April fools easter,
started yesterday, extended another 364 days??
BIG brother??? is back on cable tv..and similar BS programmes, I am not sure I need to write much more..because if people are stupid enough to sit around watching other people do nothing.. or have banal exchanges then "idiocracy" has surely arrived!
people are .....april fools" ? every day??
April fools easter, started yesterday, extended another 364 days??
I made a couple of half - hearted "april jokes" on FB yesterday//
they were actually jokes against myself.. so I will add them to "Anti-ChRIS"
I have been asked to write about my life, and I didnt want to because i have some more chapters left in me, but that which is inside me , may explode soon,, so...
the jokes are on me.. I spent "easter" alone (not lonely, but "solo" ..so low??? ) ..
I wrote that the (2nd pair of ) American "Infestors" who lied and cheated themselves into the club I have supported throughout my life, indeed the ONLY constant OF MY LIFE when family, career location disappears it was always there and now its being sunk, like the titanic and my "joke"
was that my "wish" for Supporters ownership had come true and the "Yankers" had passed over ownership to our people... the irony is..that society has polluted the mind of so many of the beings on this planet that such a democracy would also be "polluted" by the their stupidity//
so maybe i wish it sunk ,,,forever so that my memories of so many good times, of "Shanks"
Emlyn, Bob, Kenny, Rafa, Kevin, nando, Stevie & co remain and not get wasted by what you have done to my love..
yes! you, the 365 day a year "april fools".. you give power away...to politicians, before that "royalty" , religious and industrial leaders, government and now its media. and computers than run your life!!
the other "joke" was to accept to marry whoever translated my message..
message to give directly to Danica before 12h today.. AKO možete razumeti ovu poruku , a odgovori pozitivno , ja c´u se udati za tebe , dele sve znam i dati vam sve bebe koje želite, sa svim mojim ljubavi
(IF you can understand this message ; and reply positively , i will marry you, share all i know and give you the babies you want, with all my love)
IN a vain hope that maybe "she " was somewhere out there and would read and reply by 12h..
so if the c1A shoot me dead in the head (please) tomorrow , or the thing inside me explodes I wont at some time in the next 30/40 years be a "veggie" because i would hate to have to depend on anyone in thise soul-less, careless society you have made, yes you...all of you are responsible , I dont know ANYONE who isnt tainted ...
sad! very sad, but the "april jokes" helped me laugh at myself.. the wet weather was an "excuse" to stay inside watch films and write comments and read internet articles etc, not ONE of my "friends" visited, called or even sent a message to ask " how are you ChRiS" during this "holy time"
/// I "DIED" @easter 1995, so i am just an 18 tear old boy.. and its "heaven" when i share a feeling..but too much is HELL of being alone with my memories of the people i loved and lost, stolen by death or someones selfishness, and "She" escaped too... and i cared for you ALL< more than you could possibly know,,,a stupid decision because i can give you more than anyone on this planet...
People leave, feelings do not..but i dont give up..on anyone i care about!
"everybodys fine" .. ? its been too long and I want to come home..to MY planet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIgwLW0YlqA
(i dont like what you did to this one...)

without Humour i couldnt have survived ... Mock the week.. just for fun... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DbS1VB8HGo
.. the " enthusiasm" i am looking for ..."cool" is not a requirement for co-operation... if people are ready with energy to invest we can proceed, I offered to provide a creative academy, but it happens a different way, during daily contact..(""a special concept" with Marija) .============================== to be our guest @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/without.frontiers.ue/
do your utmost to join our international FRIENDSHIP meeting ; fun ; footy ; party ; grill , music & dance.. and to BENEFIT the kids! :)
stop being fools of the system, be brave enough to be "alter-native"
if somebody still havn't seen it... ;)
Gandhi - Official® Trailer [HD]
Release Date: 3 December 1982 GANDHI was not a ruler of nations, nor did he have scientific gifts. Yet this small, modest man did what others before him could not...
ChriS SmiTH> Great story , classic... what one person can do If they REALLY believe!
