool) ...Gunter tried to get them drunk the first night before the Tourny...with the strong local beer an jaegermeister shots, but the lads still "shot" 8 goals in the first game...(7-a-side) ...and won the tourny easily and I gave my friendship trophy to FC ZonderEigen..
So the following year (2009) I invited Roby (again HJC winners) and another team of REdS to Zwolle (at a erdedivisie club called "Be Quick") with excellent all-weather fields , as I was training with them and playing for their "seniors" ..and coaching some street kids..
Roby won again, but the girls team got my vote for "Friendship" not for their looks but for "competing" in an all-male tourny!.. (Dix still has a trophy in Merkplas !! for 2012?)
I sortted out my boxes and put my scarf, banner and pics on the wall, , sort of "REd-naturized" the new tolosi "base"
"Not just a Monty sketch - this means something"
Thursday 6th october Pg.
What may seem "just another game" to the England FA squad arriving today could yet prove to be a pivotal moment in the young life of Montenegro (re-found independence in 2006)
The highly paid english players probably wont "put their foot in" or want to get hurt in a game they don’t need to win, whilst the fanatics of "Monty" will expect 200% effort and fight from their team, who still have an outside chance of qualification for "Euro 12" …
As has always been the case, football success encourages economic growth. For one of the smallest nations, (with an eye to eventual EU membership, which I personally don’t recommend) the massive boost shoould their country qualify for next years tournement could spark enough economic progress to encourage its people to believe in a future beyond their daily life, in a culture which is really focused only "in the moment" (or not even that)
The absence of any creative youth projects, and the feeling of "suffocation" between the dead-end "functionary job" of the state or "in the box" employment for large corporations who will only care if they have paper qualifications rather than talent, demands a "grass roots" evolution..
Apart from small shopkeepers, small-holdings & stall sellers, there is a virtual void of "grass roots enterpreneurial spirit" as "the west" may know it.
Personally I would be happy with a win for my adopted home team, and apart from wishing Carroll and Downing to avoid injury, dotn care for england. As a life-long LIVERPOOL supporters I would remind both sides of our "KOP" banner at Anfield which reads "WE are NOT english - WE are SCOUSE" ;) !!!!!
ChriS Smith
NO ...Lunch with horror? No…NO, shes got the Monty "maybe-baby" (or well, I know I was going to meet you, but something more interesting came up)
"Last night Met Ugo & Veli ("Balkan REdS") who wanted to meet Andy & Stewart with the england squad, false info about training at stadium..
So went to the hotel , I was waiting on written confirmation that we could meet them from Ayres (Lfc) via Karen (chair; Lfc fans committee) but incoming emails blocked, so went anyway in hope that the FA (!!) would be "reasonable"
But as we all know true supporters are considered a "distraction " by a lot of people who become rich from y-our money ..the hotel was tight on security, but I met the team doc "Ian Beasley" who was nice enough to check on it for the lads, whilst I was waiting I met Stewart and just told him I am co-ordinating REdS supporters in the Balkans etc, but he seemed to be engrossed in an sms (probably from Kenny telling him not to get injured!<smile>) anyway he passed the buck to Capello.. I shook Stewarts hand and he went on his way to his room..then the security realised that I probably shouldn’t be "hanging" and asked me to go, so I said well, I will wait for the doc, then Beasley came to say that Capello don’t want Andy or Stewart to be "interviewed"
..I mean these REdS in the Balkans barely have enough income to get by, a trip to Anfield is like a once in a lifetime "Mecca" what would it hurt for the players to spend 5 minutes.,..but, you know its our own fault…Supporters should have taken over Lfc last year when we had the chance, its our club, our game ..our FINANCE that keeps them all employed..and its long overdue that our 7 million plus global REdS realised that! And take power back from the exploiters…& from the Yankers!"
