........... as the local & global sheeple slide in to SWAMP of yr own makingonly posting updates on;
https://www.patreon.comMEha ha/posts/69639888 & feck U USAcorp!
ChRiS > The only question IS WHY? WHY do u expect politicians or corporate leaders NOT to be corrupt?
stop chatting or WRITING "clever articles" or (anti)socialmedia comment which merely is "choir preaching"
WAKE THE FECK up! DO !!!!!!! complain, boycott, BLOCK, DEMO & PROTEST NOW..
updating,,, DEFIANCE ;
launched for "Freedom e Union NGO"
@ https://www.patreon.com/ChRiS_Strategy_Justice_ALL_FUngo
2200721/22722 SCROLL down for .....?
ChRiS> Your "World DISorder" is caused BY YOU, the sheeple inhabiting this planet, several BILLION allowing the few to (RUN &) ruin!..as I read again the "well meaning aternative" to MSM!
* WARbiz... when I read " expecting from the United Nations, an organization that supposedly " (C-Punch) tastes of the naive & gullible WHO Have NOT realised that USAcorp RUN/RUIN the UN, EU, W.H.O world bank, IMF, there is only justice if YOU make it happen.. ( PALESTINIAN apartheid ; " UN workers have directly verified. This includes “2,934 grave violations against 1,208 Palestinian children” in the year 2021 alone. " ) & the USAcorp puppet Prezz; " “We will not walk away and leave a vacuum to be filled by China, Russia or Iran. And we’ll seek to build on this moment with active, principled American leadership. The United States is not going anywhere.” ( 2022/07/21/a-gratuitous-insult-in-jeddah )
AU contraire, USAcorp?NATO co. HAS SLID into their own swamp and taking half the world (at least) with them...(C-P > " amid a bi-partisan stampede to approve an additional $54 billion for Ukrainian military aid and other forms of assistance. Only 39 Democrats, joined by 62 Republicans, voted against the latest National Defense Authorization Act when it came to a vote in the House this month; it gives the Pentagon $840 billion to spend in fiscal year 2023... "

Air/vehicle traffic pumping BILLIONS of tonnes of POISON into the air we breathe (and feeding viral disease!)
as this writer needs to start with USAcorp? ( /2022/07/20/ecocide-in-greece/) their global "heatwave"isNOt a freak, its here to stay, with storms & floods & more.. so dont expect 8 billion to survive? ( thERE is SO MUCH wrong about " JULY 22, 2022
8 Billion Humans? Population Is a Difficult Conversation, but We Need to Start Getting Real BY CARTER DILLARD " )
* marketing of ADDICTIVE Pharma ; YOUR SICK society! (their obsession ; marketed like c19 too; counterpunch.org/2022/07/21/the-journo-pushers-of-prozac ) & destroyed a career & almost killed a young sportsman..
( irishexaminer.com/sport/soccer/arid-40923104.html )
* property escalation = global inflation//..
C-Punch?> " nation that chooses not to lift 140 million people out of poverty and low incomes, any nation that chooses to disenfranchise voters, to withstand the greatest attack on voting rights since right after the Civil War, any nation that allows the poor to be hurt first and worst by ecological devastation and the denial of healthcare ."
.....HAS DECLARED WAR against POOR, AND YOU BETTER START FIGHTING for your LIVES or die! or worse ..continue as SLAVES of the USAcorp world DISorder (#gameofTHORNS) Paul Street’s (JULY 20, 2022 Fossil Capitalism says much about their SWAMP as does JULY 21, 2022 Brazil, Amazon, World: Being Black