I had another "fool" called Chloe O'Brien (supposedly from Vienna, Austria) who i asked he to hiost her, I told her to tell me for sure by sms when she was arriving and the flight number; she sent me the wrong flight number, had no "references" on her profile and didnt sms, to say she was on her way, she says she phoned me from Podgorica airport (maybe when I was @ hotel podgorica waiting for Stevie, Glen & Daniel with Ugo) but i heard no cal.. she didnt try again then left a rude message via email ... and made a "negative" comment,, (deliberate bogus profile to block me...)
Another fool Natella who was supposed to help with the club, then dont turn up/& janet who asked my advice then ignores it? (CS Monty-Logic-CLUB -CLUB "House-Telling" ; friendly members @ several locations for economy travellers to Balkan regions base; Montenegro; enjoy Nature; trek; lake, or beaches)
When I was in NL< I was watching "RED Nose day" lying on the BIG hotel double - bed, (just like the "old days") which I supported and introduced into parts of europe.....that night I dropped my bag at Vince' s flat after a brief disussion with the club PR /webmaster.. about OUR friendship event...then met the other lads at their usual after-match pub The lads joked that the "Bram-busters" would come to our event at UE .. and then promised they will... there were "fools" at that club Bram and some committee members, who then proceeded to copy my ideas,,,
in my luggage (because of the trophy) and asked if I could take the framed picture on board (as it lie3s flat in the overhead compartment) he said its "ok" ..so i had a coffee and waited to check in ..the gate opened early, I checked in my bag and carried the picture to the security check.. and the girl sent me back!! and then the checkin guy walked with me to talk to her, but obviously gestapo-trained, she wouldnt be @fair@ I had to pay an EXTRA 20 euros just to take up almost no room on the flight (i had no other hand luggage).. another woman without a soul or common sense!..FOOLS everywhere!
(13.3.17) sometimes I feel like giving up , but the "fools" just give me a reason to fight..
I wanted to get to at least part of the "St Paddys" party @ "Dubliner Uzice" sunday.. I realised that part of the airport was split for non-schengen passengers so I thought as I was
early I would go through passport control and find a seat near the boarding gate.. then the controller stopped me and delayed me whilst he "checked with colleagues" (police)..Despite my using my passport all over Europe since I moved from the Netherlands THREE years before without special delay) ...
(apart from the previous Friday 8th march In UK when the immigration officer obviously delayed me whilst he photocopied my passport & the many stamps in the "Balkans" ?) ..his excuse?? a "speeding fine"... ??? claimed 4 years ago, and he said I would have to pay it when I return next time, ... so without any chance to contest this claim, they would hold me and even (in circumstance where i had no cash) force me to miss my flight, ??? and you call this "democracy" ???? = no, its a police state of IDIOCRACY...!
....against all odds ... Phil ... Phil Collins - Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now) - YouTube

The curious "easy acceptance" by you...the "sheeple" ... of "authority" ... could be laughable were it not SO DESTRUCTIVE...
"Bankers" "Priests" and "politicians" = 3 prime examples of once-trusted members of society!
..but NO LONGER! ////......The continual and INEVITABLE exposure of business corruption, pollution, and waste of land, resources or manpower by a selfish & greedy mainstream propaganda that has, since thousands of years, had people ruining each other to get to the top of a sick pyramid ...where "the few" dont want YOU..I hope has woken some up from a zombie existence & acceptance of what is so obviously WRONG..
Just like "Thatcher milk-snatcher" ..the Tories led by ( "call me Dave" ) that fools put in power punish the people... and feed the rich.. thankfully SOME people in LIVERPOOL have a voice, and USE IT!! http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2013/04/01/hundreds-join-protest-march-in-liverpool-against-bedroom-tax-100252-33094840/
stop being a fool for the system and read (or watch) "the Rainmaker"
...the book is better (more background and detail)
... but there are great moments in this J. Grisham story..
part of it reminds me.. "sworn in by a foul, and vouched for by a rascal ' a lawyer at last..
... How can u tell if a lawyer is lying ? .. answer; his lips are moving!....
.. what the difference between a lawyer and a whore? .. a whore stops scewing u when u are dead!"
the part played by Danny de Vito reminds me of my first business partner ; Mike Seabrook.. basic, no dignity..but knew all the low down tricks..asked me to join him in a new company..i led the enterprise and made the progress, he just saw the money..