…Some guy kept standing on my heels and bumping into me , I asked him to stop, but he kept on..i think he was delieberate, so I pushed him away..maybe he (& dreadlocks) ..were jealous of me dancing with "Little Red" ..?
…anyway when big b**ger started getting funny , I thought , "well after 18months of financing NH , its time to move on" … ;) ...
Hiya HORROR! I am only on the net when i get to an internet caffe or wifi...until i get connected in Tolosi (Toloshi)
...hope everything goes well with yr parents, if u have problems call me, i am away for about a week from tuesday LIVERPOOl v the mancs THE footy game of the season - biggest club game in the world watched by more people on TV than any other club game (excluding the world cup finals) ..
I wasnt too angry as i sat in the garden waiting for u to reply (it was U who suggested "lunch" ..remember?) .. so i was "peeved" to have to "hurry"" to get online to see if u had sent a fB message,.,,but also WHY didnt ollie give u my messages , or did nt u want to come to the cafe next to yr office (diamond?) ...anyway, what gone is gone..
I just hate un-necessary stress and waste of time..thats me...theer u go..
was a great party last night, but the owner of Nh is an isiot and cut it too short when the armosphere was good, he used to just close the doors last year and we could continue all night if we wanted, but now he is rich, he dont feel the need... another example ...a**hole..
as i said if u need any help or info whilst i am around (or even online) call me /txt or mail ..although the C 1/A oh are blockign my emails and sometimes my sms etc ..its been a nightmare for organising @LetS B Fair@ but i at least have the trophy sorted now and ..hope something good comes out of the mess...
I intend to invite @everyone@ to a "warming " party at my place - YOU are invited ..i propose 22 october , i should be be back well before then..!! probably by 18th..take care and ...BE GOOD! ;)
"they only care about MONEY
...THEY dont care about FANS
y-OUR beautiful game of..
FOOTBALL..is in the wrong hands"
Last Night was great party in Podgorica, met some guys, one , ChriS form chesterfield , has similar lifestyle to myself, except he changed it for a woman! ;) little Monty CAME BACK fro 0-2 to ger a good result against "mighty" england ( <smile>) ;)
I still wont stand for "the queen" …little "kick off" but no real trouble ..as Fab, ben & Srdjan wemnt to the match Lovely Milena, IRENA and Ana invited me to sit with them, ou of the torrential rain..it was a major distraction, and much nicer to look at the girls than the match as I am not an "eng-er-lund" fan..and wanted my "adopted" Monty to do well..
Jovana joined us, But they "disappeared" when the lads came back , so we went inside in the dry to enjoy the music, the dry, and drink a few in celebration, one beauty put a Monty scarf around my neck, which Ben now has..Then around midnight, the Kaktus caffe & all the bars (which normall stay open until 1 or 2 am ) were cleared out by a virtual Monty-Swat squad "cleared us ALL out" onto the street in the poouring rain! …these jack-booted thugs with body armour would not listen to protests , and in there body armour were certainly not a pleasant sight for visiting touriists… I tried to explain to them, there was NO reason for it, there was no trouble , everyone was mixing happily and THIS is an UGLY Picture for their tourist trade. I have cancelled some of our activities .. I wont encourage trade & growth with a POLICE STATE!!
I was protesting to them in the street, explainign the above when I met Ana & her writer Uncle , we went with Dutch lad Roy, Vlad (*her boyfiriend :( ) and met Slobodan, who gave me a sketch …enjoyable company, I probably told too much of my story (I am a double agent v the C 1/A !!! Lol) until about 04h , don’t remember walking back, but I must have done! ;) as I am here ha ha ..more to follow as we prepare for the "MONTY NOT WITHOUT ME cup Sunday and reduce the activies to just fun & friendship!!! ;) and that’s fine by me!! Lol
![]() |
Sunday 9,10,11 LetS-B-FAIR; Monty-not without-me CUP "you'' never play alone" ? ... |
if "MONTY" was a female, she would be that girl that you lusted after as a teenager, who was always trying to be the centre of attraction..
who messed you around, stood you up, ..and was always looking in the mirror...but you still yearned for her, until you found a GOOD woman...
then later U realise that the "B*tch" was really a scared, lonely and insecure little girl, and feel sorry, for her..."