previous ;
u tube channel link
ChRiSliveCAMPAIGN; global General strike

__SCROLL down for reaction to
your FUBAR #gameofTHORNS
WORLD Dis-order
__MY issue;
Stored with zero-access encryption
ToInternational Protection Office<info@ipo.gov.ie>
Chris<chris@ursun. Campaign<campaign@ursun.
Harv Tuttle<harvey.tuttledg
Friday, July 1st, 2022 at 12:34
Hello "Sinead"
as your response is addressed to "Dear Sir/or Madame, I suppose you have not read through my communication? firstly I have attempted to explain that the society here is fully corrupt & that includes (particularly) staff of govt & international institutions. if I were to contact the UNHCR for an appointment, the chances of attending such a meeting are dubious, comms such as these are monitored & hacked. Which is why I use this mail system as it is "safer than most"
secondly, but important for me to clarify are you telling me that to GET protection from YOU (as u do not have an embassy here either) I have to travel to Eire or its borders, despite informing you that my passport was stolen by a local policeman, & there is ZERO chance of me getting a new one.????????????
Perhaps you might be so kind to show my communications to a superior before replying!
p.s. however the Irish government is offering exceptional "support" for all Ukrainians including including a considerable number of fascist para military war criminals? air flights & accommodation ' no problem for WHITE Ukranians!
Sent with Proton Mail secure email.
------- Original Message -------
On Friday, July 1st, 2022 at 11:01, International Protection Office <info@ipo.gov.ie> wrote:
> Dear Sir/Madam
> The granting of Refugee Status (a declaration as a refugee) is governed by the criteria as set out in the 1951 UN Geneva Convention relating to the status of refugees as amended by the 1967 New York Protocol and by the legislation in Ireland namely, the International Protection Act 2015.
> Under the 2015 Act, applications for international protection in Ireland must be made at the frontier of the State or within the borders of the State and must be made in person and therefore it is regretted that it is not possible to accede to your request.
> You may wish to contact your local UNHCR office who may be able to assist you.
> Kind Regards
> Sinéad
> Customer Service Centre
> International Protection Office
From: ChRiSFandU <CChRiSFandU ---29/06/2022 16:07:29---International Protection Office Mail In Query From: ChRiSFandU > International Protection Office Mail In Query
> From: ChRiSFandU <ChRiSFandU@protonmail.com>
> To: "info@irishrefugeecouncil.ie" <info@irishrefugeecouncil.ie>, "info@ipo.gov.ie"
> Date: 29/06/2022
Subject: Protection by IPO (refugee or similar status or threat to life
> to whom it may concern;
> I have been based in Montenegro since 2010
> I have been an unpaid activist & writer fir my own NGO & a critic of certain government policies which i believe violate both the UDHR(1948) & ECHR articles..
> This includes criticism of NATO & the c1A black ops. etc
> my employment prior to 1995 (classified) for the purpose of this mail.
> forms of abuse & persecution escalated after the USA sponsored membership of Montenegro into NATO. in 2017.
> There are numerous examples of viiolations.
> Physical attacks
> illegal enforced eviction without proper explanation (twice since 2017)
> theft of my passport by a local policeman
> Sabotage of my own or NGO initiatives
> Obstruction to my rights to life & family
> Threats have been made on my doorstep this month (June 2022)
> Complaints have been sent to police chiefs, I have involved & paid local lawyers to effect complaints, which never materialised within their "system"
> I have also attempted to record complaints with the UN & ECHR, however, despite being a "safe country of origin" the society is fully corrupt, including postal services
> Therefore, with consideration that EIRE is NOT a member of NATO I seek protection.
> Please inform me, in consideration of the above
> Sincerely,
> Christopher Richard SMITH
> Miriste, Lucista
> Montenegro
> reply to chris@ursun.
> also at mewe.com/i/chrissmith1059

UPdated from
your INSANE world DIS order
ChRiS> : "the (USAcorp) americaNT dream" is now OUR global nightmare a/k/a #gameofTHORNS
rinse & repeat as the "usual puppets" keep writing to tell us how wrong it all was & is...
but they keep on "choir preaching INSTEAD OF JOINING picket lines; to boycott, block, demo, complain & PROTEST
(IN PERSON) GET ARRESTED ; fill their CORRUPT courts & jails with MORE HONEST people until their broken system collapses COMPLETELY ; that is a consequent NON violent INSURRECTION, sheeple..
C-P "encore" via such as : (WE at MEd1ATEAM have blamed the sheeple, ever since we were formed!) "Those who profess to favoUr freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. ( via Paul Steet's counterpunch.org/2022/07/01/illegitimate-and-lethal-2) "

ChRiS> the Jan 6 COUP attempt by the "TRUMPETS" SHOULD have succeeded THEN & ONLY THEN would THE REST OF THE WORLD WAKE UP TO SEE USAcorp FOR WHAT IT IS ; a "Tomato republic" no more stable than fully corrupt Montenwegro (their fledgling protegy-cun tree)
//..& when Trumps NAZistic pary are back in power, (as with fascisTORIES of UK) rather than the right of centre COWARD-capitalist "Democrats: it will be easy for RADICAL anaons to line them UP against the wall, (just in case there might be the odd "good one" in the democratic/labour parties getting shot?)
C-P>the consequences of WAR biz ; (USAcorp) "loves its military. It should because it’s the most expensive defense force of all time. $778B was allocated for defense spending in 2022. China comes in a distant second at $229B. " ( 2022/07/01/us-marine-press-takes-on-hothouse-earth/ ) & destroys OUR nature in their process! (" concerns about Hothouse Earth by its own military and tens of thousands of scientists throughout the world, as the US takes one more gigantic step back into an era known as the Wild West when rugged individualism ruled the domain with guns blazing." by Robert Hunziker (LA)
ChRiS> one of the MANY reasons I am CONTRA USAcorp its WAR biz. addicted drug society & oil based POLLUTION is the c1A black ops ... as I have been attacked in many way (some obvious & some NOT) since the USAcorp protege state of MOntenegro joined NA TO, I am NO fan of Putin but for the "west" to FUND a fascist Uk rainian regime with 50 plus billions USD is OBSCENE
..it is criminal, it is corrupt so dont expect me to sympathize with your anti-putin/russion PR_opaganda /.. (more at 2022/07/01/abolish-the-cia ) as I am blocked from "political asylum" whilst YOU all contribute to a GLOBAL mental asylum.
(NA TO owes me 500,000 euros, & their slavok agent Spavek arrived as recent as 11th June with a BIG ukrainian THUG threatening to do me harm! ..
EvE " Violent, criminal, secretive, lawless, it is an agglomeration of murderers and torturers who rampage across the globe.....CIA not only collaborates with Nazis, it trains them. And it does so right under the nose of a country deeply, tectonically offended by Nazism and, it happens, armed with more nuclear warheads than the U.S. So currently, the CIA flirts with the ultimate genocide, the extinction of the human species. It is an instrument of evil incarnate. Dissolve it."
& their milder moans about shipping slipping (2022/07/01/in-deep-water-shipping-in-the-global-economy )
ChRiS > the lines are drawn, if you dont fight then my mother gave her life in vain, this is typical cockburn;
well written , highlighting that ERDOGAN, is at least as "guilty" as Putin, Biden, BlowJO, Trump,
Merkel, Macron, Obama, Bush x 3 etc etc for the WAR biz, the addicted drugs & OIL based POLLUTION
OF OUR planeT ( 2022/07/04/the-mass-ethnic-cleansing-of-syrian-kurds-is-collateral-damage-from-the-war-in-ukraine/ ) stup running & join the picket lines or in this case the PKK?