..... there are so many moral challenges in this film... !
the wat insurance companies and bakers rip off the poor.. the attitude of judges.. (the warm feeling of wanting to "protect a good woman")
also reminds me when i faced up a group of lawyers and accountants during a take-over/merger bid..and i love the line... " Do you remember when you first SOLD OUT?.."
u should ask every CEO and government minister,...because there isnt ONE good one out there! whatever "spin" they come up with,..in fact I would ask this of everyone out there..who enable the system to continue,,to allow 25,000 kids to die daily, to pollute the air, water and minds of the people ON THIS PLANET???
..... there are so many moral challenges in this film... !
the wat insurance companies and bakers rip off the poor.. the attitude of judges.. (the warm feeling of wanting to "protect a good woman")
also reminds me when i faced up a group of lawyers and accountants during a take-over/merger bid..and i love the line... " Do you remember when you first SOLD OUT?.."
u should ask every CEO and government minister,...because there isnt ONE good one out there! whatever "spin" they come up with,..in fact I would ask this of everyone out there..who enable the system to continue,,to allow 25,000 kids to die daily, to pollute the air, water and minds of the people ON THIS PLANET???
on THIS day, a "holy time" according to some cultures HOW many of you UNDERSTAND what GOOD is??????
"its why we will win" ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tetwGGL997s&noredirect=1
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuI61cTNbAk shape of my heart - Sting,

dont be selfish FOOLS, do this...not only because it may earn u some positive "Karma" the world and its people are going through change, as the capitalist pyramid and itd fraudulent b(w)ankers system..collapses.. the poor will survive easier as they are used to living on less... recyle, repair dont replace, invest in small local enterprise and not the (illusion) stock market.. you are all about to be educated ..in survival..

so we made this "neutral"
if you want to be positive
or even if you want to "lose"
I am here for you ,
so lay off the booze..
..first time was in Budva
you were drunk..and i slept on the couch
next time u were MY guest in Prizren
@ city hotel was nice, then.."ouch"
the next in Bg
couched in the kitchen
I cooked for you 2
I hope you aint now "b*tchin'"
because in Pg,
you KNOW i will wait...
You made a promise with me to stay
... you are VERY late!
Dare to care x
you'll never find... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBstEoAxFD8================her "man" convinced her not to communicate or visit me.. she is too weak to see that! ??? "?????" ?????? ?? ?? ?? ???????????? ??? ???????? ?? ..??? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ?????!
njen " covek" Uveren je da ne komuniciraju ili posetite me ..
ona je suviše slaba da vidim !
Jackie brown;; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OObFFe6yfgg ======
Dusica ; always a woman ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkfkJCyqCBc...running again, helps me focus.. if u accept that all this mad world is an Illusion and all is constructed by "atoms" (in themselves an "illusion") then you really have just simple choices..do something (or better someone!) good ..or not...Life is simple, people complicate it! :)
DanIca; I am back from travel, Today, I went running and sat in the garden, and my mind drifted back to you..as it always does..
are you scared of me? or yourself? I wont give up on you, we made a pact that you can NOT just throw away, because you act like you are "pretty & spoilt" ...
If I dont get positive contect from you, to fulfill our agreement (that which you owe) then do you want me to have to look for you in Bg, or at your family home? because i want to find out how it comes that you disrespect me, when I only cared for you! you damaged me in Prizren and you hurt us both now, and I will find out why you seem convinced you can mistreat me? I dont want this to be so serious, but you need to understand this is wrong!
take care
Dusica ; always a woman ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkfkJCyqCBc...running again, helps me focus.. if u accept that all this mad world is an Illusion and all is constructed by "atoms" (in themselves an "illusion") then you really have just simple choices..do something (or better someone!) good ..or not...Life is simple, people complicate it! :)
DanIca; I am back from travel, Today, I went running and sat in the garden, and my mind drifted back to you..as it always does..
are you scared of me? or yourself? I wont give up on you, we made a pact that you can NOT just throw away, because you act like you are "pretty & spoilt" ...
