Date: 10 August 2014 14:02
I and other contacts and associates have also been "threatened" ,recently I suppose it is because I make complaints against "the system"
----- Original Message -----
From: ChRiS
To: Ana.Stojovic-Jankovic@fco.gov.uk
Cc: Belgrade.Consular@fco.gov.uk ; campaign@ursun.net ; harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.org
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2014 10:27 AM
Subject: P_My PlainT v FCO etc (ProFILing) cont. (cc PRINT)
Further to the complaint v FCO , UK and others (attached) a) The ambassador has failed to respond officially to this complaint, (after ONE MONTH) such avoidance has also been deemed a FURTHER violation in recent human rights actions. b) I have a "favourite" taxi driver, whom, prior to providing specific transfer services to myself and visitors, had no particular traffic violation records , however SINCE using his taxi , he has been stopped and "ticketed" SEVERAL times, for a number of obviously questionable offences whilst picking up myself and -or- guests & "tourists" from airports and train stations or on our way or retirning from to Skadar lake, Tara river Rafting etc etc ... This must stop now, and I insist you inform whomsoever is involved to desist, as there are now a number of independent witnesses to the contunued "profiling" of my contacts and myself!
----- Original Message -----
From: Ana.Stojovic-Jankovic@fco.gov.uk
To: harvey.tuttle@mypod-net.org
Sent: Sunday, August 03, 2014 11:43 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: FSEVENT RE: TrEd-SFSE 1st ever tournament 5-7 sept 2014
Thank you for your mail. I am currently on annual leave until Monday 18 August. If your mail needs attention please resend it to podgorica.consular@fco.gov.uk and my colleagues will be back to you.
For urgent consular matters at any time, day or night, please call +382 20 618 010, choose option for emergencies and consular officer on duty will be available to provide immediate assistance to you.
Thank you,
Ana StojoviƦ-JankoviƦ, Vice-Consul, British Embassy Podgorica ===========================================================to The United Nations Complaint Procedure Unit
Human Rights Council Branch
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland cc;various Plaint ; Christopher Richard SMITH v "The United an organisation hereafter known as "UN.") I hereby claim that the "UN." is a fraud and betrays the people its "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" articles (1948 convention) are supposed tp protect and serve. The "UN" failed to apply the "UDHR" in any of the so-called "democratic states" that have co-signed the declaration, and have also betrayed their own peoples; and we co-name (joint & several) the German, French, UK & "democratic" governments & officials of the U S A in this complaint. This open & public complaint will expose the violations of said articles, the hypocrisy of their leaders and the UN General secretary, and the irrelevant "sham" of the council of Europe; (ECHR, Strasbourg). & the "lip service" of the EU Parliament. Not one of the states or institutions which co-signed the above-mentioned articles have effectively enabled their application anywhere in the modern world. On a personal note; no money can replace the value of time & people lost from my life. Only the common people of this planet, could and SHOULD ENABLE THE TRUE application of justice and equality. You are on notice to be held accountable for violating the rights you were morally and legally duty bopund to uphold. ChRiS SMITH ., Tripa Kokolja 15, 81000 Podgorica, MONTENEGRO =============================================================================================================================================================== On 18 June 2007, the Human Rights Council adopted resolution 5/1 entitled “Institution-Building of the United Nations Human Rights Council” by which a new complaint procedure was established to address consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all human rights and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and under any circumstances.

Like the former 1503 procedure, it is confidential, with a view to enhance cooperation with the State concerned. The new complaint procedure has been improved, where necessary, to ensure that the procedure be impartial, objective, efficient, victims-oriented and conducted in a timely manner.
History of situations considered since the establishment of the complaint procedure
How does the complaint procedure work?
Pursuant to paragraph 94 of resolution 5/1, the Chairperson of the Working Group on Communications, together with the Secretariat, undertake an initial screening of communications based on the admissibility criteria set in paragraphs 85 to 88 of resolution 5/1. Manifestly ill-founded and anonymous communications are screened out. Communications not rejected in the initial screening are transmitted to the State concerned to obtain its views on the allegations of violations. Both the author of a communication and the State concerned are informed of the proceedings at each stage.
Two distinct working groups - the Working Group on Communications and the Working Group on Situations – are responsible, respectively, for examining written communications and bringing consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms to the attention of the Council. (Click in the “in this section” for more information on both Working Groups and the closed meetings of the Council).
What are the criteria for a communication to be accepted for examination?
A communication related to a violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms is admissible, provided that:
It is not manifestly politically motivated and its object is consistent with the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other applicable instruments in the field of human rights law;
It gives a factual description of the alleged violations, including the rights which are alleged to be violated;
Its language is not abusive. However, such a communication may be considered if it meets the other criteria for admissibility after deletion of the abusive language;
It is submitted by a person or a group of persons claiming to be the victims of violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms, or by any person or group of persons, including non‑governmental organizations, acting in good faith in accordance with the principles of human rights, not resorting to politically motivated stands contrary to the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations and claiming to have direct and reliable knowledge of the violations concerned. Nonetheless, reliably attested communications shall not be inadmissible solely because the knowledge of the individual authors is second-hand, provided that they are accompanied by clear evidence;
It is not exclusively based on reports disseminated by mass media;
It does not refer to a case that appears to reveal a consistent pattern of gross and reliably attested violations of human rights already being dealt with by a special procedure, a treaty body or other United Nations or similar regional complaints procedure in the field of human rights;
Domestic remedies have been exhausted, unless it appears that such remedies would be ineffective or unreasonably prolonged.