or USAcorp & co's #gameofTHORNS will completely destroy; you, yours & whats left of "nature"
OF course the Syrian KURDS will not be helped , their FACES are NOT WHITE enough!
(/2022/07/04/the-prankster-stops-laughing) yet another reminder how FUBAR USAcorp is & how their fascists
would put holocaust Goebbels to shame! ,.." & Paul street;s usual sharp writing :
" American “revolution” was a disaster for North American nonwhites. ... victors went on from there to crush indigenous politics, then moved overseas to do something similar in Hawaii, Cuba, and the Philippines, then unleashed its counter-revolutionary force in 20th-century Guatemala, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Angola, South Africa, Iran, Grenada, Nicaragua and other tortured sites too numerous to mention” (Horne, 248)." also reminds that USAcorp was built on slavery & rascism.. & its #gameofTHORNS worldwide! Eve's ( 2022/07/03/climate-nemesis/ ) "The burning of fossil fuels is increasing the temperature of the planet. So, the solution is obvious. Stop burning fossil fuels. And yet the entire economy and society are hooked on burning the very substances that are causing local and global harm." tells it AGAIN!
whilst their "lunatics RUINING the global asylum" poke the chinese at every opportunity..USAcorp new/old world DISorder!

ChRiS > The only question IS WHY? WHY do you expect politicans or corporate leaders NOT to be corrupt?
stop chatting or WRITING "clever articles" or (anti)socialmedia comment which merely is "choir preaching"
WAKE THE FECK up! DO !!!!!!! complain, boycott, BLOCK, DEMO & PROTEST NOW..
updating,,, DEFIANCE ;
better HOPE there is GOOD intelligent life out there, as there is B-all on this planet!
ChRiS> I wrote this morning (20th July) to someone I consider the closest to being a friend since my coma "re-birth" easter 1995
... (Z) that AS I WARNED previously that JUSTICE is coming to everyone, and predict that only 1 in a thousand will "survive" to 2030 /// I dont agree with "by end of this century" or year 2050 , this is NOT a "freak" heatwave THIS is global ... IT is here
so make your peace with nature & your GOD, and BE GOOD and HONEST;
but again I read "clever articles" in counter-punch, NOne of those writers should be STILL "preaching to THEIR choir"
they MUST be out daily in the street FIGHTING for LIFE & against THEIR FUBAR world DISorder (#gameofTHORNS)...

Linda Kim, & Eve mean well BUT; WE KNOW that USAcorp nation was built on GENOCIDE of the "american natives" & a violent power-pyramid! ( and 2022/07/18/nuclear-power-is-not-the-solution-to-climate-change ) & similar rhetoric at ( 2022/07/17/imagining-a-half-earth-sustainable-economy )/// ...these bozos really think there will be a "half world " ? i doubt if a fraction of MY planet you destroyed will be "beautiful to live in" ?? ....

when I read " having more women and people of color in corporate boardrooms," in (Sunip 2022/07/18/beyond-crisis-the-possibilities-and-growing-challenges-in-building-a-left-asian-american-politics) article listiing all the prejuidice of USAcorp W A S P society, I cant help but think, so many |immigrants" want to solve problems by being ":boss: ?? all Asians need to Co-op and stop surrendering to brutality...that goes for EVERYone who is violated by GOVT or Corprate abuses! .
discussing the USAcorp/UKainia choices of "lead" (as in DOG) is as appealing as looking into toilet before flushing but cokburn keeps on it with ( /2022/07/18/the-age-of-weird-men-gonzo-politicians-from-berlusconi-to-bojo/ ) & JULY 19, 2022
Shared Values and Fist Bump Geopolitics: Biden’s Blurred Vision of Human Rights BY RICHARD FALK, GET off yr ass & DEMO!