Friday 7th oct..)=============
Lets b fair???? ArticleThe Concept is explained @ http://www.ursun.net/LetS-BFAIR.htm …to make a "creative atmosphere" …to encourage self-support AND Creative networking and "team spirit as weel as individual expression"…and to be "FAIR" ..this word is a simple one, but RARELY applied… its intinctive..not to cheat, to positive support people local (and global) because that’s "fair" ..but
Its NOT "fair"
When "agencies" conspire to block, delay or delete, messages and comms ; email, FB (who blocked "invites"!) , sms
And even phone from the moment this was "launched" to this very last day of the project..
NOR when I am forced to move my "base" less than 48 hrs before the events begin
NOR when the harmless "visitors" having a party , are ejected from bars by uniformed stormtroopers into the street, getting soaked in the process (it discourages particpation in "not-for-profit" events> …
Or when 100 ppl say they will attend, and don’t even intend to come
Nor when airlines cancel economy flights to the region, and the weather isnt "fair" ,,
(Yeah, but please don’t ask "why bother" ?)
Or I will reply , why breathe?
///we played the final of the "LetS B Fair" .footy , fun and friendship final, for the Monty not-without-me cup..(slogan "you 'll never play alone") ..this afternoon, Dijana's team ; Jani and the lads from forum MNE won by 2 goals after 90 minutes with the Ugo-team runners up
…….england fans went home early..and no less than 10 people didn’t even bother to say if they were coming or not, (they didn’t take a few seconds to send a short message; Edon; Novak, Diego, Srdjan, Milan, Mikan, Nenad, Dragan, Frank, Igor!
The MNE v England match tickets here were e30…TEN times normal prices, whilst england fabs paid e10! …
There is so much that’s wrong..
"they only care about MONEY
...THEY dont care about FANS
y-OUR beautiful game of..
FOOTBALL..is in the wrong hands"
if "MONTY" was a female, she would be that girl that you lusted after as a teenager, who was always trying to be the centre of attraction..
who messed you around, stood you up, ..and was always looking in the mirror...but you still yearned for her, until you found a GOOD woman...
then later U realise that the "B*tch" was really a scared, lonely and insecure little girl, and feel sorry, for her..."
Footy Sunday night was a late "highlight" an equal game, hard fought, which our team should have won, we were "Rakija - fired" ..and should have won, but it was a FRIENDLY way to end the weekend ..walking home..
I donated the e58 sponsorship, could have done more if locals had reacted better!
Monday 10 10 11
Met Henri - he is "into Ties" always wearing one, eevn with a t-shirt ! so I gave him my Lfc tie (ex Jd!) for HIS birthday!
then suprisingly, met Anam & she paid before leaving for Zagreb and I went to pack for NS-Bg-Luton-LIVERPOOL (v mancs) -> Bg-Pg (Veli brought the money for his stuff from Lp shopf)
I was in a hurry at the Station after (see above) and got the wrong Taxi (Over priced tak-si!! @ E6 !!! to T55!!
Sms to AnaM
I very happy we met today "maybe bibi" but …there ARE 3 things that might bring me back to Pg…Footy …"as REdS missionary " .. "LetS B Fair" ..continued and YOU! ..even if I never cu again, because I will always love u , u were the only one who "got cloes, good or bad..take care x"
ana@cine-focus.com <ana@cine-focus.com>
my blogs,.if U ever have time to read a mixture of comment, opinions, crazy diary and footy ;)
http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/ chrismith ana@cine-focus.com FAIR ; media www.facebook.com/Chri5mitH and have 2 websites , (as distractions from my true roles ha ha) www.ursun.net and www.mypod-net.org and blogs..