If I dont get positive contect from you, to fulfill our agreement (that which you owe) then do you want me to have to look for you in Bg, or at your family home? because i want to find out how it comes that you disrespect me, when I only cared for you! you damaged me in Prizren and you hurt us both now, and I will find out why you seem convinced you can mistreat me? I dont want this to be so serious, but you need to understand this is wrong!
take care
( 13322 to vera & danica )
p.s. Danica your promise is four months old.. its time !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuvtoyVi7vY against all odds....DaniCa i hope u are well, even if u are wrong..http://cser5.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-long-and-windingroad-in-my-life.html
==========Giedre, :)
a POem: "Ugly visitor from Vilnius" :)
(3rd version)
"Came late in Pg - a smile & Hi GI!
then a long a walk from Tolosi!
Shared 5 hours "exchange" in caffe "Berlin"
This is MY life...complete, withOUT sin?
Next day @ Skadar lake - the bus broke down
(*met SA Vesna and panicked Maija late for work )
Made a friend with t-shirts - VirPazar is a VERY small town..
& boat trip with italians she did flirt..
a "disturbing night" (for me)
followed by brekkie & english tea..
& to a avoid a fight (arguement)
went next day to Kotor & climbed up for a sight..
Jumped in the water - its a NATURAL HARBOUR!
let her win the match - arguing with me = is harder! :)
(in that t-shirt!)
she likes to play games ,
- I like dancing & new names (CSers)
@ ragina g. we REALLY danced..(she can!)
- but then,, she lost her "chance" :)"
...but, the VERY ugly visitor from Vilnius is...quite beautiful!
I visited Star pupil "Gi"
& nice city
but between u & Me
a dance in snow...hmmmm ;)she IS pretty!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuvtoyVi7vY against all odds....DaniCa i hope u are well, even if u are wrong..http://cser5.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-long-and-windingroad-in-my-life.html
==========Giedre, :)
a POem: "Ugly visitor from Vilnius" :)
(3rd version)
"Came late in Pg - a smile & Hi GI!
then a long a walk from Tolosi!
Shared 5 hours "exchange" in caffe "Berlin"
This is MY life...complete, withOUT sin?
Next day @ Skadar lake - the bus broke down
(*met SA Vesna and panicked Maija late for work )
Made a friend with t-shirts - VirPazar is a VERY small town..
& boat trip with italians she did flirt..
a "disturbing night" (for me)
followed by brekkie & english tea..
& to a avoid a fight (arguement)
went next day to Kotor & climbed up for a sight..
Jumped in the water - its a NATURAL HARBOUR!
let her win the match - arguing with me = is harder! :)
(in that t-shirt!)
she likes to play games ,
- I like dancing & new names (CSers)
@ ragina g. we REALLY danced..(she can!)
- but then,, she lost her "chance" :)"
...but, the VERY ugly visitor from Vilnius is...quite beautiful!
I visited Star pupil "Gi"
& nice city
but between u & Me
a dance in snow...hmmmm ;)she IS pretty!
the Fools in govt, football & police..
Discrimination ; An open Letter to Government & Football authorities
It was hoped that "authorities & officials" might have learnt from the exposure of crimes against the people ; such as 96 Liverpool supporters murdered by deliberate policy
of neglect and discrimination on 15th April 1989
I warned that the Police were WRONG to empty Bars & cafes onto a rainy midnight in Podgorica in October 2011, and that until then fans mixing happily together were then angry, wet and on the streets..
I have offered to organise activites without fees for visiors, but the embassy and local govt are ignorant!
extractions of a recent article on the Internet :
"a great time to be in Podgorica, celebrating the local team (representing a nation of only 650,000 people) defy the odds & the "experts" to gain a 1-1 draw v eng-ur-lAND ..and remain TOP of the TABLE tonight..
<snip> .there are some good people here, despite the stupidity if another government who closed the bars in Pg centar at 22h!!!!
and disappointed the england tourits s who wanted to return to the same bars after the match!!! I asked the police but they were just zombie-robots "obeying orders"
whilst local fans were watching the 2nd half.. locals and england fans had (again) been mixing friendly before the game (and as last TIme would have done so again) but STUPID idiots in the political and football hierachy make STUPID decisions that show their ignorance and discrimination. .. a country that spends money promoting tourism , showed 2000+ visitors how stupid their policing of the public (and tourists) can be .. "only following orders" (where have we heard it before?)
