& fake in y-our lives?
yesterday I opened my door, aftere a night of rain, (there are around 240 days of sunshine per year, but not today) and the flood had reached my door step. ... the empty pool was half-full with rainwater,,,
and then I went online to a stream of fake people (sheeple) and biased or fake news, that directly or indirectly affect you and me, I wonder if you are ready to co-operate & start stopping the flood of "infestors" & fake in y-our lives?
you are bombarded with crap on social media, some "traps" to keep you on line and full up with rubbish TO STOP you from realizing you are their SLAVE... call it the "system" or "Matrix" big biz and gov. and extreme religions..(and I include the ones who make you think the "others" are WRONG?)...OWN YOU!???? don't they?
try it, before going on line, which threads and sites are going to make things Better, positive, social (IRONIC, they call it "social media" , when most of it is anti-social, as you stop communicating naturally, and are spoon fed what the "mainscream" and propaganda agents WANT you to think, try switching oFF your Tv, Mobile-"smart-phone" are YOU able to make yourSELF the decider on what you believe???

USA corp
dont want positive relations with Russia, after all they have to sell
more weapons and need " a big threat" to sell the idea to the mugs, the
sheeple who are clueless to the threat in their own USA society.. USA is
the biggest threat to world now since decades , arguably since WW2 ...https://www.bloomberg.com/…/russia-rues-trump-putin-meeting… (mind you Putin would have more chance talking with...Donald...........DUCK!)
and -iraq-quake/strong-earthquake-hits-iraq-and-iran-killing-more-than-400-idUSKBN1DC0VZ
of course if 400 "westerners" in europe or USA died today it would be "breaking" with hearts , flags & flowers all over social media!
fak book fecks it up AGAIN,, net gUestapo ! problem is your "Net police" are CRAP! not intelligent enough to tie own shoelaces!fake-news-nearly-overwhelming-eu-says-as-it-weighs-fightback
fakebook idiots!;
/2017/nov/12/artists-sexual-robin-redbreast-christmas-cards-banned-by-facebook ?
wishful thinking? that UKippers & englander sheeple might wake up and realise being part of europe IS "natural" , if you dont like it, make it BETTER, instead of moaning about EU....? brexit-never-britain-can-still-change-its-mind-says-article-50-author
https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2012/11/unsub-updated-re-loaded-what-election.html ? remember 5 years ago?
and -iraq-quake/strong-earthquake-hits-iraq-and-iran-killing-more-than-400-idUSKBN1DC0VZ
of course if 400 "westerners" in europe or USA died today it would be "breaking" with hearts , flags & flowers all over social media!
fak book fecks it up AGAIN,, net gUestapo ! problem is your "Net police" are CRAP! not intelligent enough to tie own shoelaces!fake-news-nearly-overwhelming-eu-says-as-it-weighs-fightback
fakebook idiots!;
/2017/nov/12/artists-sexual-robin-redbreast-christmas-cards-banned-by-facebook ?
wishful thinking? that UKippers & englander sheeple might wake up and realise being part of europe IS "natural" , if you dont like it, make it BETTER, instead of moaning about EU....? brexit-never-britain-can-still-change-its-mind-says-article-50-author
https://unsub-b.blogspot.com/2012/11/unsub-updated-re-loaded-what-election.html ? remember 5 years ago?
Surviving refusing-survival-what-happens-if-we-dont-save-the-world-from-climate-change/

stop infestors in our beautiful game, which influences billions around the world...
REd Evolution = KOP Co 0p;
& have you had your culture injection?
go to : /groups/DaniUNloved.monty for a daily anti - BS dose of truth....?
where i also started to question, as a lad.. youve-never-heard-of-the-most-successful-independence-party-in-britain ____________________________________________________________