220714-16 22007 16/oi7
what?? it takes a really screwed up ameriCANT U tube narrator to take this great film, with great script, acting & emotions, to mention "artists" & "religion" the story shows tthat his WIFE is disloyal a reflection of lost values... of the USAcorp society ... there is no religion here, just faith that there may be more "humanity" elsewhere in OUR universe than on this FUBAR planet that shgeeple allowed to be turned into a war biz, oil based pol;luted legal drug addicted , property/material obsessed SWAMP! feck YOU! "the take" *Close encounters) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mHgpGzCsw8
ChriS Dix
"establishment" is / was always CORRUPT! & solve ZERO! co-op & support honest people UPRISING worldwide enabling insurrection v govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
In case you missed Jeremy Corbyn's Tweet
Deeply concerned by the summary suspension of @GoldsmithsUCU Professors @lazebnic and Gholam Khiabany.
Explaining to students the implications of strike action is unquestionably in their best interests — suspensions in such circumstances are an affront to due process.
of course ameriCANTS would NOT suspect c1A (blaming chinese) for a virus causing a global lockdown & violation of global human rights plus a PROFIT to handwash/mask suppliers of 400 billion USD plus..????? http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
dont u know their media &
politicians solve NOTHING! co-op & support people UPRISING worldwide enabling insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#REdGEMnet #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
"ameriCANT dream = our global nightmare" biden serves the swamp! as they all do!
co-op & support people enabling insurrection v govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
NO one compensated NOR punished for MURDER of our 97 after 33 years, this will happen again & again!
unless YOU support worldwide insurrection v all govt & corporate violations & OUR world! http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
early symptoms of another BS media-panic makes ME sick!
support honest people UPRISING worldwide enabling insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
In case you missed Jeremy Corbyn's Tweet
"The survival of our planet depends on the protection of nature and not letting it be destroyed in the name of greed.
Mercenaries Wagner or Blackfriar are not new to war, even before the Roman empire were used ...
but of course back then often KINGS would lead their armies into battle, I VOTE for this NOW;
it would guarantee a world with NO WARS! because YOUR "leaders: are cowards to commit others to sacrifice!
(* 2022/07/12/mercenaries-today-the-wagner-group ) most murderers now wear NATIONAL uniforms, (& the C!a dont care! who they kill!)

...the Washington post betrays their "watergate legacy" ... ignoring " From 2015 to 2021,(USAcorp) has sold $55 billion in military support to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to support their war against the Houthis in Yemen" etc etc.." when will Post writers stop being stenographers for whichever administration occupies the White House? "(Biden) will endorse the aggressive strategies that Israeli and Saudi leaders want to put into place against Iran"
as Paul Street reminds readers of the lack of opposition to the USAcorp FUBAR regime! (2022/07/12/the-dems-doing-their-duty-of-keeping-the-people-off-the-streets-part-two ) & Mazza's "history lesson" ( counterpunch.org/2022/07/12/climate-and-the-collapse-of-world-order ) for me just explains the world as a CONTINUAL "world DISorder" ..forget "BlowJo" the next fascisTORY is likely to be EVEN more cynical & EVIL! BLAME the uk sheeple for that! ( https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/07/10/how-boris-johnson-became-a-footnote )

stop chatting or WRITING "clever articles" which merely is "choir preaching"
WAKE THE FECK up! DO !!!!!!! complain, boycott, BLOCK, DEMO & PROTEST NOW..
updating,,, DEFIANCE ;
22 007 10
ChRiS> ....YES again, its all done OVER & OVER ..the sheeple & their cowardly media :exposing; what any intelligent being knows; JUST how FUBAR you made OUR planet,,, again & again & then the "alternatives PREACH to their choir"..
just re writing their opposition to the FUBAR :status quo" & "the (EVIL/lunatic) POWERS that be" INSTEAD of getting off their BACKSIDES & actually blocking the FEW that RU(i(N OUR world...
e,g, (2022/07/08/the-supreme-court-is-threatening-america-and-the-planet) another tilt at the "supreme united states of A&&HOLES" wrote " not in a position to know if the so-called Supreme Court has been serving the public interest. " ? YOU ARE!!!! ...again.. & again repeating the OBVIOUS... & then hiding like the cowards of the "democrat" right or soft UK labour party pinkos! gutless plastic OPPOSITION..!
... " Paul DeMain, Board Chair of Honor the Earth and Tribal Member of the Bad River Tribe, had this to say: “You know why? Because Enbridge fears the truth. And that’s what we’re fighting up against.” (counterpunch.org/2022/07/08/the-story-of-line-3/ ) posted by Theia Chatelle..
ChRiS> BE "consequent" all of these orgs & all of their members total millions INSTEAD of asking for charges to be dropped should be JOINED & FILL USAcorp jails with radical strikers & demonstrators.. bust their systen by OVERLOAD! if you dare to CARE?
..plus USAcorp own "citizens" are competing to kill more of each other before "nature" does the job! ( /2022/07/08/the-highland-park-shooting-and-american-fascism-now) .Paul Street AGAIN reminds USAcorp sheeple of the weaknesses ( 2022/07/08/the-dems-doing-their-duty-of-keeping-the-people-off-the-streets) ...whilsT Eve quotes " planet is burning and the arsonists are in charge, as environmentalist Naomi Klein once quipped. ( /2022/07/08/heat-and-drought-bake-the-world-thank-climate-change )
" YES and???????
JEFFREY> (C-P>_ add sNIPS;
++ IN (USAcorp) There have been more mass shootings in the last five years than in any other five-year span since 1996.
( "124 people die every day in the US in acts of gun violence. ")
+ " fourth graders aren’t mature enough to read about sex but they are old enough to give birth to a baby."
+ " June 2020, Richmond police tear-gassed protesters, then tweeted out a statement saying it was necessary to protect them from the protesters’ violence. "
+ "Arizona just moved to outlaw the recording of police officers within a distance of 8 feet. "
+ " Truth Commission in Colombia, at least 64,084 minors were murdered between in the country between 1985 and 2018. Among them, 14,562 were Indigenous children and 27,290 Black minors…"
+ " saw through Boris Johnson. Like Trump, he was one of the most transparent politicians in history. He lied compulsively..be replaced by another of his rapacious lot, someone blander, more efficient and thus more lethal. (such as) truly gifted political trickster like Tony Blair. .. (Starmer?) .. "
" + Tariq Ali: “Tories always been ruthless in dumping Prime Ministers who might lose them the next election: Thatcher, May, Johnson. Labour only ruthless in removing a Leader who poses a threat to the extreme centre: critical of NATO/ capitalism/freedom for Assange/support for trades unions…”
+ "Biden administration’s whitewashing of Shireen Abu Akleh’s assassination by the IDF is a more grotesque form of corpse abuse than the brutal attack on her funeral"
+ + Walmart opened in July in 1962. Its revenue for that year was $975,000. Its revenue in 2022 is approaching $975,000 every minute.
+ UN; , 2.3 billion people experience moderate or severe episodes of hunger last year. This number will rise greatly this year
++ Portugal and Spain are in the midst of the worst drought in 1,200 years.
+ Between January and June, 2022, Europe imported 35% more coal compared to same time last year, as both Germany and Austria began restarting idle coal plants. The coal came largely from US,,
+ "EU just voted to classify some gas and nuclear energy projects as “green,” a bit of legislative deception that will almost certainly be re-enacted elsewhere.