.. and people just obey.. whether it be the "security" here or the "controls" in europe or USA.. FEAR now controls the world ..the "solution" is worst that the "risk" ..when will people WAKE UP and stop being manipulated by the few.. and their banal NEGATIVity! ??? ???????????????????????????? FFS!
Podgorica 26th March ... This morning I took another 2 “We are the Club” t-shirts to give to Glen (Johnson) & Daniel (Sturridge) having taken one yesterday To Hotel Podgorica for Stevie (Gerrard)... today the hotel was on “high security” even the main hotel entrance was closed, so I “buzzed” and about 5 people greeted me at the (glass) doors ..I wore my “bullsh*te uniform” (..the business- like suit jacket i keep for fooling the fools that i still belong to their “system”) explaining (whilst showing them my supporters club card, to avoid being shot on sight!) ;) ... that i merely wanted to leave the
Shirts for Daniel & Glen at the reception , I opened my bag carefully and asked them not to rip the packages open ... (as they did with my present for Gerrard!)
..as i left i noticed the young lads hanging around outside, its mild but rainy
..and reflected how when I was a bairn some of the players even bussed to the stadium now its easier to meet a film star than one of thes highly paid “icons”
..Only one of the squad qualifies as “Legend” (Stevie Gerrard) The rest are lucky enough to get through to this level and a lot of talented lads I know didn’t get the chance.. should be ushered outside to greet the people that make their lifestyle possible ...(*Actually Stevie did so yesterday , asking security to let him go out to have pics taken with REdS)
Its a sad reflection on society...<snip>
However, on reflection, its clear, that Tuesday nights "operation" showed BLATANT DISCRIMINATION against football fans & SUPPORTERS ; moreover putting
young fans on the street, angry at being denied the chance to watch their team (not least due to the CORRUPT ticketing policies applied by local and global
footballing authorities !!) could actaully CAUSE VIOLENCE and DAMAGES that the "powers that be" often CLAIM they intend to avoid..
Stupidity, or intentional DISCRIMINATION, the next time there will be a CLAIM made; withint the articles of the ECHR (Strasbourg) & UDHR (UN) or other
VALID international court OF THE people..
this OPEN letter has been distributed Worldwide; to mainstream & alternative media; UEFA; FIFA & FA ; human rights groups & activists as we expect the usual response (they attack the messenger!)
i dont care about them - I dont have much time left on this planet, anyway! ;)
-----------------------------------------------------------------13401 ATTENTION; News from Anfield this morning; Ian Ayre , on behalf of John Henry & Tom Werner of F S G have agreed to pass ownership of L.F.C to Liverpool Supporters via the new union "Global REdS" (u.r.s.u.n.)
Rafa's "april fool" = Fergie,, ha ha. bye bye Mancs, another cup u WONT be winning.. ;)
FOOLS way??? the FENWAY! ...the "F-way" or OUR (ShankS) LIVERPOOL way...( more than ready to "WAR" with the F...(ing)...S...G.....are YOU ready to fight for y-our club??) Naive?...B.Rodgers (a verb??) "fooled by the Yankers"
.....more "fools" ...???
..so why, oh WHY? do some seemingly "intelligent fans" put up with INFESTORS such as F S G ... isnt it PLAINLY OBVIOUS that people who profit from a money-driven society that will kill anyone, including its own president or will crucify those who oppose "war for business" will have no scruples in obtaining power in any fashion.. have any OTHER reason for involving themselves in LIVERPOOL FOOTBALL CLUB.. ?? than their own benefit ; financial profit!
It is the CORE of the USA non-culture to win at all costs, commercialization of the world.. an in our case F(r)anchise the soul out of our club , and sell YOU, the GULLIBLE fan, an illusion that they are "saving it" ...
so IF you arent convinced...ask yourself HONESTLY?
Q; WHO do they sell tickets to?
= YOU!