ChriS> Ana,
ironic that we should meet that way, first compliments to your uncle, my enemy from the C 1/A double agent! ;)
I think I talked too much last night... but...this is all I remember apart from a lovely image of U in my dreams <SMILE>
....I am on facebook
"ref;ection on a little police state" ?
Last Night was great party in Podgorica, met some guys, one , ChriS form chesterfield , has similar lifestyle to myself, except he changed it for a woman! ;) little Monty CAME BACK fro 0-2 to ger a good result against "mighty" england ( <smile>) ;)
I still wont stand for "the queen" …little "kick off" but no real trouble ..as Fab, ben & Srdjan wemnt to the match Lovely Milena, IRENA and Ana invited me to sit with them, ou of the torrential rain..it was a major distraction, and much nicer to look at the girls than the match as I am not an "eng-er-lund" fan..and wanted my "adopted" Monty to do well..
Jovana joined us, But they "disappeared" when the lads came back , so we went inside in the dry to enjoy the music, the dry, and drink a few in celebration, one beauty put a Monty scarf around my neck, which Ben now has..Then around midnight, the Kaktus caffe & all the bars (which normall stay open until 1 or 2 am ) were cleared out by a virtual Monty-Swat squad "cleared us ALL out" onto the street in the poouring rain! …these jack-booted thugs with body armour would not listen to protests , and in there body armour were certainly not a pleasant sight for visiting touriists… I tried to explain to them, there was NO reason for it, there was no trouble , everyone was mixing happily and THIS is an UGLY Picture for their tourist trade. I have cancelled some of our activities .. I wont encourage trade & growth with a POLICE STATE!! My81011 ChriS Ana Saturday, October 08, 2011 4:48 PM
11-18, october 11
Not a RED October, but a "Brown Sauce terror"?
Back in "Monty"..
after the "LetS B FAIR"..affair...
at about 05h this morning the overnight bus from Beograd (Bg) pulled into Pg bus station
It felt cold, I was tired, as I also went overnight from Lp to Luton ..thats 48 hrs with "naps" ..
I had travelled to Milutin in "Never Sad" and there was no direct train or bus, I changed in Bg,
and he and his mates picked me up on the way, and Stefan and Milan etc were good company as we stayed singing "When the REds go marching in" ..downing a few bevvies..in their irish pub..
Wednesday evening was "quiet night in" at Milutin place, I certainly felt the effects of travel, Pivos & playing 2-a-side footy that afternoon, on concrete, couldnt let myself go all -out because my natural game woiuld cause some "breakages" ;)
After thanking my host (Milutin) for his kindness, I took a taxi to Izzy and her dizzy dog..she fed me spaghetti bolognese, and bam-boos! ..so I was getting "happy" when her "B-T" Romano arrived, with Pivos and more..I got on the bus to Bg around 23h with a big smile, Izzy now is the proud owner of the famous "standards corrupted" , special Lfc supporters black protest shirt..
and young Georgie (one of the "Bucharest heroes" who had travelled with me to the game @ Steau ) waited for me at the bus station and fed me more Pivos until my transfer taxi picked me up for the Airport departure at 03h ...
Luton again was disrupted, the BS about too many flights, its a deliberate way of earning more revenue, ground staff are enough, It took OVER an HOUR for a few hundred metres from the Wizz aire plane to ARRIVE at immigration, I complained but of course 99,99% wont..the sheep just accept getting screwed, as they do now by all government & corporate "authority"..