Eric Draitser, who is generally excellent at generalizing with not much more than HIS own (pro USAcorp) opinion anti russian OPINIONS, how gillible readers are ..and thats why your FUBAR sheeple enabled world is a messy swamp of WARbiz, "legalLy addictove" drugs & OIL based POLLUTION! ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9V5IdgAWVs
Bye Bye Boris https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKrLBPmRsrM
Ricky Gervais Teaches You British Slang | ; Bevvy is more often used in Liverpool that Rickey;s region (south/cockney/rich geezers ha ha) Bizzies ' scouse slang for police ; because they are always Busy,,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrpXaqfj-3U Lee macks comebacks..! (not going , not a great comedy but has its moments)
...........2207 007/8
Your WORLD is FUBAR yet u continue to expect politicians & other "leaders" to solve the problems of the world that BELONGS to you! such as YET ANOTHER "clever" C-P article " the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) on 7 July 2017. The articles 6 (“Victim assistance and environmental remediation”) and (“International cooperation and assistance”) include positive obligations to ensure that contaminated areas are fully known – to protect people, future generations, the environment and wildlife from this pollution. "just as YET another rightly opposes their FUBAR "supremely fascist court" ( counterpunch.org/2022/07/07/stare-decisis-nope )
ChRiS> instead of demos & blockades you keep quoting treaties & laws & articles of HR which have been continually violated worldwide since the day after signing (see UDHR & its dillution since 1948!) Ma always told me " not to argue with idiots"
your system is FUBAR & then some, why do YOU wate my & other intelligent readers time, or is iot just for your ego>??
ChRiS > the lines are drawn, if you dont fight then my mother gave her life in vain, this is typical cockburn
well written , highlighting that ERDOGAN, is at least as "guilty" as Putin, Biden, BlowJO, Trump,
Merkel, Macron, Obama, Bush x 3 etc etc for the WAR biz, the addicted drugs & OIL based POLLUTION OF OUR planeT ( 2022/07/04/the-mass-ethnic-cleansing-of-syrian-kurds-is-collateral-damage-from-the-war-in-ukraine/ ) stup running & join the picket lines or in this case the PKK?
or USAcorp & co's #gameofTHORNS will completely destroy , you, yours & whats left of "nature" OF course the Syrian KURDS will not be helped , their FACES are NOT WHITE enough!
(/2022/07/04/the-prankster-stops-laughing) yet another reminder how FUBAR USAcorp is & how their fascists would put holocaustS Goebbels to shame! ,.." & Paul street;s usual sharp writing :
" American “revolution” was a disaster for North American nonwhites. ... victors went on from there to crush indigenous politics, then moved overseas to do something similar