National human rights institutions, established and operating under the Principles Relating to the Status of National Institutions (the Paris Principles), in particular in regard to quasi-judicial competence, may serve as effective means of addressing individual human rights violations.
How to submit communications?
Please fill out the complaint procedure form if you consider that your communication meets the abovementioned criteria.
Where to send communications?
Communications intended for handling under the Human Rights Council complaint procedure may be addressed to:
Complaint Procedure Unit
Human Rights Council Branch
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office at Geneva
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
Fax: (41 22) 917 90 11
E-mail: CP@ohchr.org ================================================== I know, from past experience, that despite all "democratic states" signing the 1948 declaration, those states AND the "UNITED NOTHINGS" (UN) have NEVER applied them fully , anywhere on this planet... BUT YOU, the people of this planet NEED to know this...and whilst "Z" comes to distract me from my MISSION... its not enough for me to rescue you, YOU must take responsibility for Y-OUR lives on Y-OUR planet, for the sake, if not yourselves , but for the children, as their minds , hearts, bodies, air and water is polluted by the "establishment" and the selfish who serve their own ego, and YOU allow IT. ++++++++++
Printed text from ; "HUman Right Council - Complaint procedure form"
I. Individual
Christopher Richard
British passport
Tripa Kokolja 15, 81000 Podgorica, MONTENEGRO
Tel + 382 68 6 14427
website(S) ; BLOCKED!
own behalf
II ; see attched letters ; I claim systematic profiling (against me) prejudices & discrimination ; violating; freedom of movement; communication ; right to fair process; right to family ; right to life v B.R.D ; UK ; France ; USA , the European Union & over all the UN for failing to enforce its UDHR in said states.
III; see letter to EU petitions dated 02.12.10 & to British embassy (Podgorica) Various this year.
IV ; 1 - see above.
2 - If you intertpret this, I have done all within my means, in my opinion.
V . NO!
(comments) ; I have enclosed the most supporting information available, considering many documents have gone missing & websites with my complaints deleted (or blocked) I have signed and dated each section (and scanned the original) as i expect THIS document to be tampered with, but a copy is elsewhere.C.R.S end 14618-14h.
Printed text from ; "HUman Right Council - Complaint procedure form"
I. Individual
Christopher Richard
British passport
Tripa Kokolja 15, 81000 Podgorica, MONTENEGRO
Tel + 382 68 6 14427
website(S) ; BLOCKED!
own behalf
II ; see attched letters ; I claim systematic profiling (against me) prejudices & discrimination ; violating; freedom of movement; communication ; right to fair process; right to family ; right to life v B.R.D ; UK ; France ; USA , the European Union & over all the UN for failing to enforce its UDHR in said states.
III; see letter to EU petitions dated 02.12.10 & to British embassy (Podgorica) Various this year.
IV ; 1 - see above.
2 - If you intertpret this, I have done all within my means, in my opinion.
V . NO!
(comments) ; I have enclosed the most supporting information available, considering many documents have gone missing & websites with my complaints deleted (or blocked) I have signed and dated each section (and scanned the original) as i expect THIS document to be tampered with, but a copy is elsewhere.C.R.S end 14618-14h.
----- Original Message -----SENT via email and FAX and POST From: Pro FileTo: ' ; CP@ohchr.orgSent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 7:56 PMSubject: CSVUW14617 =============================================== There are similar exposures of the system that destroys YOU at http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2014/08/sclog-new-season-format-for-rednet.html I laugh so much at the "system" but almost as much how easiliy the SHEEPLE fall for the BS! ...they even use "our words" against us , trying to kid you that you are "free" and then chain you to their capitalist-commercial-political rules..
AND... "All in all, more than 45,000 expats from 170 countries participated in this survey. You can read more about the survey results (including the percentage of locals, repatriates, and long-time expats among our members) in our Blog post" Insights into Expat Life: A Look at the InterNations Member Base”. OR
e.g. "see Virtual Freedom Book Giveaway!"
Navid Moazzez Online Marketing Expert | Personal Branding Strategist |Social... HA HA HA
TRANSLATED ..."NO one has signed in yet" and can YOU imagine ever EVEN WRITING these words ;
Dan Stadler Director of Media Relations & Operations Manager, The Outdoor...
"It’s a chance you don’t want to miss. I’m the Director of Media Relations and Operations Manager for this fantastic, family oriented hunting and fishing show, and I have just 2 slots left for..."
Highlight of the day (via linkedin) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the BBC, used to be called "the beeb" in a friendly way, now its just the "establishment BOOB" .... too......
Is Food Too Cheap For Our Own Good?