This DELAY is DELIBERATE, why else would they set up TV screens to keep the people distracted in the arrival halls and the stupid queue goes like a snakes back forth and up its own...xxxxxxx?
keeping people delayed keeps also ppl waiting at the airport and spending money!! and thats what IT has ALWAYS been about ..."terrorists" = are the government!
so an over-priced brekkie (standard costs 10 Quid !!!) then bus to Lp,
I was still in a good mood though, having met the sweet transilvanian vampire Mihaela, whilst waiting for the bus...i told her I liked her hat , it suited her..and we talked for most of the 5 hr journey, before she continued to Birkenhead for her "care job" ..AGAIN she is qualified (legal?) but cant get a job doing what she wants (thats a reason why I started Lets B FAIR!)..
comms were blocked, so couldnt meet Tricia, and went to my "usual nostalgia trip @ the cavern club" ...now 3 quid ...but still great value, 2 live bands and atmosphere that kept me dancing until about 02h , almost non stop, with a variety of local & tourists , lasses & lads (aussie Dean arrived there too) with more bevvies with Swizz Lfc fan Patrice ; who had his birthday, but got frozen out by the girls from barca ( most young girls now are such selfish snobs...could have been nice to him, wouldnt have hurt them) ..
Match day, I already wrote about, said hello to Frank, (George & John the MMays owner) before picking up a "top gear" souvenir for Kaja..the to the stadium..always need to beat the mancs, well we did , but the scoreline says 1-1...they were scared, lining up with SEVEN defenders against us, (but with a bench intended to "steal" a late goal) Sir Rudolph has more to worry about now, because although thay equalised Stevies clever (come-back) free kick, as he started the game for the first time in 6 motnhs, the ugly Ferdinand should have got a Red card and Henderson, Dirk and Luis couls all have put the game beyond the mancs, with luck..he may be happy with the result, but the mancs KNOW we are better than them, we NOW have to prove it...against other teams than those currently above us!
Saturday night was "Big night IN" ..watching some favourite comedies like "live at the apollo " and "Mock the week" and a film "Definately maybe" as I knew the next 2 nights would be sleepless travelling..
So then THE highlight of the weekend, for me, for once, even more important than Saturday's game; "an audience with Rafa" I love the man, but about a thousand others who forked out about the same as a match ticket to support MOntse Benitez (charity) foundation and hear Rafa be interviewed in "this is your life" style..he talekd about his past, Valencia v the galactico's and coming to Lp, how his fanily fell in love with Liverpools people and especially the bond with Supporters. He talked about the way the yankers denied him funds to take Lfc to the highest level, and corrected any moronic opinion that may have blamed him.
Many people (yankers/directors, the "office" & media) caused the mess last year at Lfc, not least our own fans for allowing criminals to ruin our club,( I wont rest until we own at leats 50% ) but Rafa, who patiently explained tactics of the "Miracle in Istanbul" (05) and more..was given a standing ovation and chant, at the beginning and end of a fasinating and warm encounter with the man. well worth it. (players Like John Barnes were in the next row, also appreciating the great man)
i went directly to the bus station and 05 hrs was back in Luton, just as well as the "congestions" was out of the departure area and the queue stretched into t he main hall, I refused to pay 1 GBP for a "security" bag (for an item that cost me gbp1,60?) ..but the "HP Brown sauce, that I like to add to cooking or my brekkie was CONFISCATED ) must be dangerous because?...it was sealed by the superarket, but...anyway..the joke is...I had SEVERAL SACHETS of the same brown sauce in my bag, so IF this was "explosive" ..what good is "SECURITY" anyway???
the colour brown is what its all about ; the whole of the so-ci(e)ty is FED on "B-sh*te" !!
p.s Met Georgie, again on the way back via Bg, gave him the match prog from Saturday & A KOP banner to Luka , donated to the Big REdS family - Balkans branch./…
Over all costs;
(e46 chin. with horror?) e46
Trophy 4 kids e 26 (vias) + e 5 cash engrav. E31
internet@cafe since 6.10 ;
Cash out before trip e100
Wizz e40
------------paid -e40
Audience with Rafa (empire) Gbp 45 = e54
paid -54
National Express Ldn->Lp -> Ln (inc slap) r-T!