in Hawaii, Cuba, and the Philippines, then unleashed its counter-revolutionary force in 20th-century Guatemala, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Angola, South Africa, Iran, Grenada, Nicaragua and other tortured sites too numerous to mention” (Horne, 248)." also reminds that USAcorp was built on slavery & rascism.. & its #gameofTHORNS worldwide! Eve's ( 2022/07/03/climate-nemesis/ ) "The burning of fossil fuels is increasing the temperature of the planet. So, the solution is obvious. Stop burning fossil fuels. And yet the entire economy and society are hooked on burning the very substances that are causing local and global harm." tells it AGAIN!
whilst their "lunatics RUINING the global asylum" poke the chinese at every opportunity..USAcorp new/old world DISorder
("BORED on THEIR 4th Of JULY?")
I am....
OFFline at F&Ungo base at Miriste (Lucista, MNE) WHICH.. is predictable!
as I sent an F&Ungo email last NIGHT ; explaining
how a) NA TO owes me 500,000 euros from 1995, ("classified GEmNET") & b)
that agent ("Sergey") SPEVA or his associates employed directly or
indirectly by NAzTO probbaly stole the first tranche (100,000 euros)
...so went to caffe breakfast wi-fi (expensive) this morning for an
hour, this sort of thing has been happening since '95 when I "dropped
out" of their system (a.k.a #gameofTHORNS) the email was sent to a "friendly colleague" (Z)
if i call him my :friend: he is likely to lose his new job & be cut off
too... goes always back to the latter '90s when Annika & my then 3 year
old son Leon were warned off & estranged..by the state of "germoney"
NONE of my applications for protection arrive at their destination?
so I am commenting on yesterdays news (mind u its a bit like "deja vu"
anyway for me) the alternative writers just repeating their shock &
horror at the DAILY violations of humanity, but, rarely get off their
BACKsides to block, boycott, complain, protest or DEMO with the striking pickets..etc etc ..
i can also add snips from (C-P) via
"Jeffrey" > +“Today as then, the great properties interests and their
agents commit the most ferocious crimes in the name of all the people,
bluff and browbeat them by lying propaganda.”
– CLR James (para)"
+++" + Large chunks of the web are disappearing.!!!"
++" exposure to above average levels of outdoor air pollution increased the risk of premature death by 20 percent."
++ (USAcorp) "Democrats had a month to prepare .... make the Uvalde cops seem proactive"....
+ "Republican, Yesli Vega, who said she doesn’t believe women can become pregnant after being raped "
+ "impossible to picture Trump getting into an altercation with anyone who he knew would kick his ass. Second, he’s never driven anything more complex than a golf cart"
+ "Told the driver he was the F*cking President. Slammed his tiny hands
against the front seat. The story gets retold more vividly by those in
the limo. And then retold again for dramatic effect to staffers back in
the White House. Which are the way stories have spread since a bleary-eyed Mary Magdalen stumbled into the wrong tomb in the pre-dawn
+ " been eroding the democratic government and moral philosophy ever since, but the slave laboUr economic model has remained pretty much intact for 2.5 millennia."
+ “The Cherokee!” replied Prance, “the Apache, the massacre of the Sioux Ghost Dancers at Wounded Knee? Every (Red?) Indian you’ve found, you people have either tried to convert to Christianity or you’ve simply killed.”
+ + damage assessment from the cluster bombing of rulings dropped by their "Supreme Court" over the past few weeks (endless list)
(UKcorp) + A the NATO summit this week, (BlowJO) warned Macron that this wasn’t the time to enter into peace negotiations with Russia, huffing
that it would “give Putin license to manipulate both sovereign countries
and international markets in perpetuity.”
+ What does the Ghost of Thatcher (never mind Catherine the Great) think of her former acolyte?
+ "Presbyterian Church voted to declare Israel an apartheid state and
establish a Nakba Remembrance Day, as well as passing two other
resolutions highly critical of Israel"
+ odious MSNBC is set to a “star-studded, primetime special” to raise
money for Ukraine with the aim of “spreading awareness through the power
of entertainment.” When have they ever done anything remotely like this
for the housing crisis or medical debt?
Joseph Grosso> : (:USAcorp shipping:) " trade deficit with Vietnam exploded nearly threefold to $90 billion since 2018 (as for the
effectiveness of the U.S. tariffs: a good amount of the exports from
Vietnam originate in Chinese-owned factories). Indonesia imports are up
23 percent since 2010"... " September 2020, as 300,000 workers were stranded on ships, a Bloomberg report found dozens of laboUr
violations. Of the 40 seafarers interviewed for the story, half didn’t
have current contracts and others hadn’t been paid for months, meeting the ILO’s definition of forced laboUr. "..drivers’ wages have plummeted
over the past four decades. If the adjusted average wage of a truck
driver in 1980 was $110,000, by 2019 the trucker earned $45,000 a year-
a decline of 60 percent. From there goods are often driven to
warehouses. The turnover rate at Amazon warehouses can reach 150 percent
a year. Buy commodities certified ‘Fair Trade’ as you will, just don’t
assume such a concept applies to the workers that bring them to you. "
from "/2022/07/01/abolish-the-cia "; ... " CIA trained terrorists
throughout the greater Middle East and Nazis in Ukraine. They’re still
at it, though their adventures on Russia’s border make for by far the
most deadly possible disaster in a history riddled with them, for the
simple reason that the Russia caper could go nuclear at any time. From
the way they’ve behaved, it’s almost as if that’s what the CIA wants. If
Biden can control the agency and avert nuclear winter and radioactive
global mass death, I’ll be very impressed. "

ChRiS> : "the (USAcorp) americaNT dream" is OUR global nightmare
a/k/a #gameofTHORNS
rinse & repeat as the "usual puppets" keep writing to tell us how wrong
it all was & is...
but they keep on "choir preaching INSTEAD OF JOINING picket lines; to boycott, block, demo, complain & PROTEST (IN PERSON) GET ARRESTED ; fill their CORRUPT courts & jails with MORE HONEST people until their broken system collapses COMPLETELY ; thats a consequent NON violent INSURRECTION, sheeple..
C-P "encore" via such as : (WE at MEd1ATEAM have blamed the sheeple,ever since we were formed!) "Those who profess to favoUr freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…This struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, and it may be both moral and physical, but it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. ( via Paul Steet's counterpunch.org/2022/07/01/illegitimate-and-lethal-2) "
ChRiS> the Jan 6 COUP attempt by the "TRUMPETS" SHOULD have succeeded