Q; WHOSE pockets do they empty with numerous "goodies" available in club shops or online>>??
Q; WHO will buy the ever-changing replica shirts (from a USA supplier) ..that costs a fraction of the price they sell at??
= YOU! and million others worldwide..
Q; WHO justiifies the TV revenue (income to the club)>?
= OUR "armchair/pub fans" worldwide!
Q; and....who are stupid enough to be fooled by the boardroom "spin" (and Chang's threats?) and their "accountants propaganda" ... (making us a "selling club")
= ??????????????????????????????????????????????????
ARE you given SOUND reasons that Henry & F S G are NO GOOD for our club>>>>???
do you wnat some more..
ONE alone , their treatment of Kenny is enough..with No dignity or respect for a GREAT man who put our club before everything ... they are not fit to clean his boots...!
* their snubbing of the Hillsborough memorial
* Ignoring Rafa's availability
* Dubious sponsorships
* wasteful transfer policies and lack of understanding of footy & our culture..
and supposedly the main one,,,,, they have NO CASH, so all their "promises" were lies! (henry's empire is crashing as I write..)
BUT..WHILST WE we encourage you to CAMPAIGN (not complain) do NOT think, that once they go
(or sink during the global financial meltdown) that all we need is "ANOTHER WHITE KNIGHT" to save us (as you were fooled by NESV replacing G & H!) ...
Those days are gone..even the largest & richest countries and corporations are in debt..and the remainibg "rich" will only "buy into" LFC to make PROFIT! ..
so, with over 7 million registered fans, who can all be loyal customers & salesmen... WE are much bigger than many nations.. our "GDP" has a potential of BILLIONS! collectively...
IF we co-operate and campaign and SoS have sufficient funds (of ours) to effect a legal INJUNCTION to stop the sale of the club to anyone else than us ; The Supporters, who with the local community
funds, heritage & celebrity fans could raise 500 Million...at least!
100m would remove the debt the succesive Y A N K E R S caused and the remainder to ensure we have a a team that truly reflects our expectations.. WE are the CLUB...WE are LIVERPOOL!

ChriS 13.3.20-------------- http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-news/local-news/2013/04/01/hundreds-join-protest-march-in-liverpool-against-bedroom-tax-100252-33094840/ ..but who are the FOOLS who voted them in?=============================================
Mock the week.. just for fun... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DbS1VB8HGo-----------recepcija@hotelpodgorica.co.me
The proposed meeting time for local Liverpool Supporters to meet Mr. Daniel Sturridge & Mr. Glen Johnson (via Mr. Ray Clemence of the England Football
association) in reception of Hotel Podgorica, podgorica, Montenegro @ 11h on Tuesday 26th March 2013, for five minutes meet & greet, confirmed! Smith
on behalf of "Balkan REdS" (REdNET)"13323 after a sunny walk in the city, coffeee outside in the sun, am just watching a replay of the mancs getting knocked out of europe by madrid.. and fergie ... ha ha !! "karma works"..eventually.. ..btw am trying to get to grips with the local language,, noticed there are a lot of "Dan"s and "Sam" s in the Balkans (a little local insider joke,..)13322 F-way uploaded http://youtu.be/91u2qGXM2FY (no sound)========================
13401 ATTENTION; News from Anfield this morning; Ian Ayre , on behalf of John Henry & Tom Werner of F S G have agreed to pass ownership of L.F.C to Liverpool Supporters via the new union "Global REdS" (u.r.s.u.n.)
the "F-way" or OUR (ShankS) LIVERPOOL way...
( more than ready to "WAR" with the F...(ing)...S...G.....are YOU ready to fight for y-our club??)=== http://chrismithlog.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-f-way-or-our-shanks.html
We are the club...and we ARE not complaining we are campaigning until THEY are gone..

Rafa's "april fool" = Fergie,, ha ha. bye bye Mancs, another cup u WONT be winning.. ;)
13331 http://www.liverpoolfc.com/news/latest-news/hendo-stevie-win-it-at-villa-park

@Claire (LfcTV) .. we "disrespect" Henry/F S G.. who done NOTHING! for our status.. understand nothing about Footy & neither do U, Claire?