Gbp 43,10 = e52
Lfc store (kop flag) Gbp 4,80 = e 6
JB sports (sports tank-top) Gbp 15 = e18
Int Inn (gbp 53 paid previous -----
Int Inn Gbp 22 Gbp 22 = e25
Chinese restaurant (San San) 13,10 = e15
All weather grey jacket Gbp52-10% discount Gbp 46,80 = e 56
Paid by Veli -e79
Tesco Tea, luk-ozade/CONFISCATED HP 4,80 = e 6
BBc - top gear tax disc holdre 4 Kaja 2,49 = e 3 cash
Brekkie 14,10 & 17.10 = gbp 8.78 x 2 ! = e20
Csh (14.10) Gbp 60 = e72
Csh (11.10) (50e) = D 4950 = e50
Bus Bg-NS-Bg (dinas) = D 1260 = e13 cash
Bus Bg-Pg dinas = D 2450 = e25 cash
Bus Pg-Bg (euros) = e25 cash
Mobile ph- pre-paid = e 10
= 226 via visa + e142 cash out = total cost e368 (accurate estimate)
Amazing, I noticed I was being blocked the day before leaving Monty (19th October) it was "difficult" to get on line, but today, Nothing, no skype, no 3call, no FB, no emails..this is the Ultimate COMPLIMENT, they are so scared of what I say/write the poodles of the C1/A have actually forced me "off line"
AM will have to try to continue>Hello,
I have been asked by CS to give U this message, that ChriS by telling the truth, or if u prefer his OPINION, he has been forced offline, not like before temporoarily, but permannently , at this time, he can neither send nor receive, from TWO websites, 4 blogs or via the Global REdS network thgrough which he "feeds" directly or indirectly several million Lfc Supporters and fans worldwide,, …but IF you "friend me" or his Alter-ego" who will aks for contact in the next few days,,I will pass messages to / from you ; such as..
"they only care about MONEY
...THEY dont care about FANS
y-OUR beautiful game of..
FOOTBALL..is in the wrong hands"
if "MONTY" was a female, she would be that girl that you lusted after as a teenager, who was always trying to be the centre of attraction..
who messed you around, stood you up, ..and was always looking in the mirror...but you still yearned for her, until you found a GOOD woman..."
then later U realise that the "B*tch" was really a scared, lonely and insecure little girl, and feel sorry, for her..."
18 oct @t55, Pg
"To whom it MAY(be) concerns" <SMILE> - ;) (U know who U are!)
So, does it really bother you that I am "older"
or is it because I am Bolder (than the others?)
I am FIT,
but thats not it!
and I can do what I can.
I am a Man..
A carer, a thinker, a dancer & experienced Love-maker
i am a giver, not a taker!
...& speak several tongues, with a Unique world view,
..I do tell a story or two...
I look and feel younger, I am TRUE
I am NOT "new"
In modern times, its what "fun girls" seem to want..
for yr image - you must have the BOYS..
....but these macho lads are mostly just yr TOYS..
so what will you do, DO you CARE?
can U be true TOO?
will you test me, will you DARE? "
extracts from the recent "Stars"
Oct 8, 2011
Love is out there for you, you just have to give it a chance. Don’t make any rushed decisions. You can think about going on a diet. You are likely to get a new source of income.
Oct 16, 2011
Trust in your love and affection, they will never let you down. You should also consider changing your environment to a more lively and active one. Take care of yourself because there are too many things you have to do. In the coming months, only spend on what you need. vely and active one. Take care of yourself because there are too many things you have to do. In the coming months, only spend on what you need.
Oct 14, 2011
Laughter is the closest distance between two people. Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. Cut back on salt and sugar. You may face some financial losses by the end of the month.
OFFER: To share rooms in Tolosi (Pg) Monty....bed, electric, Tv Cable and food INCLUDED ; 100 euros per month, ideal for student of engliush language who wishes to impriove to high ("business/political" ) lwvwl, but must be willing to give 10hrs a month time to help me learn Serbian (MNE)
(Reply via Private message)
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