WHAT IT IS ; a "Tomato republic" no more stable than fully corrupt
Montenwegro (their fledgling prodegy state)
//..& when Trumps NAZistic pary are back in power, (as with fascisTORIES
of UK) rather than the right of centre COWARD-capitalist "Democrats: it
will be easy for RADICAL anaons to line them UP against the wall, (just
in case there might be the odd "good one" in the democratic/labour
parties getting shot?)
C-P>the consequences of WAR biz ; (USAcorp) "loves its military. It
should because it’s the most expensive defense force of all time. $778B was allocated for defense spending in 2022. China comes in a distant second at $229B. " (
2022/07/01/us-marine-press-takes-on-hothouse-earth/ ) & destroys OUR
nature in their process! (" concerns about Hothouse Earth by its own
military and tens of thousands of scientists throughout the world, as
the US takes one more gigantic step back into an era known as the Wild
West when rugged individualism ruled the domain with guns blazing." by
Robert Hunziker (LA)
ChRiS> one of the MANY reasons I am CONTRA USAcorp its WAR biz. addicted drug society & oil based POLLUTION is the c1A black ops ... as I have been attacked in many ways (some obvious & some NOT) since the USAcorp protege state of MOntenegro joined NA TO, I am NO fan of Putin but for
the "west" to FUND a fascist Uk rainina regime with 50 plus billions USD
..its criminal, its corrupt so dont expect me to sympathize with your
anti-putin/russion PR_opaganda /.. (more at 2022/07/01/abolish-the-cia )
as I am blocked from "political asylum" whilst YOU all contribute to a...
GLOBAL mental asylum.

(NA TO owes me 500,000 euros, & their slavok agent Spavek arrived as
recent as 11th June with a BIG ukrainian THUG threatening to do me harm! ..
EvE " Violent, criminal, secretive, lawless, it is an agglomeration of
murderers and torturers who rampage across the globe.....CIA not only
collaborates with Nazis, it trains them. And it does so right under the
nose of a country deeply, tectonically offended by Nazism and, it
happens, armed with more nuclear warheads than the U.S. So currently,
the CIA flirts with the ultimate genocide, the extinction of the human
species. It is an instrument of evil incarnate. Dissolve it."
& their milder moans about shipping slipping
(2022/07/01/in-deep-water-shipping-in-the-global-economy )
considering USAcorp / NA TO . EU & other sponsored media PR_opaganda BILE aimed at russia, & russians (especially Putin, I AM NOT a fan but..) this is a "brave statement" ; Bernie Ecclestone: I'd still take a bullet for Vladimir Putin
Former Formula One supremo Ecclestone has described the Russian president as "a first-class person"...
( . irishexaminer.com/sport/othersport/arid-40907480.html ) by the formula 1 oligarch ?
to see;
2022/06/24/the-anatomy-of-inflation/ but property speculation is the biggest cause of inflation worldwide, OBVIOUSLY!