Team @ Villa ; Pepe, Carra, Glen , Danny, Jose, Stevie, Lucas, Hendo, Luis, Coutinho & Downing (dont talk about Hendo replacing Allen, Allen shouldn't have been first choice..)..Subs: Jones, Coates, Skrtel, Shelvey, Sterling, Suso,
"stats" are used too often, for exapmly someone might lose possesion very rarely but if he lost the ball in front of his own goal that woudl be much more damaging than elsewhere, a team could have 90% possesion and lose 0-5 .. this tastes of another F S G - clone "managing expectations" article.. ..Hendo was doing well, even scoring until BR decided to start Allen instead, (even though he is carrying an injury(?) ... Allen is too expensive for someone who is a squad player and not automatic choice, our best midfeld has been SG, Lucas and Hendo.. but thats not the issue Henry knows FA about footy, his own empire collapsing and BR should not be "learning" at our expense...
its obvious that BR is naive , and we have a n academy for players not to educate someone called "manager" Hendo was doing well , and the midfield of SGF, Lucas and hendo looked sound until BR started puttinng "teachers pet from swansea" back in.... starting @ soton with out Lucas and with Allen and no Hendo,,says a lot.. F S G out, Rafa back please!
13329 apart from the obvious solution being removal of Henry/F S G (who know little about footbal or our club, and have financial trouble in maintaining their "sox") the article tastes of a journalist rather than a true Supporter. many of us enjoy travelling across europe and the welcome and friendship we often get in various cities,
apart from which the Europa :League could be "manned" by youth and fringe players keeping our "best 11" available for the EPL games.. sadly, the F S G mentality of "managing expectations" has been accepted by media and some "fans" we should be aiming for the top and winning as much as possible...or at least improving ourr assets, (instead we are "managed" by a bunch of remote accountants...who cant even manage their own investments succesfully, we exited Europe this season due to the naive selection/tactics applied by their choice of replacement of a legend.. and had we had Rafa instead we may well have had a trophy instead of likely a "nothing season" ... its blatanly obvious the echo wont lay the blame at Henry's door!!
Read more: Liverpool Echo http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/03/29/david-prentice-europa-league-can-be-sacrified-if-liverpool-fc-use-it-to-return-to-champions-league-100252-33081612/2/#sitelife-commentsWidget-bottom#ixzz2OwRPHq8013323 We are club + audo (wer03) ; http://youtu.be/PHYy3uTJjXw ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHYy3uTJjXw&feature=youtu.be13321 the blame is with Henry & co, who appoint a novice to run a global entity, 6 years of being infected by people who have no clue about our club, our culture and who just see us as another "franchase" however the lack of response to the removal of Kenny and/or the failure to appoint Rafa, says that too many fans are apathetic,, wake up before this club disappears like the tittanic into the abyss!
Read more: Liverpool Echo http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/liverpool-fc/liverpool-fc-news/2013/03/21/liverpool-fc-jury-lfc-fans-reflect-on-southampton-defeat-and-a-forgettable-season-100252-33034658/#sitelife-commentsWidget-bottom#ixzz2OD4xvbbq
Wer01/02 vids - 01/02 ; mypodnetmc5 @ http://youtu.be/iARpAk42MCw
=========WeR01/02 (vids mute) http://youtu.be/iARpAk42MCw
michael owen retires at the end of the season. liverpool legend yes or no?
ChriS SmiTH > Great player, ambitious, selfish ..not a man I admire...
Clifford Stynes > So is that a yes or no Chris?
ChriS SmiTH > Clifford it is what it is, some things aren't "black & white" ..i WONT call him legend ... ! thats for sure but I admired the talent, when he had it..
=== http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/david-conn-inside-sport-blog/2012/sep/03/john-w-henry-fsg-liverpool
13407 gathering in ? Sarajevo ; https://www.facebook.com/groups/lfcbih/doc/10151387873104983/
CS@UE http://www.couchsurfing.org/meetings.html?mid=177280
all members invited to... fun footy & international friendship (live music, party, grill dance etc cheap drinks and sponsored accomodation)
a reminder of our events May 23 -> June 3 email for details