Pew Research Center ...........and ......... "Particularly after a long stay abroad, it can be hard for expats to readjust to their “old life”. Often, the place they are leaving behind has become their home. Our guest writer Miriam returned to her hometown London after three years of living in Cyprus. In her article Goodbye and Hello she talks about her experience with repatriation and making the transition back home." (its tough at the top!) more "fun" to laugh about the "elite" at .."
For all those who do not embody traditional roles of the expat family, we have an article in our Expat Magazine archives. Read all about Non-traditional Expat Partners to learn what to expect and how to handle the ups and downs of your unique situation." (internations)...........MORE from "Internations" .....
Our article on Five Types of Global Minds You Meet Abroad introduces you to the most common types of expats you will meet abroad. Maybe you will even find yourself represented here. Read our Expat Magazine and learn more about the internationally minded people roaming the globe.("EXpat-EXperts!!!!!") ...
Highlight of the day
and....other stuff (Tali ban, "Call me Al" kay-da , al kebab.... now I and his sis...its all a bit ridiculous..
Taliban release video showing moment Sgt Bowe Bergdahl handed over to US Forces bbc.in/Ssb2OG pic.twitter.com/Zz5O6nFx1H 06:59 AM - 04 Jun 14
BBC News (UK) @BBCNews
Rik Mayall (1958 - 2014): A comedy career in pictures bbc.in/1likejH pic.twitter.com/1BOjuw5dkU
BBC World Service @bbcworldservice this lot of yan kers agree with the "BOOB" too,,,,,
Gaza conflict: How both sides are using to social media to try to sway international opinion bbc.in/1r0Miuo pic.twitter.com/UNJv6asp2a
Sports Industry Network
View all discussions
The INTERNET should be the place for FREE exchange, but of course the establishment and "marheteers" want to fill it up with "Biz" (sometimes we call an animal making its toilet is called "DOING ITS BUSINESS") ................and MORE BS.............we shouldnt even have "cities" there is no need, live in the country and USE tech to meet ...EVOLVE, you fools!..
Social Sharing Has Become the Biggest Thing in Sports Marketing
Jose Luis Campos Bernal Marketing Manager / Academy Coach at Global Premier Soccer
This is a REAL OPPORTUNITY for you to make money on Facebook and Twitter. Work in your FREE time...
Janett Rupert Freelance Multimedia Professional
@BBCNews This is just a friendly reminder that you have not yet viewed the Care2
Running track on 23rd floor? Firms' futuristic office plans bbc.in/1nvLp7S & pic.twitter.com/CLTFAlPTTl
e-card that The Care2 Team sent you 7 days ago. I forgot they "Care" :) and these are "happy to have 3 minutes of "world peace" ..we SHOULD be striving to have only THREE MINUTES of WAR on this planet...
Klub Lepota invited you to Chris Vertruyen's event: 3 minutes of worldpeace!!
http://www.care2.com/send/pickup/414/269/300/158/347/718 even the "NGO" for causes is "taken over" HA HA HA...
Hero Complex
One of your reviews just earned a helpful vote from another traveler. Well done! See which review it is. @LATherocomplex
‘Star Wars Rebels’: First look at ‘Rebel hunter’ villain Agent Kallus lat.ms/1tra9a3
posted a video on your timeline: "promo to be updated to include..." To see the video, follow the link below: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=243037839238872 THIS WAS CENSORED!!!!
Ken O'Keefe's birthday is today. Managing Director at Samouni Project. Say happy birthday
Highlight of the day
Why the 'Ice Bucket Challenge' Is So Smart
Avinash Anantha Murthy on LinkedIn
and "ZUspect" a non-dancing "polish" marta hari... will distract me ....or I will go into battle BECAUSE she distracts me..SUPPORT a GOOD Initiative ; bring your team ; entry GRATIS; trophies to be won, grill & party https://www.facebook.com/events/690990290930355 background at http://rednet-alien.blogspot.com/2014/08/we-are-jamie-oliver-club-of-footy-and.html teams of men, boys, ladies, friends & families welcome, or register your TEAM name to get MOR details ; by supporting at ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/wild.beautiful.footy
----- Original Message -----....In consideration how the NON Pole dancer cruelly treats someone who caresSO much for her (despite her denial of the obvious) perhaps "Harvey inDes guise " should still go to Krakow, the 2 Csers, know a good hostel...andSent: Friday, August 22, 2014 9:42 PMSubject: RE: ..Harvey in de skies without diamonds...is still going to Krakow
The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by theinequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he, whoin the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lostchildren. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furiousanger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name when I lay my vengeance upon thee. .....those who block YOUR ATTENDANCE at something good for the kids at...
Original email:
From: ChRiS
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 19:34:06 +0200
To: zuzka., cs@monty-logic-club
Subject: ...
U sent me 8 emails..in the night, and I wonder if you really believe their
content....to be honest and true and to mean what they say...I realise you
may be blocking my response..i did not feel that i should reply at this
time,...unless u truly want MY response..
Chris 10 August 11:27
SCLOG: X + y = Z .. and we are close to the end of our TRULY SOCIALIST club... ("REdNet Bootrom")
chrismithlog.blogspot.com - "Vision without Action is merely a dream. Action without Vision is passing the time. Vision with Action will improve the world...