launched for
"Freedom e Union NGO"
@ https://www.patreon.com/ChRiS_Strategy_Justice_ALL_FUngo having a dozen LOGs & numerous websites , almost all banned by > "the establishment" just tells me that my truth is feared, because if > I am "crazy" (which I am) & a lunatic , surely they would let my > "madness" alone?
I have posted 1000s of articles amongst which my stories could > fill a series of books, but the danger would be that YOU might follow > Me & copy, there is enough of that alreadyon the net & your FUBAR > world..
so I CHALLENGE you instead I want to join you , because you INFEST > my planet with WARbiz, OIL based pollution, industrial / factory > farming, market ""legal" drugs that choke human evolution out of their > swamp that 2000+ years of "civilization" caused ..by you continually > giving power to politicians & other (non) leaders corporations & > states ...
I am a GLOBAL strategic manager, however after waking up from a > week-long COMA in 1995 this "wizz kid" who instigated an intranet > valued 6 billion, QUIT, "dropped out" & then my education really began, > which scares those who fear the truth about your life and mine!
where to start? well you could watch a 3 minute video & my > "holiday log" or just ask me questions ...my "freedom e Union NGO" was > formed on May 1 2000 to have a positive impact, sabotage & bans & > attempts to stop me & my life have often succeeded .. & I will ALSO > explain why you are NOT of this earth unless you are 1 in a 1000... ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9MyY2P5ovI & > https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2022/07/interimpre-season-2223-compilation-july.html ChriScLOGJuly 17, 2022 at 1:07 AM > ChRiS > The only question IS WHY? WHY do u expect politicans or > corpoarte leaders NOT to be corrupt? > stop chatting or WRITING "clever articles" or (anti)socialmedia > comment which merely is "choir preaching" > WAKE THE FECK up! DO !!!!!!! complain, boycott, BLOCK, DEMO & PROTEST > NOW.. > updating,,, DEFIANCE ; > https://unsubtolosi-rednet.blogspot.com/2022/07/interimpre-season-2223-compilation-july.html > > 220715/17 > > launched for "Freedom e Union NGO" > @ https://www.patreon.com/ChRiS_Strategy_Justice_ALL_FUngo > (see twatts at : @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo) > THERE IS NO REASON TO TRUST; > Lying LAWYERS > corrupt politicians or POLICE > greedy property owners > LOCAL or GLOBAL > see u all in HELL! > ChRiS220717? this made me (ironic) smile; another C-Per " naturally > lap up information that confirms what we already think but ignore > information that challenges our world view. We also are wired for > double standards" > well!! JULY 14, 2022 ( 21st Century Citizenship: Four Civic Skills We > Need to Keep our Democracy...BY MELINDA BURRELL) > a) YOU never had "democracy" your whole society built on GENOCIDE, > lies, violence & fraud; > b) whoever YOU or the rest of the SHEEPLE vote for USAcorp WARbiz, OIl > based POLLUTION, addictive pharma & property RULES U! > > ....Biden is just another in a long line of sponsored puppet/CONMEN & > CROOKS but WHY wouLD ANYONE have respect for the average journo IS A > COWARD! (exceptions Assange & Pilger of course) ..( JULY 14, 2022 > Biden’s Middle East Trip Shows His Disregard For Journalists BY SAM > CARLINER...another "journo"...writing clever articles & ....zero! ).. > USAcorp is FUBAR, *& YET IN DEATH THROES IS LIKELY TO COMPLETELY > DESTTOR THE GLOBE ESCALATING ITS warBIZ, OIL BASED POLLUTION, PHARMA > ADDICTIONS, & PROPERTY-INFLATION ( > counterpunch.org/2022/07/14/imperial-detritus-after-the-american-century)...& > THEIR CORPRATE monsters ARE ABLE TO FLOUGHT RULES WHILST SMALL biz > gets squahed! (2022/07/14/barely-legal-the-global-uber-enterprise ) > > ...their C-Per"cleverwriters" CONTNUE preaching to the (leftish) > choir, but STILL no CALL to INSURRGENCE against a fascist state? ( > JULY 15, 2022Highland Park, Buffalo, and Fascism Denial in U.S. Media > Culture BY ANTHONY DIMAGGIO - PAUL STREET > ...//..whilst Falk ( > 2022/07/15/the-worst-is-yet-to-come-when-the-center-does-not-hold ) > waits for a "miracle" instead of MAKING it happen himself! (waiting > for the usual "I am only one" excuse of the sheeple) > and > JEFFREY's snips; > + (USAcorp nation) + 43 million: the number of guns sold in the first > two years (2020-21) of the pandemic, a record. > + 45 thousand: the number of gun deaths in 2021, also a record. > + The Peace Prize Prez, Barack Obama, visited Saudi Arabia more > frequently than any other president–four times in 8 years, visits > during which the genocidal war on Yemen was plotted, financed and > unleashed. > + In its yearly Children and Conflict Report, the UN charges that > Israel killed 78 Palestinian children last year and maimed another > 982. > _+ Stephen Kinzer: “For (USAcorp) strategic planners, this war has > little to do with Ukraine. They see it as a battering ram against > Russia. Since saving Ukrainian lives is not their priority, they view > diplomacy as an enemy.” > + An SAS unit routinely killed Afghan detainees, claiming that that > prisoners in zip ties allegedly pulled out weapons and had to be shot. > The SAS unit never changed procedures. British military has covered up > these murders for a decade! > + CDC consistently underreports cases and deaths among African > American and Hispanic or Latino individuals and overreports deaths > among people older than 65 years and White > + In spite of new research, dire warnings, global summits, > international agreements, rising oceans, melting glaciers, hurricanes, > droughts, fires, famine and floods, global CO2 emissions keep rising. > They are now 60% higher than they were in 1992, at the time of the > Earth Summit in Rio. > _+(USAcorp) share of global solar component shipments has collapsed to > less than 1% in 2021 from 13% in 2004. Meanwhile, China’s share of the > production of solar components has increased over the past two decades > from near zero to nearly 85%
launched for "Freedom e Union NGO"
@ https://patreon.com/ChRiS_Strategy_Justice_ALL_FUngo
consider yourself a REbEL?
are u a HUMAN (truly) BEing?
are u feeling your World?
are doing anything to improve
do you care enough to exchange ideas to save (hopefully) 1 in 1000 of your fellow humans?
liked your reply
GOOD luck St Pauli supporters (& the girls team!) from REdS worldwide!
support honest people UPRISING worldwide enabling insurrection v govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
REdawn LiveBirds
GOOD luck Harv! but ALSO lets hope OX is fit again as was looking sharp!
insurrection v all govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! http://freegocoop.blogspot.com v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justice_forALL
Anfield Watch
Garcia: "He’s not looking for the top corner or a lob, he’s trying to score and that is important to have a player with that determination and conviction that he can become one of Jurgen Klopp’s first XI. He’s showing me in training that he wants to be in that XI.”
CIA & Army Covert Germ and Chemical Warfare Experiments in U.S. Cities, Agent Orange & A-Bomb Tests https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s1CdOeU1U18
‘This is a war of propaganda’: John Pilger on Ukraine and Assange | Talking Post with Yonden Lhatoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9pEotvlW-s
Orwell Huxley’s Ghost
liked your reply
what planet do u LIVE on if YOU didnt know yr govt & "agencies" are evil - corrupt???
co-op & support people UPRISING enabling insurrection v govt & corporate violations; WILL repair OUR world! http://chr15ilog.blogspot.com/2022/06/chr15ilog-doone-oops-june-22.html
#REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW #Justicefor_ALL
of course ameriCANTS would NOT suspect the c1A (blaming chinese_) for a virus causinga global lockdown & violation of global human rights plus a PROFIT to handwash/mask suppliers of 400 billion USD plus...?????